Adhd sucks :(

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I hope you all like it of course reblogs are welcome, my private messages and asks are open for anymore who needs to talk or just request anything ❤️❤️

Just a little burnt out and I've got writers block so headcannons it is :)

This is a request for tumblr REQUSTS are always welcome on here!
Summary: The reader has been struggling with her adhd and is forgetting everything from school work and chores. Chris notices and tries to help but she's too overwhelmed because she's forgetting so she's really fidgety.
Mentions of medication and CB Therapy
Paring: Chris Evans x ADHD Teen Daughter! Reader

- usually y/n's medication worked really well however it had its downfalls with the side effects, so Chris decided with your team to start cognitive behavioural therapy for you to cope more and it did work but somethings did fall though, like today was a bad day for your adhd.

- It started with the usual medication for the day but when it was a bit worse there was more ways that you could chill out and help a little bit because the meds with the anxiety meds you also were on. However that didn't seem to work today, so Chris helped like he always did with you're daily todo list to help with the forgetfulness.

- It was going well until it wasn't, it started with fidgeting and whistling, which you're dad heard from his office and he knew that meant you were struggling but trying.

- "Hey sweetpea, you doing okay with you're work?" He asked walking in to side office that was connected to his study.
- I-I think so *whistle* it's just hard I feel like I've done this already. I swear I've given it in." Y/n expressed confused.
- "Okay, let's check your school profile and todo list to see what we need to do." He explained whilst giving her shoulders a reassuring squeeze.
That was one of the many times it was rough with y/n and her adhd

- Y/n come do you're chores I need them done by the time I'm back from picking up uncle Scott from the airport, okay." He shouted from the bottom of the stairs
- "Yes dad I will try I promise." She'd shouted in reply flopping back down on to her bed.
- We all know that didn't happen, Chris did end up coming home with Scott even before she moved out of her room, waking downstairs she is met with a concerned but annoyed looking dad. However he was told with her CBT not to make it out to be worse than it is because it's a side effect with the forgetfulness and everything under the sun.

- "Sweetheart why didn't you do you're chores like I asked whilst I was out getting Scott?" He asked firmly but concerned since this was happening more than usual.
- "Dad, I forgot I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to forget I know you said something but I couldn't remember what and didn't want to text you because I was scared that you'd call and shout at me for forgetting." Y/n replied fidgeting in the doorway of the kitchen.
- Chris can see she's getting overwhelmed as the fidgeting is more noticeable and she's starting to twitch as a side effect of her anxiety which was anxious tics, so all he did was walk up to her and engulf her in a massive bear hug and whisper in her ear "it's okay sweetpea, don't worry it's okay. I think we should talk to Amelia about getting things to help you cope with the forgetfulness and anxiety, okay love." Pulling away so she's at arms length.
- "Mhmh dad *twitch* I guess so, it's just really annoying." Y/n replied tears lining her eyes
The day basically ended with loads of hugs, after Chris called Amelia to schedule an appointment for the next day. Uncle Scott making his famous Mac & cheese with garlic sourdough bread on the side. This was just many different examples of how y/n copes and how Chris helps her cope.

I won't lie this was ment to be a headcannon along one at that, I was getting so distracted so I apologise for hoe long it took to write but I hope you enjoy ❤️

Please send in more headcannons and / or requests or just general questions about me that you want to know :))

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