Good things fit in small spaces - Chris x short!girlfriend reader

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chris evans x short!reader
where chris finds it ADORABLE that she can help him out with anything, fit into tiny spaces, climb into small spaces , etc
pls pls pls do this as a crack fic!!
I could imagine it going something like this..

Good things fit in small spaces

Paring: Chris Evans x Short!girlfriend reader

Warning: pure crack, some swearing.

Summary: chris finds it too funny that short! Reader can fit in to the most stupidest small spaces ever, don't get me wrong it helpful but it's too funny. Here is 2 times chris has either came home and found reader like this or needs her to help him with small spaces.

The first time:
I walked in to the house after being on set for 'hustlers' and I had the weekend off, y/n didn't know I was coming home.

All the lights were off as I walked though the house but when I got to the kitchen I look around trying to find y/n and all I can do is chuckle at how she's managed to get into the small cupboard that was big enough for her to comfortably sit in and she'd sometimes hide round the house when she needed a break or just wasn't feeling the best, all because she knew I wouldn't be able to fit.

"Hey bubs, uh what goin on why are you in the cupboard hmm" I ask whilst laughing at what she looks like in the cupboard.

"Ahhhh! Ow Chris what the fuck are you doing here? Aren't you meant to be filming?" She asked whilst she smacked her head on the cupboard door whilst climbing down to come and give me a hug. 

Laughing at her reaction whilst checking she's okay, i explain that I got the week off because of the hurricanes going though Florida right now. She just hugged me and walked off, to most likely go hide again in a different room in the house. There was too many to count it's like a 'where's Wally' game just with y/n and to be honest it was too funny to even try and guess where she was. Even Scott was confused the first time he found her in a cupboard in the kitchen whilst looking for some hot sauce he definitely got the scare of his life.

The second time:
Chris was putting a piece of art work he'd gotten for a present from his sisters up in his living room the only problem was that he couldn't get his hand behind the storage unit that sat resident below where he wanted to put it up. This is where y/ns 5 ft butt comes into save the day.

"Babe, can you come here please?" Chris yelled from the living room.

"Yeah bubs, what's wrong?" She replied walking into the room with her hair in a messy claw clip wearing one of chris' T-shirts

"I need your small superpowers please, I can't get behind the unit" Chris murmured the superpower bit knowing y/n would get a kick out of what he said you know him being Captain America and all.

"Oh yeah mr Americas ass needs my help, oh wow his serum must be going through some serious stuff right now if he needs little old me to help." Y/n started laughing half way though that sentence running round the room since Chris is now chasing her to tickle her since mr america needs no small lady superpowers.

"Come'ere you cheeky little short stack" he chuckles as he runs to catch her and dodger chasing behind him barking at all of the laughs and screams. 

"No - Chris no- Ahhhh.. no no no St- stop please" y/n tries to plead with Chris to stop tickling her

"Say sorry. Say mr Americas ass still has his superpowers and just needs his amazing sweet sidekick" Chris says laughing at her giggles, it's so infectious her laugh and her smile it just makes him feel amazing.

"Fi-ne I'm - I'm sorry, mr Americas ass still- has his superpowers and he just- needs his amazing sweet sidekick" She breathes heavily after he finally stops tickling her, chris just hugs her and kisses her on her forehead after the little game of 'let's chase short stack around the house' they finally got the picture up and y/n was dizzy after all of that so they just cuddled on the couch together with tangled playing on in the background, the warmth of being in chris' embrace lulling her to sleep.

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