Life works for us and against us

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Life works for us and against us - Chris

Summary: Reader gets adopted by Chris and has a sensory overload whilst out getting decorations in a Mall at the weekend when its major busy.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Adopted!Daughter
Warnings: Mentions of panic attacks, medication *Citalopram that is mentioned is primarily used in the US to treat GAD*, mentions of medical conditions, doctors visits, sensory issues / overload and just PURE Chris FLUFF with him being a dad.
We are using this era of Chris pictured at the top of the chapter : )

I hope you enjoyed my first organic fic that was created for tumbler* will be linked on profile*, it did take about 5 hours including procrastinating to write but it was a joy to write..

Any requests are welcome my list of what i can do is pinned on my profile :)

Lastly any constructive feedback is welcome and reposting is welcome

*please DO NOT under any circumstances share this as your own or on any other platform unless shared by myself*



Life wasn't the best for me from the start, bouncing around in foster homes and in the care system wasn't where you'd want to grow up.

Being in the system taught me how to fend for myself and hide how I really felt, since I'd always have issues with anxiety and problems with different situations that would overwhelm me in a sensory way.. That with what I've learn now are nervous tics aren't things people want to add on to their shoulders with a foster kid.

But there was one person who didn't mind the 'extra' care my now diagnosed problems came with.

That person being Chris...

**time skip 4 weeks later**


It's been 4 weeks since I'd adopted y/n and it's been amazing, it's taken awhile for her to warm up to me and my family that is now our family and I couldn't be happier. During the month she's been my daughter we went to the doctors on her social worker's advice to get her tested for sensory and anxiety disorder since there was traits and red flags in their words that link to both of those.

I'd notice little things but I didn't really think much into it since it's a new space and she needs time acclimate to the new surroundings. With that y/n was diagnosed with

Generalised Anxiety Disorder
Attachment Disorder
Sensory Processing Disorder

Believe me it's a lot but it made us understand that there was underlying causes which weren't a surprise. So I thought it was a good idea to dedicate a room in the house for her as a calm room with comforts that would come in use whenever she'd need it. 

One of those times being today.


So I've been with Dad for a month now and he's been nothing short of amazing everything I've ever wanted in a dad never mind a family, today was a particularly weird day because we had errands to run so going out really did set off the sensory issues and my anxiety because of the crowds coupled with the general overbearing noise since it was the weekend.

It's bad because it was almost like a sixth sense since I knew it was gonna be a bad day. It started off  going to the mall to get some different bits for the room that we were decorating which was my calm room and just to have a fun day out, since we were still bonding as the new Evans father daughter duo; we were out for about three hours when it really started to get bad..

It started with the little 'tics' I have like whistling, clicking and squeezing anything I have in my hand (usually it's dads hand because comfort and human touch)when I got to the point I was either on the verge of a panic attack or sensory based overload.

Since the way it was currently going Dad decided it was time to finish up and start making our way home as the nervous tics I have were a pretty good indicator to how I was feeling in the certain situation.


Y/n and I were currently out having a father daughter day to grab some decorations for her sensory room it was later in the day but still busy, it was a tad bit uncomfortable for me personally but for bubba it was 5x worse and more overwhelming, it was visible in her face it was difficult for.

30 minutes pass Chris and Y/n had just finished in a store getting some weighted blankets,bean bags and pillows for the room; Chris starts to notice y/n stimming  or ticking as she called it which meant one of two things was coming. To avoid that situation in public eye view, Chris made the decision it was time to go home.

After getting in the car to make our way back home it got progressively worse, to the point I had to pull over to coach y/n though a panic attack as it was just too overwhelming for her coupled with now being able to pin point where this was all stemming from, it pulled on my heart strings as her new dad I loved her so much as if she was my own to see her going though this but I taught her in the short time I've been her dad to embrace this and not see it as problem.

"Are you okay bubs? We're almost home just another minute." I asked quietly knowing she'd need the reassurance that she was safe and in a calm environment     

"I- no" she mumbled unsure of how she sounded not trusting her voice.

"We're home now sweetheart so we can go straight upstairs with Dodger to the calm room, okay." I mentioned Dodger knowing that Y/n took a very quick liking to thin with the great comfort he gives her too since this wasn't the first time this happened since her being my daughter.

**time skip 1 hour later**


After calming down a considerable amount in my room that dad was right about it benefiting me massively, I felt less overwhelmed but still to a point i was whistling and laying with Dodger on the floor stroking his fur;  dad was just sitting with me after draping a weighted blanket over me to ground me more than what he hugs could do normally a hug would do it but not this time unfortunately.

"Okay bubba I'm going to get a drink and some of your Citalopram, do you need anything else?" I asked just to be sure that these nothing else she needed.

"No dad I'm okay, love you." Y/n mumbled still on the floor pressed against Dodger' body.

"Love you too sweetheart." I replied giving her a kiss on her forehead before leaving the room.

After meds were had and more cuddles ensued y/n was finally content with a Disney movie on in the background and back to her 'normal' self whatever normal looked like for the father daughter duo..


C.Evans / S.Stan Imagines & PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now