[The slaughter]

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Evan woke up. He was crying, his body was shaking, and his mind out of place. Why? Good question.

He looked around him. His room, his friends, his drawings, his clothes, nothing moved. So why does he feel like something just got taken away from him?

<< - Hey, are you okay? Do you still have your nightmares? >>

Evan looked down to his friend Bob, AKA Bobby, who was awake. Ever since they were kids, Bobby always had insomnia. They were neighbors. At night when he couldn't sleep, Bobby would escape through his window and play with balloons in his garden. He loved balloons. Evan would walk up to his own window to talk with him, then in the morning, Bobby's mom would get mad at him, while Evan's family never even noticed he wasn't sleeping at night. Actually Evan would sleep during the day. He would fall asleep in the playground, in the supermarket, in the couch, on the carpet, at Cindy's place... But never in his room. And no one never understood why, except for Bobby who knew it all along. He knew Evan had those stupid nightmares keeping him from having a good sleep.

<< - Well it stopped a few years ago, I don't know why it happened right now...

- When would it happen back then? The taller male asked, still whispering.

- Every time something bad had just happened to people I love. It's like they come just to remember me.

- Okay, what bad happened lately? Evan didn't respond for a second.

- Nothing...

- Then you're just sad because you couldn't spend time with your beloved.

- What? Bobby laughed.

- You know you could've asked us to go back home, or to sleep in another room so you could sleep with him, it's fine, we understand thing. He turned around, trying to fall asleep on the couch of Evan's room.  >>

Evan laid back down. His head was hurting, he felt impotent and useless. He turned around again and again. The time went on, the hours passed, until it was finally six AM. Evan was tired, he was angry, he wanted to sleep. But now that it was morning, he could afford his need. A weird feeling he had. He needed to call Gregory. Right now.

Evan got up and walked to the kitchen, laid his back on the wall and sighing, getting Doll's attention.

<< - What's wrong dear? She asked politely. >>

Evan didn't respond. He really couldn't care less right now. He didn't even notice her, actually. He called Gregory once, and twice, and again until he had enough. No response.

<< - Damn it Gregory! He whispered >>

Doll, who was doing the dishes from yesterday looked back at him. She wasn't mad. She knows that when Evan is thinking about something, everything around him disappears. 

<< - It's only six AM, she said. You shouldn't be worrying so much, Evan. >>

He looked up at her with surprise, finally noticing her and acknowledging her presence. He forcefully smiled.

<< - Maybe. >>

The morning went in and people started waking up. Doll took care of the breakfast. Evan couldn't stop walking, turning around and grabbing his stomach. He was light headed, and wouldn't respond when people talked to him. Doll stopped doing her job, walking up to Evan. He was breathing fast, and his heart was beating irregularly. She took his hand, talking with him, trying ti calm him down. But now sitting on a chair, Evan would continue to move randomly, desperately looking for help, or for Gregory. He couldn't tell what he was doing himself. Doll did her best, but she couldn't help this time. At some point, as Doll expected it to happen, Evan started crying loudly and moving even more than before. Now was the moment she had to help. William picked him up, trying to keep his son calm as Doll talked with him. Everyone else in the room was silent, looking at them. Doll unfortunately did not succeed, and Evan ended up passing out after being too tired of crying.

William took Evan to his room, letting him rest as Doll asked. The woman explained to the kids what a panic attack was, and how to help person going through one. She explained that they could happen after something shocking, or at random moments for no reason. She also asked them to call Gregory and to try getting news, so Evan would feel better after waking up. And so they did, with no answer.


When Evan woke up, Bobby was with him. They wanted Doll to have some free time, so they decided to take care of Evan by themselves.

<< - Do you feel better?

- Where's Gregory? Evan asked.

- Look, the taller boy sighed, we talked to him, he has a headache and he's sleeping. We need to let him sleep in peace, okay? >>

Evan smiled, satisfied. Bob left the room, looking at the other teens who were deploying a monopoly on the table.

 << - Ah! So he woke up! Max smiled. How's he?

- I'm concerned. Bobby said. The only thing he said was "where is Gregory".

- Oh. So what'd you say?

- I lied. I had to. How do you want me to announce that his beloved is nowhere to be found after he just had a panic attack over a simple nightmare?

- A nightmare? Charlotte asked, turning around. What nightmare?

- That's nothing important. Let's just play and hope for the best. What can we do, after all? >>

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