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" - Gregory?

- Mh?

- How long do we have until the party?

- The what?

- You know, that one party your school is doing. I forgot the date.

- Oh, it's next week, Saturday.

- Okay. "

For the first time since they met, Evan and Gregory where actually having time together. Indeed, for once, Gregory had absolutely no homework. The two boys where resting on the bed, half asleep, half awake, waiting for nighttime to come. Today Gregory was going to follow Evan out to sneak into his house so they could play together. Evan forced him to agree with that plan. What could he do now? His friend was too stubborn to just give up on his idea.

" - It's getting late.

- Should we go then?

- Yes. Wont your father notice that you're missing?

- No, he wont.

- Okay then, let's go. "

The two boys got up tiredly. they jumped of the window together, and started running for a few minutes just so they could be sure they wouldn't met with anyone who knows Gregory and could tell his father. They then walked slowly down the quiet street. It was in the heart of the forest. Evan said it was a shorter -and prettier- way to his house. The sky was black, the moon was now visible above the two boys. They talked about old memories, childhood thing they had forgotten and the pretty sky remembered them about. 

Again, Gregory couldn't help but look at his friend walk next to him, sparkles in his eyes, happiness in his smile. He was proud of himself. He was able to make him happy. Or at least, to make him smile genuinely. He honestly couldn't stop thinking of that boy. Gregory was in denial, but he wasn't dumb. A while ago now, he finally admitted to himself that he had a crush, or a small attraction for that boy. Now he was convinced it was more like a deep love feeling. He stared at the floor for a few seconds, and brutally looked up at the sky;

<< - Life is so goddamn complicated..

- I'ts nice knowing that you're listening to my fabulous five years old self adventure.

- Sorry not sorry. >>

Gregory smiled as Evan turned the other way, looking into the deep dark forest. The smaller boy turned around again, now facing his friend while back-walking.

<< - When I was younger my father used to say that life only is complicated for those who make it complicated. 

- Is your father some kind of writer?

- No actually he used to say that to my sister so she wouldn't make a mess.

- You have a sister?

- And a brother.

- Will I have to meet them?

- No, they don't live with me and my father anymore.

- Nice! >>

Gregory started talking again about a random subject. The two advanced in the night, getting closer to the big, white house. The house Evan did not grow up in, since he moved from a city to another three or four times. 

<< - By the way, are you ready for the party? Gregory asked, turning around to look at his friend. 

- Well yes? Is there anything special I need to take with me?

- No, not really. >>


After a half hour walk, the two young boys finally faced the house's main entrance. They got the maid to open the gate, and then Evan left Gregory in the garden. The light eyed boy entered the house, walked to his room, closed the door, finally helping Gregory passing through the open window. The two boys sat on the giant bed. Everything seemed to cost a lot, all was clean and shiny, every single object in Evan's room seemed perfect. Gregory wanted to make a comment about it, but he soon remembered of all the times his friend complained of his clean, boring, expensive looking room. 

<< - SO, Evan said loudly, wanna play?

- Sure thing. >>

Gregory never really wanted to play those games. He had fun, yes, but only because Evan was here, teaching him, playing with him. He sure was in love, and he would do anything to make that feeling a reciprocal one.

But things were way easier than he tough, and he was the reason everything was always so complicated.

Freaks [Cc x Gregory]Where stories live. Discover now