25| Mr. Nobody

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"Drop him or I will drop you!" An agent said pointing his gun at Dom who had another agent in a chuck hold

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"Drop him or I will drop you!" An agent said pointing his gun at Dom who had another agent in a chuck hold. Ruby and Ash were on their knees looking between them but before they could say anything or do anything, an old man joins in. "Whoa, whoa. Easy, guys. We're on the same team here." He said with a smile ordering his man to step back from the family.

"Mr. Toretto, Miss Toretto and Ashtray O'Neill, I'm here on the recommendation of a mutual friend of ours. Mr. Hobbs." He said making the trio look at him suspiciously.

"Who the hell are you?" Dom asked.

"Me? I'm just a guy, I'm Mr. Nobody." Mr. Nobody said making Ruby chuckle standing up from the ground ignoring how the agents turn their guns at her making Ashtray clench his hands. "Quite an entrance for someone who's a nobody." She said with a glare seeing how they just let the killer just go one against a bunch of soldiers and themselves.

"You just let that damn killer get away! Someone who had killed our part of our family and a mutual friend in the hospital." Ruby said.

"I think I may have saved your asses, there." Mr. Nobody said taking off his sunglasses stepping close making Dom chock the guy in his arm. "Listen, you think you could let go of my guy there? He's begging to turn a little blue." He said looking a bit concern.

Dom pushed the guy to the ground.

"I appreciate that." Mr. Nobody said with a nod but turns a little hearing police sirens. "Ah, here they come."

"Listen, you three. There's a war going on between shadows and ghosts like me, You and your team unwittingly walked into the middle of it in London, and it appears it's now followed you home." Mr. Nobody said, Ruby remembers that special saving Letty bringing her home.

"It's up to you." He adds and Ruby could heard the sirens getting close. "I'm gonna have a beer." He said walking away to his car but stops.

"You're welcome to join, of course the kids can have some none alcoholic drinks." Mr. Nobody said earning smirks from Ruby and Ashtray knowing that they do drink alcohol. "By the way, I can get you guys Deckard Shaw."

Ruby stops smirking hearing this and looks at Dom who nods, she looks at Ash who also nods.

"Let's get some Piña colada." Ruby said with a smile walking after Mr. Nobody


"Holy shit! This a big base." Ashtray said seeing all the military equipment around, soldiers passing by or moving stuff around. They both hear what Mr. Nobody has to say walking behind him and Dom who was drinking a Corona beer. "Look, Shaw's power is that he's a shadow. He's really good at getting in and out of places without being seen and leaving nothing but a body count in his wake." Mr. Nobody explained passing by army cars.

"I mean, he's a legitimate English badass. But to be honest with you, Dom, I don't give two shits about Deckard Shaw." He said as they stop looking at the siblings. "It's you and your sister I want." He pointed at the Torreto siblings.

"Because you and I can help each other get what we need." Mr. Nobody said and Ruby hums with a nod because she and her brother along with everyone wants Shaw to pay. "We're listening." Dom said.

"Just recently a private military company led by a wanted terrorist named Mose Jakande kidnapped a hacker known only by the name "Ramsey." Mr. Nobody informed as they stood inside an office room where they showed them a guy Mose with another profile with no picture only having the same Ramsey. "Now, Lady Liberty's got her panties in a bunch over this, but rightfully so because this Ramsey has created something interesting."

"God's eye." Ruby said surprising an agent who was in the computer while Mr. Nobody chuckles pointing at her. "I've been going through some stuff... hackers like to talk gossip which they did talk about this new tech someone made but I just thought they were rumors." She said with a shrug and saw Mr. Nobody nodding to continue.

"That little tech can hack into anything that's on the digital network. That means every cell phone, satellite, cameras, ATM machine and anything electronic at the same time." Ruby said seeing the soldier put on what the God's eye can do images of people taking their ATM money and codes.

"So you invited us here to show us a tracking device?" Dom said and Ruby's eyes at something she realized. 'We could use the God's eye to track Shaw.' She thought.

"Let me put it to you this way It took us nearly a decade to find Osama bin Laden. With this, we'd have located him anywhere on the planet in a couple of hours." Mr. Nobody said and that's what Ruby was thinking of the hood use God's eye. "Now, that's a serious piece of machinery that could be catastrophic in the wrong hands. But for some very nauseating political reasons, any rescue plans involving any US government forces or entity has been strictly ruled out."

"That's why you need us, some street racers to get that God's eye." Ashtray said crossing his arms behind Ruby who took a seat on the chair. "But the question is, why do I need you?" Dom asked.

"Because he'll let us use God's eye to track Shaw, think for a second. Shaw is literally a killer that lives by different rules like us, his not going follow the rules we always did." Ruby explained seeing how Shaw was a master at tech, weapons and items while they use street fighting. "Like it or not, we live in his world and his rules. All we can do is play his little game and get him out of that world force him into ours." She said making Mr. Nobody smile.

"Bingo." He said and Dom nods at his sister and looks at Mr. Nobody. "If you get the God's Eye for me-." Dom gets cut off by Mr. Nobody nodding.

"I've already got authorization for you to use it until you get Shaw." Mr. Nobody said with a nod. "You go from the hunted to the hunter. And there's no place on Earth Shaw can hide from you." He said walking back to the screen.

"More importantly, you and your family don't go to any more funerals." He adds making Ruby and Ashtray hold hands at thought of burying more family by Shaw hands. "You get Ramsey, you get the God's Eye, you get Shaw."

Mr. Nobody claps his hands with a smile. "Well, that's the wind-up and the pitch." He said.

"Now that I've given you all this incredibly sensitive and highly classified information, what do you guys think, Torettos?"

"I think you already know what I'm gonna do." Dom said looking at Ruby who smiles. "Good." Mr. Nobody said about to walk out when Dom stops him. "But it'll be my way. And my crew." Dom said.

"I assumed you might say that. Which is why I've taken the liberty of gathering your team." Mr. Nobody said earning a smirk on Ruby. "He knew we were going to take the offer either way." Ashtray said as they walked out of the room to meet with their friends.

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