[We talk sometimes, that's it]

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<< - Then it's - 17

- No, because - 2 x 85 = - 170, so -170 x - 100 = 17

- Why?

- Because - x - = +

- .. what >>

Gregory sighed as he tried to explain to his friend why two negative numbers multiplied by each other have a positive result for the third time that day. That's something Evan was supposed to already know, but, it seemed like he did never understand.

<< - Didn't  you come to my house to help me end my work?

- Look, it's not my fault if some people learns easier than me. Now shut your Sussie The Chin looking ass up and  do your work.

- You're supposed to be nice.

- You're supposed to be alone. >>

The two boys remained silent as they heard a door opening.

<< - Is that your father?

- Probably.

- Should I hide?

- Probably. No just kidding he wont come in. He never does.

- Okay.. So, are you done yet?

- I need to do my history homework.

- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, boring.

- No one told you to come. By the way..

- No, I'm not going anywhere until you end that goddamn homework.

- I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me to the festival my school is organizing. >>

Gregory talked again since Evan gave no response.

<< - So?

- Wait it was not a joke?

- No, dumb ass. You know, they need money to pay stuff so they sell drinks and food at big parties for the students and their friends and family. My friend Cassidy is going and wanted me to come so I though you could meet them?

- It may be a bit complicated, you know, I'm not the best when it comes to talking with strangers or going to crowded places.

- You're not the best at all.

- Oh shut up. >>

The green-gray eyed boy laughed. Once everything was planned, Evan left, passing through the window.

Teacher's favorite:

You didn't wait for me to end my homework. 


That's because you're so ugly that I got scared and run away.

Teacher's favorite:

That's not what you said yesterday.


What did I say yesterday?

Teacher's favorite:

"Oh my gawd Gregory ur so pretty I love you!!!!!!!" Then you tried kissing me and I shoot you that's how you passed away end of the story.


Strange thing, I don't remember saying or doing that.

Teacher's favorite:

No wonder why you have bad grades, your memory is so bad.


Not as bad as your joke.

Teacher's favorite:

Which was not as bad as your face.


You're the ugly friend, not me.

Teacher's favorite:

Did you forgot what you said yesterday again?

As Evan finally entered his house, not a sound could be heard. Everything was silent, very silent. Which was not surprising.

Evan sat down on his bed. He sat down waiting for his twin sister, Elizabeth, to come in and start talking. Talking about how her day was, how much she loved father, how long she had been waiting to go near circus baby, since father promised her she could go soon. Unfortunately she would never come in, because she was dead. Evan saw it, he knows how when she finally got to go near her favorite animatronic, it killed her. After watching his sister die, the first thing he tried to do was to inform his brother. Who got mad at him for "lying" and "making fun" of Elizabeth's situation. He was nine years old at that time. His brother and his friends started making fun of him, until a bunch of days before c.c's twelfth birthday, everything brutally changed between Evan and Michael.

Now Michael is a grown man. He works and lives by himself, in France. He visits Evan and their father sometimes. He changed, and became a nice person. With a strong character though. Evan loves him a lot, he also tried to forgive him. It was kinda hard, that's probably the reason they never got to be really close to each other. They talk sometimes, that's it.

Freaks [Cc x Gregory]Where stories live. Discover now