Hypos and Dino Mac & Cheese

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Summary: The reader has a low week with her diabetes so Chris being soft!dad Chris is there to help and comfort her when it gets too much (with Scott too)
Warnings: needles
Paring: Chris Evans x Diabetic Daughter! Reader
On days when your diabetes was a bit out of whack and just not going how you wanted it to go your dad was always there for you since being diagnosed at 14 years old. Usually it was pretty easy to detect and prevent a really bad low from happening but sometimes it just couldn't be helped. This was one of those times where it definitely couldn't be helped, Chris had made it clear that because you'd been having so many lows in the past week it was agreed with school that you've got to take a couple days off to let it correct or have medical intervention if needed.

It was day 3 of the 5 day off from school since your sugars were so hard to get back into a normal range the point Scott had to stay over to help you and your dad and with this being a struggle for longer than a couple of days doctors appointments had to be made. You'd start to get really dizzy as you were coming home from an check up that you had to have when it got bad, Chris had only just changed your omipod and he got an alert from his phone saying the dexcom you also wear to track sugar was at a 44 with an arrow pointing down.

"Sweetpea, you're low let's sit you down and get some juice to see if it comes back up, okay bubba?" He said helping her sit down knowing she's getting dizzy

"Mhmhm dad but I feel dizzy and shaky." she said clutching her head in pain.

Chris knew it was a bad low if she was clutching her head in pain but it was more or less a 50/50 chance her sugar wouldn't come back up without a lot of meds since it was so bad this time or just a lot of waiting.
So after 2 glucose gels and a snack and 30 minutes passing Chris with Scott noticed that y/n was better however Chris kept on getting alerts of low blood sugar of a 34 down. He thought it was strange so even though Scott and her were cuddling with y/n close to sleep he decided it would probably be best to change both her omipod and dexcom for the sake of her feeling better and back to her normal self or as normal as she can feel.

"Hunni I know your tired and don't feel too good but do you feel low again? Because your dex said you are low." He asked whilst rubbing her upper back to wake her up.

"I don't feel low dad anymore I don't know what's happening with my dex then." Y/n replied confused at why this is happening yet again.

Scott chimes in at this point and suggested that it would be the best thing to change both y/n's dex and omipod just since this is definitely not as strange for her as you'd think. Since he's used to this as it's been a thing for about 1 1/2 years.

"Let's just change them both it would be better because I don't think the transmitter is working anymore, okay bubba?" Chris suggested after Scott agreeing with him

"Yeah okay dad i don't mind I just want to sleep without being bothered with the beeping and the juice I'm sick of it." Y/n replied tears lining her eyes hurting Chris' and Scott's hearts a little more because they know this is a hard thing for y/n to go though but they know that sometimes it just gets a little too overwhelming.

*time skip*

After comfort from her favourite uncle and dad with dodger in tow, they started to get everything ready to change both devices. She's never admitted it she hated the needles that's why in a way they moved from the needle pen to the omipod, yes it helped a lot but it still hurt taking them off and putting them back on.
Sometimes it was that bad Chris had to do it while she was asleep or cuddling Scott which hurt him for her it made him feel bad that his sweet baby girl had this problem with her body but it made him appreciate her determination and how she was able to have these feelings but voice them since she wasn't really always like that.

"Sweetpea, let's do this yeah then we can have cuddles order something or I can make you some dino mac & cheese and watch some movies hm?"

"Okay dad, I don't wike it though just so you know." She said giggling into Scott's shoulder hugging him to hide her face from the needles that Chris was prepping.

Chris smiled with how she said she didn't like it, and it was obvious that she felt better than she didn't a mere hour ago. "Right 1,2- *click* 3, well done sweetie you did so well." He said reassuring her whilst she clung onto Scott like her life depended on it

"Can we just go watch cars 2 please and have food dad?" Y/n whispered from his chest after she started hugging him after Scott let her go when she was ready.

"Of course sweetheart, we'll order some food and cuddle too. I love you bubba." He mumbled giving her a massive hug "I love you too dad." She replied

"Hey! What about the best uncle in the whole universe of uncles? Scott proclaimed laughing at the sweet interaction

"I love you too uncle Scott so much" y/n said giggling into Chris' side about how funny scott can be even in the most sweetest moments.

And this was just one of the many times that the Evans household would have moments like this.
Pov: I definitely didn't write some of this in the ER, it has taken me a while to write this but here it is. Having a raging infection in this UK heat isn't it but I'm doing better than I was :)

So I will say this definitely turned into an imagine which I kinda liked, I hope this is as factually accurate as it can be I did do my research but please if anyone has any pointers of how this comes across that would be appreciated votes too! 💙

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