[A choice to make]

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<< - Hello Evan. Michael said softly while entering the room.

- Hey. >>

Michael smiled. It had been a week since the end of the process. Gregory's father tried to start a new one, but he didn't succeed. All Evan's friends went back home. They stayed with Evan for more than a month, and they missed their families. Even if he was going through a hard time, Evan started eating a bit more, and came back to his body. He looked a bit better. But Michael was worried. He didn't want anything to happen to Evan.

<< - How are you? He asked.

- Just fine. What about you and Jeremy?

- We're okay. We've received a letter from the school you postulated for. Are you still going? >>

Evan had stopped writing and studying since Gregory was gone.

<< - What am I going to do there if Gregory is not going with me? Evan asked with a straight face. >>

Michael sighed, sitting next to his brother on the bed. There was a picture of Gregory, along with water paint a drawing colored with pastel tints of the prettiest colors. Mainly blue, green, pink or yellow. Gregory's eyes were represented particularly colorful and pretty. Evan was really talented when it comes to drawing or writing.

<< - You can't give up on your dreams just because he's gone. Michael said.

- My only dream right now is for him to come back. >>

The younger male looked at the wall silently for a while. Michael then spoke again.

<< - He wasn't just a friend, was he?

- No.

- That was pretty obvious. You could've told me.

- He was worried about your reaction.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- You're scary.

- Alright. Michael sighed. I can't blame him for that I guess.

- You can't blame him at all. He was amazing. >>

Michael smiled, carefully getting closer to his brother to give him a comforting hug.

<< - I've never lost the one I love that way, but I know how it feels. >>

No you don't. Evan through of saying it, but it would've sounded mean, and he was too tired to be mean. Guess he'll just keep that for himself this time. Michael got up, walking towards the door.

<< - Someone came for you, I think you'll like seeing them.

- Let them in. >>

Michael opened the door, nodding at someone Evan couldn't see. Someone then entered the room. A girl with two ponytails and a warming smile, wearing a green dress matching with her beautiful eyes. She smiled, sitting in the couch next to Evan's bed.

<< - A little birdie told me you needed some company. Evan smiled.

- Wait, you came all the way from your home just to see me?

- No, actually I wanted to use your computer.

- So funny.

- I know right! >>

Evan sat up. He looked at the picture of Gregory on his night stand for a few seconds, until The girl spoke again.

<< - Mind telling me what happened?

- How have you been all those years Cindy?

- Stop ignoring my questions.

- Do you work for the FBI?

- For the NCIS actually.

- I'll wait for my advocate then.

- Come on! >>

Evan sighed. He didn't want to talk about it. Cindy got closer to him, hugging him. After the Noah incident, her parents didn't let her come to Evan's place. After a while, they moved to Italia.

 << - I used to like your sister. She admitted, getting Evan's attention. But I was young and didn't understand until recently. When she went missing, I felt bad. I felt like it was my fault. I could've saved her that day. If only I had stayed with you at the pizza place, she would've listened to your father if I was around. She liked to make good impression. Evan's eyes started to hurt. He was crying again. And judging by the way her sentences were pronounced, Cindy was too. And that's why I never believed you when you talked about what happened to her. I didn't want to hear it, so I didn't. She smiled. But you're not like me, you're stronger. I know you'll get through it faster than I did. I believe in you. >>

They sat for a while in silence. Cindy always knew what to say and how to react to things. She truly understands Evan. She always did.

<< - But now, she said whipping her tears, there's something I need to ask you. Her face was serious. You know who killed Gregory, don't you? >>

Evan looked at her in surprise. Soon, he calmed down and started staring at the floor. She got up, smoothing her dress.

<< I'll take that as a yes. Look, right now, you have four options. I had the same four options when your sister disappeared, but now it's your turn. She looked at him, in the dark room, silent for a while before talking again. One, you can go with it. Just keep it to yourself, and get over Gregory. Two, you can denounce the one who did that. But if you didn't already, it's probably because you like that person. You can either shut up, or loose two persons. But if you choose option too, you'll probably get over Gregory easier, knowing that he got his revenge. And option three, you can get stuck like this forever. Evan felt his stomach hurting. Do you want to continue feeling this way forever? If you don't, you better take care of yourself. Now I'll get going. >>

She opened the door, walking through it. The girl turned around one last time, as Evan called her.

<< - What's the fourth option? >>

She looked at him, taking a deep breath and staring at the floor. Evan soon understood what she meant.

<< - We all end up considering option four, she said. But I resisted to it. So you'll resist too. Evan smiled.

- Thank you for the gift.

- It's fine, I hope you and Elizabeth enjoyed it.

- We sure did. >>

And she left the room silently, closing the door behind her.

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