Sweetheart is always safe in my arms

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This is a request from tumblr REQUESTS are ALWAYS welcome on here!
Summary: Y/n is out with her dad in LA and gets extremely overwhelmed due to anxiety and social anxiety but Chris bring the best dad knows even how to comfort even when they can't do it in a quieter environment.
Warnings of anxiety, panic attacks, sensory overload of some sort, Chris bring the best!dad
Paring: Chris Evans x Teen Daughter! Reader

Social anxiety and just anxiety in general was something you'd known like the back of your hand for as long as you could remember, Chris did almost blame it on himself because he had it too but it was just how it was.

It'd had started as a normal day out running errands with your dad, since every chance you had it was time to spend with the person who is your literal rock

Chris loved to spend time with you even if it was doing the most mundane things like grocery shopping and going to petco for dodger but it was the little things, as the day progressed he'd started to notice your mood shift and see you'd look more paranoid, uncomfortable and just generally on edge. Anxiety was something that wasn't a 'stupid thing to have ' in this family it was okay to say that you were uncomfortable and anxious or overwhelmed and Chris made it paramount that you had that safe gateway of communication with him and with your emotions.

"Sweetheart, are you feeling anxious?" He asked knowing that yes and no questions right now matter if you didn't want to verbally reply. 

You looked over with glazed over eyes, tears lined eyes, he just knew that just by how you looked he got his answer to the question loud and clear.

In the current place you were in it wasn't ideal to comfort you but he worked with it for the sake that leaving it any longer would do more bad than good.

Finding a quieter corner of the store all your dad did was pull you in to a bear hug knowing his scent and the security that his hugs gave helped.

"Y/n———sweetheart can —-hear me?" Snapping you out of your catatonic like state, you nodded your head against his chest to let him know you were there.

"Can you tell me 5 things you can see" he asked reassuring her knowing her therapy method worked

"Yo—ur che-st, the ca-rt,you, ice cream and you're arms." Y/n replied with shakiness eveident in her voice

"Okay sweetheart your doing so well, it's okay, you're safe-Chris praised you for getting though your panic attack continuing with the method that worked wonders.

After about 5 minutes of doing that exercise and you listening to his heartbeat still in the secure place in you're dads arms; you had felt miles better than you did when you walked into the store knowing how crowded it was because it was the weekend, that being said Chris made the decision to finish up and go home so you could relax in an environment you were completely calm in.

The day finished with classic dodger cuddles, Disney movies and massive cuddles from your rock.

"I love you dad so much" y/n said as she drifted off to sleep

"I love you so much sweetheart, I'm always here" he replied planting a kiss on your forehead

That was the last thing you heard before you fulled succumbed to dreamland other than dodger sneezing in disagreement that he didn't get an 'I love you'

"We love you too dodge" you said sleepily which made your dad chuckle in delight for how much love you had for him <3

I hope you guys enjoy this, it was a joy to write and make this ask come to life ❤️ the fluff 🤗

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