[You left me behind]

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Gregory was motivated.

The party was today, and he felt exited. He planed on meeting with his dear Evan at the main entrance, maybe in the school if there was too much people. 

Now used to jump off his window, he easily got out of his room, silently. This last week, him and the smaller boy had met at many places basically every night, giving him about three hours of sleep each night. Gregory discovered Evan's obsession with old, abandoned places, or withered dolls, toys. He would call Gregory in the middle of the night, with an happy voice, explaining how he just founded an old hospital, an abandoned city, an empty train station, and bring his taller friend in his midnight explorations. That may not sound very romantic, but for Gregory, seeing his beloved act that way was some kind of true, deep pleasure. Evan always seemed so exited, happy of discovering places that people left with no regret. He felt at the right place where people couldn't find him, and Gregory felt at the right place wherever he could find Evan.

He walked for maybe ten minutes, then took a bus. It was not really late, around six PM. Both him and Evan wanted to arrive to the party late to avoid the flux of students. Once he got in the school he just walked around. He didn't find Evan, no surprise. He was probably late, as always. Or maybe he was at the school gate? As the grey-green eyed walked around looking for his friend, He ended up bumping into what seemed to be a tall girl. Actually it was just Cassidy.

<< - Hi ugly!

- Says the one with the shit looking eyes.

- Well at least I'm not alone.

- I'm not alone neither, you're right here dumb ass.

- Wait but now seriously, weren't you supposed to bring your friend with you?

- Actually we're supposed to meet here.

- Oh. >>

Cassidy looked around, looking for a boy that could potentially be the one they were waiting for.

<< - Is that Evan right there? They asked, looking at a boy next to the bathroom door.

- No, Evan's eyes are greenish. This boy's are a lot more... Blue.

- Okay... Oh, this one!

- Evan ain't got no grey sweatshirt. He has a few golden, a few purple, one pink, a few blue and a few green ones. Oh, he's got a yellow one too. That's my favorite, it fits his eyes very well.

- ... How do you know that?

- I've been in his house before.

- To do what?

- Play video games.

- Oh so you went to his house to play video games but instead of playing you got into his closet and memorized all his clothes?

- No, the closet was open and you know I've got a nice memory. >>

Gregory and Cassidy looked at each other's eyes for a minute straight.

<< - Do you think I'm dumb? Cassidy asked.

- What?

- How long have you been friend with that dude for.

- A few months now.

- Is he the kind of people to like, wear different clothes everyday?

- No, at all. But this last week we started hanging out at night so he always had a sweatshirt with him.

- Oh so you're telling me that you've had multiple night dates with a boy. You looked at him for so long that you ended up memorizing all his clothes, including the ones you prefer. But no, he's just a friend. Shut up, Adrian.

- I... Adrian?

- You're too dumb to understand. >>

The hundred of students in the room were noisy. Even though, the atmosphere had gone awkwardly silent for Gregory. 

<< - SO, where is he so I can beat his ass?

- Why would you do that?

- He's late. I don't like people like that. >>


It's now been two hours since Gregory entered the high school. He's been patiently waiting for the one he loves, hopping he would come. Even if he called him a hundred times with no response, he was hopping Evan was hiding behind a table, something, just to prank him. Just as a joke.

<< - Gregory, let's go have fun. You can't wait for him forever!

- He left me behind? He just acted so exited about this and decided randomly not to come just because why not?

- Oh c'mon..

- What if he's hurt? Or, he just hates me and won't come. Maybe his laughing, making fun of me from his huge, comfortable bed in his huge, comfortable house while I'm waiting for him here? 

- Calm down Gregory. Maybe he's just sick. Maybe he got lost and walked back home.

- He would've called me then.

- Well then if you think that he betrayed you, if you like making yourself suffer by making all these impossible scenarios, then just stay here. Or, just come with me have fun. You can't just stay here and look at the floor. He won't come. Just have a talk with him later. Things are always way easier than what they seem to be, and I'm sure he had his reasons not to come. >>

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