[Vincent and what's left of him]

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Evan had been crying for a while. He just cried. Not one word had left his mouth for a good hour, other than "no" and "please". Gregory felt horribly bad. He never thought that his dear, lovely and caring Evan went through so much things. It was pretty obvious, tho. Why would he be so scared of people either way? He was sitting on Evan's bed, trying to calm him down. I first he tried talking with him, but since he didn't work they just cuddled until Evan felt better. When the taller male felt the smaller fall asleep, it was like a huge knot finally left his stomach. Now that he knew the Evan felt at least a bit better, he felt a bit better himself. Gregory fell asleep as well, only to wake up a half hour later to see the younger male looking at him, smiling, as if nothing happened. He didn't knew how to feel about that. Was he supposed to be happy that Evan was smiling again, or was he supposed to be worried?

Evan was not stupid. He knew that Gregory would talk about Noah's case again, and he was ready for it. His boyfriend seemed to want to start the conversation, but he was obviously afraid. Evan then spoke;

<< - Come on, don't be shy. I know you have questions to ask, so go ahead, feel free. I know that if something like that had happened to you -what I assume, didn't-, I would want to know. And it's totally fine. I just needed some time to feel mentally ready.

- Gregory stuttered; Well, how long did he take?

- What?

- You said your father took Noah to a court. How many years of prison did he take?

- Oh, none. >>

Gregory spoke louder as he felt his face warming up with anger.

<< - What?

- You know: alcohol, minor, extenuating circumstances, rich parental figures; as much as I hate to admit it, Noah is, or at least, was extremely smart. Is that all? >>

Gregory looked pissed. He held Evan tighter as they were still laying on the younger male's bed.

<< - Come on, it's fine! Evan said, trying to calm him down. It's been a long time, and I've been through worse.

- Well you shouldn't.

- Yeah I know, no one should.

- Noah should.

- Don't say that. He was my only emotional support for about two years. I know his only point was only to... You know. But still. If my brother loved him, maybe there was some part of him who's worth it?

- I don't care. >>

Evan sighed as his boyfriend looked back at him.

<< - By the way, you said your brother is married to a dude, right?

- Yeah, but not with Noah don't worry.

- Did you met him yet?

- Yes. Actually, he was Michael's first relationship after he left Noah. He took a while to be confidant enough again. He also didn't want me to meet him. I only did the day they got married, and I was never left alone with him. Not like I was in danger anyways, he is about as tall as I am.

- How old is he?

- Eighteen.

- And your brother is?

- Nineteen.

- Then if you were about ten when... You know, how old was Noah?

- About thirteen? Maybe twelve.

- God, why the fuck would a kid do that?

- I honestly don't know. >>

Gregory slowly shut his eyes until brutally opening them once again.

<< - Wait your brother is only nineteen and he's already married?

- Actually neither of them wanted to get married yet, but when you're from a rich, big family that owns a bunch of very popular pizza places, and you get in a relationship, knowing that your last boyfriend sent you to a tribunal, but you still don't feel like marrying the new one, people gets suspicious. So yeah, that was all for the reputation. They do love each other a lot, tho.

- Who's the other?

- His name is Jeremy. He works as a mannequin.

- I heard of him on TV. Fitzgerald, right?

- Well, now it's Afton Fitzgerald.

- So he took your brother's name.

- And my brother took his. Once again, just for the reputation.

- Seems fair enough. >>

The two boys were just staring into each other's eyes while talking about random things, but just as Evan was going to say something important, they heard a knock on the door. Evan turned around on Gregory's arms, now facing the door.

<< - Yesss?

- It's me, a voice said from the other side of the door. Get ready; your brother and his husband are coming, remember? If your friend is still here, ask Doll for some clothes. She's got a bunch of things that are too big for you yet, he can come with us to the restaurant. I'm sure Michael will like to meet him!

- Okay! Thank you dad!

- I'ts okay. Now get ready. >>

Evan sat up as he heard his father walk down the stairs.

<< - That's what I was going to mention. Lets get ready!

- Wait who's Doll?

- After the accident with Noah, my father fired all our gay man, or hetero women workers, so there's no way someone could ever hurts me again. It feels kind of harsh, but it helped me feel better about them. Doll is one of our maids. She's been working here for as long as I can remember. She's really nice, you'll see!

- Okay then.

- I'm so happy, it's been a while I haven't seen my brother. But also because i want to know if I can finally beat Jeremy at Friday Night Funkin', C.C admitted.

- The hell is that?

- I'll show you.

- By the way, your father seems nice.

- He is. Evan said smiling. A bit obsessed with fame and money as well. We don't know exactly why, but I know his childhood wasn't so easy.

- What happened?

- I know he had a twin brother called Vincent who got killed for being transgender when they were teenagers. I don't know if something else happened, but I guess yes.

- Damn, people is so cruel.

- I know right?! >>

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