[Always together]

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Evan and Gregory were walking hand in hand in the back streets of London. It was night and the possibility of being on some robbers way was high, but neither of them was scared. They had nothing to give, if it wasn't each other. As always, Gregory was looking at Evan. His pretty eyes and his white teeth you can see whenever he smiles. They left Roselle's house about a hour and half ago. They could've reached their hotel long ago. But they kept walking to random places, using Evan's great orientation to go back whenever they got lost. Everything was silent: Evan was thinking about something that made him look happy, and Gregory didn't even try to stop him, because he was smiling. 

It was about midnight now, and soon enough, the lights will go out, and the streets will get too dark to be safe. Gregory was walking fast to get to the room they sleep in before it gets too late. Evan was following, his hand being pulled forward by Gregory's. The lights went off, and Evan head suddenly got up. Gregory knew Evan was afraid of the dark, but instead of fear, you could see hope in his eyes. He stopped walking and pulled Gregory's arm, forcing the him to face him. The taller male looked into the other's eyes waiting for him to talk. In his eyes, the hope was now filled, and kind of covered with insecurity. Maybe he was insure about what he was going to say, that happens, but Gregory trusts Evan and he wants the blue eyed male to trust him too. He sighed, his messy hair covering his face. Even like that, Evan could still see his expression from under his face. probably the only advantage of being shorter.

<< - Come on, Evan! If you want to, talk. If you don't, don't. If you are not sure. Just think until you're ready to take a decision. He looked away before looking back at his confident. But if you need anything or feel uncomfortable with anything, just tell me right away.

- Well, Evan looked at him with determination, we're moving here. >>

Gregory looked at Evan, confused. He then remembered about the dinner.

<< - How'd you know I wasn't lying?

- I didn't know, he smiled, but I know you can get into Oxford with no problem, and I can afford an apartment and your studies with no problem.

- Gregory took a deep breath after looking at Evan for a few seconds. Evan, studies are not free, especially in this kind of establishments and-

- Shut up! Evan said, kissing Gregory. You talk too much.

- I'm concerned!

- Be concerned for yourself. If you got accepted at such an university, you'll have to work even more now.

- I have time. I have to end high school first.

 - But you skipped a grade!

- Actually, two.

- That makes it worse! I have to start looking for an apartment right away before it's too late. Evan said, sparkles in his eyes.

- Evan, I'm the one coming here.

- I'm coming wit you. Is that not what you want?

- Sure it is. But it's not that easy.

- You're the only thing here that's not that easy.

- Evan, we need money to live somewhere.

- Gregory, I've been working for two years. >>

Gregory looked at Evan in shock as he got closer to his boyfriend. He then hugged him.

<< - I've been working, and dreaming of the day I would meet someone I love, and that loves me, and I want to be with. I want to be with you so much to the point of me dreaming of living with you. I've been waiting for you for so long. I had never met you, but I knew you would come. He smiled against Gregory's shirt. Even mr.Fredbear -that one plush you must have noticed on my bed- likes you. He giggled. He's seen a lot of things and can definitively tell if you're good or bad, that's a fact. So please... He took a deep breath. Please, don't stop me now. >>

 They walked home together, talking about their amazing future, together. For the first time, Gregory really cried in front of Evan. Of happiness, obviously.

<< - You're amazing. He said.

- You made me amazing. Evan replied.

- I guess I did my job very well. They both smiled.

- Hey Gregory?

- Mh?

- Promise me that nothing, NOTHING can do us apart now.

- Okay then. He smiled.

- Not even death!

- Not even death. >>

And they walked together until they reached their room for their last night together in this city that someday will end up being their house.

Or not.

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