[Every thing has it's first time]

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Gregory was sitting in his room, facing is friend. I'ts been three days since the party where c.c never showed up, and they haven't talked yet. This morning the smaller boy entered Gregory's room around seven AM and just told him not to go to school. After that he just sat down and slept against the wall. Now a few hours later, nothing else had been said.

After about twenty minutes of absolutely nothing, Gregory did a first move. He got up and walked toward his friend as he looked up at him. Once he arrived, he sat down on the floor, facing the bed. He opened his arms.

<< - What? Evan asked.

- A hug, please.

- No.

- What? You gotta be kidding. YOU'RE mad at ME?

- Yes I am.

- And can I know why? You're the one who never showed up and didn't even provide any reason.

- Excuse me? I did come to your dumb ass school, you didn't.

- Yes I did! I was with Cassidy near the gate!

- Bu I was at the main entrance...

- So... We both came and just didn't saw each other? >>

The two boys started laughing. Gregory felt like the strong, heavy pain he was feeling was finally gone. His eyes lightened up, as he opened them to look at his friend once again.

<< - I feel so stupid... C.C said.

- Me too. I really freaked out. I though something could've happened to you that day.

- I was so upset that I didn't even think about that. >>

Evan laughed nervously. He was embarrassed.

<< - I feel very selfish now. >>

He looked away.

<< It's okay, I love you the way you are. >>

Gregory felt his face warm up as he realized what he just said. The two boys looked at each other silently. Oh Gregory, you're so goddamn dumb. 

<< - Y- you-

- Umh-

- So do you l-like, really or-

- Mayb-be- >>

They looked into each other eyes for around one minute until Gregory finally had the courage to talk again.

<< - I-I may like you... >>

The room went even more silent.

<< - W-Well I may like you back. >>

Gregory looked at his friend again, his eyes lightening up. His heart started beating faster, way faster than it ever did before.

<< - You do? >>

Evan silently nodded, looking up at Gregory's eyes.

For a few seconds everything disappeared. Gregory, now happier than ever, leaned down, erasing the small distance that separated them. They kissed once, and twice, and more, until they had enough. For a long while they both had been waiting for this to happen. They dreamed of each other. They felt a deep need to hug random things, such as pillows, and imagine it was the one they loved. In love people stuff. Now, they finally could go further. They went from in love people stuff to lovers stuff. To couple stuff.

That afternoon was calm and relaxing. Neither of them wanted to talk, or to walk. Neither of them wanted to feel anything else than the other's presence, the warm of the other's arms. They cuddled the whole afternoon,  and since Gregory needed to do his homework, he ended up doing it with Evan sleeping on his lap. Some things they had never done before but they would love do to again.

Freaks [Cc x Gregory]Where stories live. Discover now