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Paring: Chris × little sister! ReaderWarnings: crying, comfort, near meltdown, overload and well Chris just bring a good brother knowing how much Elle means to her

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Paring: Chris × little sister! Reader
Warnings: crying, comfort, near meltdown, overload and well Chris just bring a good brother knowing how much Elle means to her.
Summary: Headcannon of Chris finding autistic!
Sisters comfort elephant Elle to prevent a meltdown and it just so happens Dodger is there to help too.

• Y/n always had one thing she couldn't live without, her comfort stuffie Elle the elephant that Chris had got her it was the one best thing she'd loved to the end of time

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• Y/n always had one thing she couldn't live without, her comfort stuffie Elle the elephant that Chris had got her it was the one best thing she'd loved to the end of time. It got her through meltdowns it was always there. The texture, softness and overall smell that lingers of her comfort is Chris.

So when it got lost, when the comfort wasn't there.
Well, it went downhill.

• When Chris heard a gut-wrenching scream from his room he immediately thought of the worst, anxiety bubbled at an all-time high, taking the stairs two steps at a time. Into his room, he was met with y/n on the floor. His room as if a bomb went off, her sobbing so hard she was red in the

"Bug, hey hey what's going on c'mere?" He voiced

"I can't find ewwe." She sobbed whilst trying to explain from the safety of Chris's chest.

"It's okay bubs we're gonna find her, and then we can go for a nap 'kay." he replied with some urgency knowing if this lasted any longer she'd throw herself into a meltdown.

"Otay Chrissy we get dodgee to 'elp too?" she questioned her older brother on if their 4-legged friend could help find her beloved comfort stuffie.

"Of course bug, of course, he can help us, shall we start looking?" Chris replied enthusiastically trying to cheer up his younger sister.

"Yeah let's go!" y/n shouted with slight excitement better than she was 2 minutes ago, with tears still slightly evident.

• So it turns out that dodger had been hiding it all along we'll say it was for safe keeping but after almost an hour of looking and tidying up, you both had found it in one of Dodger's many beds. you couldn't stop squealing out of excitement to find your beloved Elle, to the point Chris did think something was wrong for a minute when you started to cry happily but alas he soon did know the difference when he came over engulfing her in a massive bear hug of comfort.

"Chrissyy we 'ound her, fank you for 'elping me and dodgee," Y/n mumbled from Chris's chest once again

"Of course we did lovebug, you are so welcome hunni. Shall we go watch that movie in my bed now?" he replied peppering kisses on her forehead.

"Mmhmm, let's go" y/n replied sleepily the events finally catching up on her.

"Okay then lovebug" Chris chuckled at how y/n snuggled into him.

The day ended with lots of snuggles as always with Dodger and Elle involved of course, with a Disney marathon in Chris's bed too, it was all comfort and love always

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The day ended with lots of snuggles as always with Dodger and Elle involved of course, with a Disney marathon in Chris's bed too, it was all comfort and love always.


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