The past always comes back to haunt us (Chris)

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A/N:So after a flat out absence from this book I'm back with a couple new ideas I've thought of, now that I have the time they should all be out either today or tomorrow: )

This is a heavy one so please if any of theses warning make you uncomfortable please don't read, if it affects you in anyway :)

Chris x teen! reader

Warnings: mentions of past trauma, anxiety, panic attacks, mentions of medication and just Chris fluff

Summary: you are working on set with everyone for CA:TWS, when a fight scene brings up past trauma of your childhood and Chris bring you're 'adoptive dad' on set helps you out knowing exactly how to help.

So like any day on set it starts with the dreaded wake up call of the ungodly hour of 6am to start filming most of the action packed fight scenes that were fun to do don't get me wrong but they were so dangerous.


We were all called on to set hours ago starting the smaller fight scene to build up to the iconic highway fight when mine character, Steve and Sam finally see the winter solider for the first time, doing that scene was amazing from everyone working together but the only downside was the impending doom of anxiety that i felt because i just knew that it would bring up the past since, i don't do very well on highways with type of fight sequence that was happening. 

I'd slipped away when i though no one was looking to go have a moment to try and prevent the panic attack that i felt coming on.

Little did i know that Chris saw when i thought the coast was clear to sneak away. I had an inkling that he knew what was going on because he knew me better than myself most of the time because he understood and was there to listen and comfort me when i needed it. 

He was the father figure i never had..

Chris' POV

I knew something was off with y/n as soon as i had seen her this morning on set, she looked really on edge and wary of what was going on around her. 

Knowing her tendencies to hide things i knew it was either a bad day for her getting in her head or it was her anxiety or pstd. When she disappeared off set earlier without anyone noticing or at least that what she thought.

I walked over to her trailer with the things i know that comfort her like one of my hoodies, and a bag of stuff that helps a lot when she's like this as being 'set dad' i've been here one too many times more than i want to but its hard for her, its unfair but i'm so proud of her for how far she'd come even with the looming past of her childhood still only years fresh in her head.

I knocked on her trailer door and didn't hear a reply, so i walked and saw her sat on the floor by the couch staring in to space with tear stained cheeks. 

"Hey bug, are you okay?" i asked trying to get some form of reply out of her, whilst she was just visually  making herself smaller and smaller out of the sheer panic and empty look that was present on her face.

that's when i knew it was a bad day.


There i was sat in my trailer on the floor, trying not to remember anything. trying so hard not to remember how my parents left me the way they did and how they mentally and emotionally hurt me. 

All the noises around me jumbled together like it was a ringing in my ears that i couldn't cope with it, all i heard once i was slightly more aware, Chris was all i heard that was when i knew i was in someone's presence that i trusted.

I was safe.

"Hey bug, are you okay?" he asked whilst sitting down in front of me slowly trying not to scare me.

"I- don't I-" said trying to make sense of what was happening with the now ever present pressure now on my chest with tears streaming down my face.

****TIME SKIP****

Chris' POV

After an hour of sitting on the floor next to y/n she leaned in to me because she needed comfort after i talked her though two panic attacks because of how it took effect on her body with the stress and the trigger of the fight scene which i finally figured after calming her down. 

Still visually on edge she went to go take some of her medication that she'd had prescribed for times like this but only could be taken with someone she trusted around her due to the side effects that y/n experienced which pulled on the heart strings, nevertheless it doesn't take away the heart ache seeing her like this. I said before i've been here more times than i'd like.

"Sweetheart how about after you've taken those meds we sit and watch Y/F/M (your favourite movie) and just relax. hm?"

"yeah i'm okay with that, i- didn't mean for this to happen. Sorry for dragging you in to this " i say shyly 

"Bug it's okay not  to be okay and you know i'm always here for you though thick and thin even if i'm not you're real dad i still see a need to protect you and comfort you if you need me." i said sternly with sense of calm in my voice since she didn't need to feel guilty about something that is her idiotic parents fault

"I know, thank you for that Chrissie." she said whilst giving me a massive hug which happily reciprocated.

**** TIME SKIP ****

After 3 Disney movies later, a load of snacks and cuddles later. y/n was finally fully relaxed and to be honest after all she'd been though in the last couple of hours and the early call times, long unforgiving days. we both just decided to fall asleep and plus y/n needed it. The Russo's knew what was going on so they were okay with it.

So that was that and it was day that came more often than not but i'm glad shes comfortable with someone who understands and treats me like her actual father even if i'm not.


A/N: personally i feel like this chapter was a hit and miss, the idea as there but it is what it is. it comes in at just over 1k words. Hopefully you guys like it even though its the first chapter back so i'm still toying with ideas and how to write them : ) 


Any requests leave a comment or message <3

- K xx

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