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Ruby takes out her phone and goes to her pictures just to see but she stops in one of the pictures making her feel sad

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Ruby takes out her phone and goes to her pictures just to see but she stops in one of the pictures making her feel sad.


Ruby missed her so much, she learned everything from her when she came into the family and dating her brother. When she heard the news that she died, she didn't take it to well like her brother and the only way to take away the pain was by drinking which she did in secret because if her brother found out she was drinking alcohol underage he will go crazy.

But she didn't drink for long after she had a long conversation to herself like mentally that she knew if Letty was here she wouldn't want her to get into that position of drinking which she turned her drinking to racing even though she didn't do much when she was young because she only saw and listen but now she was behind the wheel.

"Hey Ruby want to head back?" Rue asked and Ruby shakes her head as she got a message from Mia to grab some stuff at the grocery store.

"Nah, I have to get some stuff for my sister at the grocery store." Ruby said and Rue nods.

"Alright, oh and before I forget there's a party tonight you can come if you want." Rue said and Ruby nods.

"Sure, let me give you my number so you could send me the location." Ruby said and Rue takes out her phone, she saves the number in her phone quickly sending a hello to the messages to remember who this was.

"See you later Ruby." Rue said walking away and Ruby nods waving goodbye to her. Fez was still in the back talking on the phone making Ruby gets up so she could get the stuff for her sister in time for the race, she stops when she saw a suspicious person walk by her looking down his hands on his pocket.

Ruby stops to look at him with a glare seeing him steal some cash and some liquor from the fridges.

Now if the guy had payed attention to the girl who was watching him he wouldn't have ended up in the hospital, but since he thought to himself "what's a sixteen year old girl gonna do? Scream for help" that's what he probably thought I'm not sure but he was wrong of him to think like that because the next thing he knew he was on the ground shock as hell when Ruby was looking down at him with a glare as she took the money he stole and the liquor.

"Now I don't know if your either stupid or plain crazy but I'm sure it's both but I don't think is a good idea to steal, I'm taking this." Ruby said as she looked at the boy who was maybe three years older than her who had his hands to his face bleeding from the nose.

"Thank you~." Ruby said as she put the money back where it was and the liquor.

Now at the same time that happened Ashtray was looking at the scene with a smirk seeing Ruby knock out the boy to the ground, he has a gun in his hand when he thought that the thief was about to get away with their money but he saw the whole thing making him feel impressed which is kinda cool because nothing ever catches his attention not even girls who will come to see him to buy drugs.

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