Flare up on Set (Sebastian)

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A/N: this chapter has been done with research and from slight personal experience, so if I do put anything wrong or offend anyone please let me know and I'll amend it!


Sebastian female!reader

Warnings: mentions of chronic illness that affects eating & drinking, medication, feeding tubes & anxiety.

Y/n's POV
It was another day on set whilst filming the third Captain America movie: Captain America Civil War. Today started a bit different to any other day on set since I have a chronic illness that effects me eating and getting the nutrients and hydration I need to be healthy to still be able to work in a job I wouldn't change for the world. Like who wouldn't want to work with their amazing brother and boyfriend everyday.

Unfortunately the only way we can guarantee that I'm still healthy to work is that my doctor place a feeding tube that goes up my nose and down my throat in to my stomach that can deliver everything I need. So it was one of those days where I had less energy than usual and it showed because of this flare up I had to take it slow so set was more chilled then usual for good reason which I was thankful for.

Sebby and I were meeting everyone on set to start little shoots we needed to do for certain scenes so I had Chris and him help me set up everything I needed for today since it was 'less energy day' today as I'd like to call it. The only downside other than the tube keeps me healthy I'm really self conscious about it even though everyone is used to it Seb and Chris more than anyone because Chris grew up with me and helped me though it and still does just with the added support of Sebastian now which I appreciated so much.

Seb's POV
Today was one of Y/n's less energy days as she called where she just needed a little bit more help because of her flare up with her chronic illness which was not the best watch and try to help her though when she's so down and anxious about everything from being self conscious about what she looks like with the feeding tube but she knows everyone is there to help her and doesn't bat an eyelid or look at her weird because of it.

Chris was coming to our trailer since we shared on set since it was 10% easier for days like this, to come and help me and y/n get ready to go on to set.

Currently she was getting all her meds ready to put though her tube with the water flushes for afterwards, there is so much care put in to this but we all know it's what's the best for her right now rather than being in the hospital.

"Honey, you doing okay?" I asked whilst Chris was coming in to help her set up her feeds for today

"I'm tired but okay for now, I've done all my meds I just need to chill because I feel a bit dizzy and sick" she replied sitting down sounding out of breath

"Lay down it might help, I'll get you some anti nausea medicine baby." I said after she whispered a small thank you whilst sitting next to Chris who was setting up her first feed.

Chris's POV

I had made it to Sebastian and y/n's trailer to help her out because she wasn't having a good day with her health issues so I was always there to help or just comfort her because it was physically and emotionally draining for her.

I was setting up her first feed of the day which I've done many times honestly sometimes I feel like I could do it with my eyes closed, y/n was laying down slightly since she mentioned she felt sick and dizzy which was once again a common thing for her. It's hard to see her like this but I know she's strong. 

"Bubs you okay, feeling a bit better now?" I asked after 30 minutes since setting up her feed and giving her the medication she needed.

"Yeah Chrissie I'm okay now, I think I'm ready to go to set if everything's done." She replied wanted to leave everything in the trailer since she was self conscious of the tube so she was adamant that everything needed to be finished before we left even though no one minds on set with all the medical stuff. Everyone was aware of her conditions but no one minded, they helped when shed need it and comforted her too.

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