Something you always take of theirs (both)

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Living with Seb was amazing and it was one of the best things that you ever both agreed to when he asked to move in with him after a year of dating. Something you always take of his though is his cologne since it's an intoxicating scent of Indonesian oud with that on top of warm hugs it bought you major comfort to the point he started buying another bottle to keep at the house for whilst he was away filming if he wasn't with you. Because of major separation anxiety from him even if it made you feel like a child but you didn't care you loved it


His hoodies.. and Dodger

It's only because it comfort since you're not really used to be away from him for a long time so the scent, dodge and his famous hugs we're home to you.

Those were both you're weak spot when it came to visiting him in LA, you'd sleep in them and honestly wear them more than you're own so it wasn't strange you just walking in to his closet and stealing one,travelling from Boston where you both grew up like two peas in a pod. The nice thing about you're relationship with Chris is that he knew what you were thinking without saying anything. And let's just say it's saved a handful of panic attacks before they became a problem.

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