[Drunk Gregory]

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This is bonus chapter! It will be really short and won't interfere with the story... Almost.

 This chapter will also contain mature language, a lot, because you know, teenagers.

Gregory's eyes opened in shock as he heard Evan shout from another room. He looked around him, the clock indicating it was already ten AM and the sun shining bright through the window. Gregory's head was hurting, and as much as he tried, he couldn't remember anything after the movie he watched last night with his boyfriend.

He got up and walked to the bathroom to find his boyfriend dressed with some of his usual clothes, his hair still wet and his face red from embarrassment.

<< - What is it?

- Just look what you've done! Evan said showing a big red mark on his neck. Gregory looked perplex.

- I've never done that! Evan sighed.

- Look, yesterday after we watched our movie... You remember that right?

- Mh.

- You decided you wanted to buy some alcohol, you know, just to try. And you may have gotten a little, tiny bit drunk. Gregory looked at Evan with big eyes.

- Did we?... He asked nervously.

- No, no we didn't. Because that thing tasted like shit and you were the only one drinking, so I was sober. But we played truth or dare, and you did this as a... punishment?

- For what?

- I choose truth.

- Pussy.

- Pussy your mom!

- What mom? Evan sighed.

- I'll just put on some makeup and pray for Roselle not to notice. >>

Gregory sat on the bed, looking through the open bathroom door as his boyfriend covered up the hickey.

<< - By the way, how did we get the alcohol if we're both minors? Gregory asked.

- You stole it.


- Just kidding, you're so tall that they didn't even ask. >>

Gregory remained silent for a moment, before getting up and asking;

<< - Why didn't you stop me from doing that?

- Well I thought you had a brain and were going to do it somewhere people couldn't see it!

- I was drunk!

- Stupid.

- Fuck you. 

- Okay but who? Evan asked jokingly.

- What?

- What? >>

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