[It was late at night]

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( AN: please read the description at the TW before starting the book! And don't forget to enjoy the chapter! :D )

Gregory had a mother and a father, a loving father. Six years of simple joy with his modest family. Six years. That's less than half of what he have lived. Gregory was a very desired kid. His father always had wanted to have one. His mother was not that enthusiast though. Maybe that's the reason she have never been a real parental figure to the boy. Even if she was not what should be called a loving mother, Gregory had no complains about her. She had never done anything wrong. Unfortunately, she was gone now. When his mother left, Gregory was sad. She was his mother, after all. But, for Gregory, the day his mother left, his father mentally left too. And he never came back.

First he stopped taking care of himself, then he stopped working. He soon fell into drugs and alcohol, and stopped taking care of his oh-so-loved son. Important note, Gregory was turning seven by the time.

The way his father stopped caring for him so radically made Gregory realise at such a young age how  anyone's behaviour was so subjective. It all depended on their personality. Unfortunately for Gregory, his father was not the kind of having a strong, helping, caring personality.

As the years passed, Gregory's father loosed all his money, everything he had. Everything but his son. Not like he cared anymore, though. As they say, you only can miss things you already lost. Gregory's father went back to work. He never got to be as rich as he was before Veronica's death. Not quite. He had enough money to live. Not to feed his eight years old son. That's probably why Gregory grew up always trying to be the best at everything.

He needed to feel secure, to know that as he grow up, he would easily find a job. His stubborn and competitive personality did not help. At school, he had a lot of friends. Everyone wanted his grades, his talent, his dedication. But as he got older, Gregory became even more stubborn, and even more competitive. Maybe a bit because of his father's forceful behaviour. Maybe a bit because of his mother's personality he received. Whatever. The only thing he know is that people started acting strange around him, and that's when he started being kind of mean, and rude to everyone. He stopped socialising, and was left with only a few friends. Friends that he definitively lost when he entered high school.

No one never bothered Gregory again. He was quiet and still very smart. Way smarted than the others. People never talked to him. He never talked to people neither. He was a loner, but he was perfectly fine with it.

The night was like the best moment of the day for him. New York was a pretty city, sure, but not for Gregory that came from a Island where the sun was master. That's why the silence and the obscurity of the night was way better for him than the cold and the rain of the day to Gregory. Plus, at night, his father was most likely drunk and asleep by 10 PM. Which allowed him to do whatever he wanted to. Most of the time he would do his homework, since he wasn't able to fall sleep anyways. Sometimes when he had no more homework to do, he would go out, to a forest in a city next to his. He would then sit in the grass, sometimes falling asleep and going back home at 4 AM.

It was a Wednesday night, 11 PM. Gregory jumped through his window, running toward a little street, direction the woods of Philadelphia. As he walked during approximately two hours, he started getting tired. Normal. He usually would take a train or a bus, any common transport. He sat down on a stop. A pretty green  spot full of trees and flowers where the moon and the stars where easy to see. Not his usual spot though. As Gregory started to fall asleep, he heard a sneeze. First he ignored it, he was really about to sleep and his brain was working at a pretty slow pace. That's why he only realised what happened about five minutes later. First he though of a little animal like a squirrel, but still worried he turned around to discover a boy that seemed to be deeply asleep. He starred at him for some time, thinking of what he should do. He though of going back home, but he was too tired to walk all the way back. He ended up choosing to ignore the boy and sleep. He would wake up around five AM and would walk to the nearest bus stop to go back. He closed his eyes, falling asleep nest to a tree.

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