[Great but better]

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It is great to be in a relationship with the one you love, the one who loves you. It was nice for Gregory to leave school and to think of his beautiful beloved, making the grin on his face immediately fade to soon be replaced with a lovely smile. Even at school Gregory would act less  cold or mad toward other people. Something had changed. It wasn't school, it wasn't any of his feeling about it, it was more like a new view over his own life, brought to him by his everything,  his love. Maybe it was only because he was young, or maybe it was the feeling of a first love, but who cares? Gregory couldn't imagine himself living without C.C, at least as much as C.C did about Gregory.

As Gregory was walking towards the bus he was supposed to take, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around brutally, accidentally pushing the person behind him, making them fall to the ground. He looked down, taking the other person's hand to help them get up, only to discover a pretty, tall girl with brown hair and dark green eyes. Her name was Charlotte, they used to have PE together.

<< - Hello Gregory, it's been a while. She said coldly, which is kinda weird since she usually acts nice towards everyone.

- Hello Charlotte. Sorry for that.

- It's okay. Tell me, do you know a certain Evan, Evan Christopher. >>

Now the conversation was getting interesting.

<< - Yes, we're... Friends.

- Mh, she said, seeming kinda mad. How do you feel about him?

- What do you mean?

- How is he?

- He's nice and very caring. He's a good person. >>

Her eyes lightened up. She then looked at the floor, seeming sorry.

<< - I must have sounded so harsh. I'm sorry! Evan is a childhood friend. He's important to me, we used to be very close. We're not that close anymore though, he moved. After his sister went missing he stopped socializing. He left me and Cindy. He said something about protecting us from the man behind the slaughter. I can't remember exactly. 

- Wait his sister went missing?

- Yes. Her name was Elizabeth. She was his twin. My twin brother got sick, I was like five years old? I don't know, I just remember that Elizabeth fell down the stairs and got hurt, so we met at the hospital. We became friends, Sammy died, and a few years later, Elizabeth disappeared. I remember that C.C was alone with her that day. When she went missing the police first though that he had done something to her. They then had a talk with him. I don't know what he told them, I just know he got sent to a psychiatric hospital and only came back a few months later.

- Did he tell you what happened?

- He did, but I think he just dreamed of it, because he only said a bunch of stupid stuff. We're not mad at him though, that boy went through so much pain...

- Did anything else happen to him?

- Well his mom died. Something else also happened but I won't be telling you. I feel like it's too... If someone tells you, it has to be him.

- Well, thank you. Do you think we can talk about it sometime?

- For sure! Both of them gave each other their numbers. It was nice talking to you.

- It was nice talking to you to, but I really got to go!

- It's okay! Cya.

- Bye. >>

Gregory sat down. He looked trough the window. He loved Evan. He love Evan with all his heart, all his body, all his mind. Evan loved him back, right? Why would he keep such horrible things to himself, instead of sharing his pain with the one who cares for him and supports him the most? That's one of the worst things could think of; his dear beloved lying to him, or hiding things he should feel safe to share. Gregory, once again, felt the horrible urge to know everything he could know about C.C. It wasn't the first time he felt that way, but it was for sure the first time it hit him that bad.

Gregory got out of the bus. He walked towards his house. Only because it was on the way to Evan's. He walked trough the deep forest, this time alone. Not appreciating the beautiful view, more likely rushing to meet with his, now he could call him, boyfriend as fast as possible. He was not mad, or even sad, he was concerned. He was scared for the one he loves, and will always love. Maybe he was in danger? Maybe he was not. Maybe Gregory was just too emotional. But maybe was not enough for Gregory to feel better.

After a good walk, the white house finally appeared to the taller. He walked towards the gate, ringing the bell. He then felt very stupid, ringing at his beloved door in the middle of the afternoon after having a conversation with a random girl. He couldn't even be sure that Charlotte was telling the truth. What was he doing there again? Sometimes he was too impulsive.

The gate opened and a tall, tall men with black hair, a blue and a purple eye came out. How is it even possible to have a purple eye? For the blue eye, Gregory recognized it. It looked exactly like Evan. The man must be his father.

<< - Young man?

- Sir..?

- Afton.

- Afton! Are you Evan's father?

- Indeed. Are you Gregory?

- How do you know?

- He talked about you during dinner last week, he seems to appreciate you a lot. Are you here to talk to him?

- Yes, sir.

- Go ahead. Since you never came, let me take you to his room.

- Isn't he at school?

- Evan is home-schooled.

- Oh. >> 

After a walk all over the garden and house towards Evan's room, Afton left Gregory with a smile, walking down the stairs. Gregory knocked at the door, waiting for his dearest to come open.

It is great to be in a relationship with the one you love, the one who loves you. It is great to have a lover. A caring, loving one. A beautiful one. But what's even better is a trusting one.

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