What they do when you have a seizure (both)

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Sebastian -

It was normal for you to have seizures every once in a while as when you were little because your parents realised that it was something that happened more often than not due to a small defect on the brain at birth that was found about 8 years later when you were 10 that never was a problem before hand. But the doctors were never really concerned.

So with Sebastian being you're older brother by 7 years, he was used to how you were before, during and after any seizure you'd have. It just happened to be whilst you were both out with your brother's best friends Chris and Mackie that you'd have one.

As you were walking to lunch you'd felt more fuzzier as time went on, steps were heavier and everything just felt spaced out and farther away than it was. as time went on it got the boys attention, they all notice almost immediately what was going to happen since other than Seb, the boys were used to this and knew the signs.

Seb came beside you and guided you to a place where it was secluded in the restaurant since you were literally right out side, after Mackie went to explain to the staff what was happening and that they'd need somewhere private.

**smol bean time skip**

After everyone was situated and you were all somewhere private Seb and Chris helped you on to the floor Sebastian asked if you were okay, since he could see that you were about to fully go in to a seizure.

But that was the one thing about you even though you've had seizures for as long as you could remember even if they were every couple of months, it never took the fear away from how they just happen and you couldn't control when or where.

"Honey, you are safe. Chris, Mackie and I are here you're okay." he said reassuring you like he did every time before a seizure making sure you were in a safe recovery position

Soon enough your body started to convulse on the floor, Seb was reassuring you whilst you seized, Chris was timing and Mackie made sure one of the staff that was with you had water waiting for you when you'd finally came around.

Roughly 3 minutes later, you'd came around groggy and exhausted.

"What happened?" you asked to literally whoever answered in the room first

Chris piped up saying "We're at the restaurant in the back, you've just had seizure. You're okay sweetheart Seb and Mackie are here with us." whilst giving you a hug after helping you up.

Honestly after all of that you all decided to go back to Seb's and order take out just so you could nap plus you all didn't want to really be seen in public today anyway.

Chris -

No one expected you as the twin of the famous Captain America actor to be born with Epilepsy. 

Epilepsy being a common condition that affects the brain and causes frequent seizures. Seizures are bursts of electrical activity in the brain that temporarily affect how it works. 

It was never on the cards for risks as a twin pregnancy but alas it happened when the doctors realised that you had it when you had to both say in hospital since you were born early which was normal for twins. 

However that's just how life played out for you and Chris as twins. There were good days and bad ones, this was unfortunately one of the bad ones; but as always Chris, Scott and Dodger were there to help.

There were two main types of seizures you were known to have one being absent seizures whilst the other was the tonic seizures.

The day started as it always did with you, Scott and Chris going out fir a walk with Dodger, you'd felt off for most of the morning and to be honest i think both of my brothers could see that Chris a bit more because of the twin bond you joked about having.

You started to feel spaced out and 'not there' in a sense when you got back and was sat in the living  room and Chris tried to get my attention but obviously noticed quite quickly what was going on so sat next to me and just reassured me once the absent had passed

As the day got later; it got to the point where you'd had 4 absent seizures in the space of 25 minutes so Chris was sat with you if he couldn't Scott would since more than 3 absent seizures were one of your red flags since you only had maybe 1-2 a day. Rightfully so as the amazing brothers you had they were worried that you'd have a tonic seizure.

**Smol time skip courtesy  of dodger sitting with his lion**

You were all chilling in the living room after eating some takeout. Scott asked what you should all watch and whilst you were having that conversation Chris noticed you started lightly twitching on your left side so when he came up to you he noticed that a common tell that you were having a seizure is that you're eyes would roll so he'd have Scott time it whilst he sat in front of you having his hands hovering at the waist just in case

"y/n, bubs are you back with us?" he asked hoping you were just coming out of the seizure and it wasn't just carrying on from the last one. Whilst he asked that Scott went to the kitchen to get you an juice box for the sugar content since that helped as your sugars were known to be low after a seizure and some meds so nothing more would hopefully happen tonight anymore.

"mhmm" was all you could give out as a reply to Chris' question so Scott and him helped you get up to bed and to take your meds once you were fully back, since you have always made it clear that seizures are tiring  so it didn't come as a surprise when you knocked out as soon as you hit the pillow. 

That was just one of the many days with your brothers that was just another bonding experience that made the three of your sibling bond so much stronger.

A/N: This really didn't mean to turn in to mini imagines as such but here we are. anyways i hope you all enjoy :) 

- k xx

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