[The man]

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Two weeks had passed since Evan and Gregory came back from England. Their last day was calm, they stayed home and had a great time together They slept early, since their flight was at two AM. Now back home, both the boys got back to their everyday life, now more careful, trying to always have time for each other. Today was Evan's birthday. The boy stopped celebrating his and Elizabeth's birthday after her disappearance; what's the purpose of celebrating someone's birthday if they're not here to smile at you? William tried to convince him that it was important to celebrate the day he was born, but the only thing that day remembered him of was his sister's death he witnessed, and his mom's death Michael witnessed.

But Gregory had decided otherwise. He organised a huge party in the underground of Evan's house, inviting first Suzie and Cassidy so they could finally meet him, William, and with Michael's help, Bob, Max and Jessica, who were Evan's childhood friends, along with Charlotte and himself. Gregory couldn't afford to give him a gift, but he did have a few surprises.

Evan was happy. At first it was hard, he couldn't stop thinking of his lost. But Gregory was there for him. He was like the only way for him to get those memories of his head, to finally be happy again. He talked with his father, thanking him first. Then, with his old friends he hadn't seen in years, and for some came here from far, just for him. He talked to Michael, Jeremy and Roselle through the PC and then time to open the gifts and eat the cake. Evan opened each present carefully, crying every time he was done admiring its' content, then hugging tightly the one who got it. He did notice that Gregory didn't get him anything, but who cares?

Then came the surprises. First, all four of Evan's childhood friends were staying over for the night. Evan got really happy when discovering that, while kind of sad because he wanted to spend his night with his boyfriend. Second, Michael and William got Evan another present. It was a tablet, a drawing tablet. Gregory didn't really understand why but Evan looked happy, so he really couldn't care less. As Gregory was about to announce the last surprise, Jessica, a girl with brown hair and blue eyes, along with Max, her twin brother slightly shorter than her, shimmed in.

<< - Here. She said handing him another present. It was a poster from Chernobyl, Evan looked really happy when he saw it.

- Than you so-

- Don't even. Max said. Gregory asked us to give it to you after the other gifts. >>

Evan turned around to face Gregory who, just like all along the night, was standing right behind him. He hugged him, and Gregory hugged back, in confusion. He looked at the two twins as they walked away, the taller of the two smiling at him with a thumbs up while winking. Gregory smiled, he could truly understand why Evan liked his friends so much now.

Gregory walked around the room as Cassidy tried to cut Evan's hair for making their friend cry, Suzie stopping her. Evan had told his father about London earlier in the night and now, he seemed to stare at Gregory a lot. But Gregory didn't freak out, and just stared back at him. He was his father, he was probably just worried. Not all fathers are like his, after all.

As the night went on, people started leaving. William went back to his room, and Evan sent his friends to his, just so he could have a quick talk with Gregory.

<< - You're the best thing that ever happened to me. Gregory said.

- I should be saying that! Have you seen all the things you've done for me?

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