Struggling is okay.

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A/n: This has been written with it swaying on personal heavy experiences with this topic, please do feel free to point out any inconsistencies with this, nevertheless I hope you all enjoy and if needed find comfort that you're not alone <3
This is a request for tumblr, requests are WELCOME ALWAYS on here!
Summary: The reader has been struggling with school and the weight of this causes a severe panic attack, Chris being the amazing soft! Dad he is helps her though the panic attack coupled with an overload due to her autism.
Paring: Chris Evans x  Autistic Daughter! Reader

When you were having a bad day, Chris being as in sync with your moods and emotions more so he just knew when you either were having a bad day or just having an off moment.

This was more apparent when you were younger and had got the diagnosis of Autism - hence the reasons some characteristics that appear when you had a habit of shutting off because of school made sense since its been a cycle since middle school so from about 10 years old.
It had been a long Monday morning with a triple lesson that you'd hated with a burning passion as that wasn't bad enough you're favourite teacher wasn't there so biology was a shit show.

Dad came to pick me up; it went down hill drastically from how i shut in biology, he'd been notified of this so her came and got me early since he'd worked with the teachers and the school about a learning plan for me in instances like this.

"Hey bubba, how are you feeling" he said walking up to me in the sensory room inside the SEN (special education needs, it's a UK thing I believe) office in my school

"I- mhmh" I mumbled out whilst pulling the skin off my nails - which was a normal reply which could show where i was was on my 'shutdown scale' as we had named it in a meeting.

"Oh sweetheart, its okay were going to go home and calm down in your tepee with dodger, if you want i can get Scott to come over and cuddle too" he replied giving me a grounding tight hug. 

I just nodded because i had no energy to reply properly.

As I pulled into the driveway, i noticed y/n started to hyperventilate out of panic as she must of got in her head because of the day she'd had.

So I took her hand after helping her out of the car with a lot of convincing and reassuring we were in the house in the living room snuggling in her tepee with dodger in tow (as always) that I'd bought after she a particularly rough week of panic attacks and shut downs; whilst Scott was making her some safe food that she'd eat so I can give her some of her anxiety meds that would help ground her further which will hopefully let her sleep a little since my sweet girl looked exhausted.
Time skip

After meds, safe food and uncle Scott, dad and dodger cuddles I  felt better and fell asleep after a long conversation about why school was bad and why I felt so anxious with the massive weight on my shoulders  because of the work and it just being too overwhelming. Dad said he'd set up meeting to review my plan and to possibly put more things in place to prevent this from happening again. 

"Thank you so much dad for dealing with me and putting up with me with everything I throw you're way; I love you so much." I said giving him a super tight hug

"You don't have to thank me bubba it's my job as you're dad to deal with all of this and it's not 'putting up' with you it's looking out for you're best interests and making sure you're okay, happy and healthy. I love you too nugget" he replied whilst planting a kiss on my forehead.

After the heart to heart we had a movie night with all of my favourite Disney movies including Cars 2 and Little Mermaid.  It was an extremely exhausting day but I couldn't change how my dad always shows me love no matter what happens, he'll always have my back and love me to the end of the earth.
I don't know how I like this but here it is, I hope you all like it of course reblogs are welcome ❤️❤️

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