Open me when - chris x short! Reader

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Open me when...

This is very fitting for me and how I'm feeling right now. this is what you could call part 2 of my fic "home" based on this post here

Paring: Chris x Short! Reader

Warnings: crying, insecurities, coming to turns with being in a good place, anxiety, not really being able to express feelings, mentions of shit parents and childhood (not too graphic doesn't really go into detail just a brief mention of shit parents), chris being a fluffball and the person we all need 🥹

Summary: Chris knows reader didn't have the classic 'picket white fence' childhood and there are lasting effects of that so he knows what will make her feel better whenever she needs it.
Open me when... you're sad.

Open me when... you're in your head.

Little envelopes of love started to appear all over the house after your last bout of self doubt, self sabotage. Let's just say chris got more creative with the ways to cheer you up. Bless him for what he does for you always and forever even though you know he doesn't expect it back you love to show the same affection as he does to you.

The conversation of parents came up pretty early in your relationship with Chris when he questioned about meeting them. The conversation went on for hours, many tears were shed, many breaks were had and a few panic attacks too. He knew you since you were 21, you had told him your parents were estranged at best. Chris being the man he is knew he had to make you feel appreciated, loved and cared for. Like your parents couldn't.

His family became yours. Lisa became your mother. His siblings slowly became yours. Family isn't though blood it's though love.

Anyway back to these envelopes that started to appear.

They were sweet short love notes, affirmations, phases and quotes just to make you smile and feel a little better. You could tell he took his time with these, making them more special.

You'd opened one on a particularly bad day, it reads "open me when your head is in the past and the not in the present."

"Dear my sweet lovebug,

I know if your reading this your living in the past not the present, your head doesn't want to be in the now. But in the past, you aren't defined by your past. I don't care about your past. I love the now version of you. The now brings you happiness that you deserved in the past. And here I am in the now, the present to give you what you deserve and what you should've had. Not what you shouldn't have had. I have the absolute pleasure of being able to call you; the past you; the present you; and the future you my girl. Your journey denotes how far you've come and how far you can still go. I'll be with you every step of the way regardless of how long it takes or what obstacles you have to overcome. I want to be with the present you and the future you forever and always. Your youth doesn't define you. Never.

I love you

Chris x"

The little letter bought tears to your eyes at how sweet and caring one person could be even after hearing your story. You went to go find that amazing meatball of a man, finding him snuggled in the reading nook of the house, it was there for you really to have a safe space to decompress if you needed to in your own. More often than not you'd find Chris in there too, Dodger snoozing beside him, his eyes mesmerised by the book he'd be reading or the script for an upcoming film.

As soon as you stepped foot in the room he noticed your demeanour, that of sadness but pure relief at the same time.

"Sweetheart come'ere what's goin' on hmm? Why are there tears in those pretty eyes of yours?" Chris whispered sweetly noticing the piece of paper in your hand he had a pretty good idea why but he needed you to tell him why. When you were like this he always let you explain in your own time. He didn't want you to feel like you couldn't say anything so he let you in your own time no matter how long it took.

"Um, i- read one of the 'open me when' envelopes and it was the...- your breathing picked up so Chris rubbed your arms to help you calm before you continued. - one when for when my head is in the past and not the present. And I just wanted to say I love you so much and I can't thank- you enough for all you do for me regardless of my past." You replenish tears rolling down your cheeks, Chris' thumbs following them swiping them away with the pads of his thumbs before he started to talk again.

"Oh lovebug, i meant every; single; word.- he said as he peppered a kiss on your nose as he said each word. - because when you feel like that's it's important to know that someone does care for you and not because of your past but because of who've become despite you past. And I'm so lucky to be that person to tell you that weather it be in writing or in words spoken from my own mouth. I love you for you: the past you; the present you and the future you. Always." Chris replied with the upmost gratitude for you and the smile plastered across his face just sealed that he really meant it. Really.

"Thank you so much bubs, always." You replied laughing lightly at his small displays of affection and kindness.

"Now lovebug, let's go watch some movies hmm. I'm proud of you for using those envelopes. I know it wasn't easy. Chris voiced out of praise knowing that you wouldn't always use them even when you really needed them.

"I know, and I'm proud of me too. My youth doesn't define me." You replied smiling at what you just said.

Chris' face lit up at how far you'd come from the girl he once knew the past you. "That's right hunni it doesn't, let's go watch cars hmm." He asked kissing you and giving the biggest bear hug ever.

"Yeah" you replied walking down to the living room with him.

He was right your youth doesn't define you, and it never will. Ever.

The night ended with all the cars movies being watched and cuddles being had. The love and appreciation you had for the sole person next to you is the whole purpose you'd come so far even though he wouldn't say it was because of him. But it was.


Now you'll always remember to 'open me when...' because they helped
To all those people who can relate in some way to either this fic or "home" please know your not alone and I'm always here if you need to talk about anything that has been raised in this fic today or anytime you need. You are amazing and your past doesn't define you. 🫶🏻

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