When they do when you're nervous and how they can tell (both)

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Chris -

As best friend who also suffered from anxiety it wasn't hard for him to pick up on you're anxious ques that you'd have depending on the situation you were put in. One of you're major anxiety ques were that you'd do was 'ticking' if it was just your legs twitching or making little noises whilst moving or scrunching up a part of you're body or face. Chris helped you out since if you got too anxious it got to the point you'd have to have meds to help calm you down because of how bad you're anxious ticks could get. So a famous Chris hug and a quiet room with something to fidget with did you wonders.

Sebastian -

Sebastian can pick up on you're anxiety pretty quick bring the best friend you've had since you were little. He was there when you got properly diagnosed with it and has found amazing ways to either lessen your anxiety or distract you and calm you down all together. You have a bad habit of picking the skin from around you're nails when you're getting really anxious and sometimes you forgot to take breaths and end up holding them. Which doesn't help in the slightest. When you start picking at your fingers he'll gently take your hand away from you and start gently rubbing them with calming circles and let's you play with his fingers to distract you making sure to remind you to take deep breaths with him so you don't hold you're breath when you don't need to.

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