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'' All I know is getting money
All I know is getting paper
All I know is stack up ''

╭ ・ $$$ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

Yume sat in the room of a karaoke room, Koko sitting by her side as he counted a stack of bills.
''How much?'' She asked, as she blew the smoke from her cigarette into the air, filling the room with smoke.
''One. Goddamn. Grand!'' Koko said, pausing his words as he threw the money in the air, making it shower over their heads. Yume started laughing in delusion, feeling like she was in a dream.
She was sixteen years old, making one grand in just one day. She felt on top of the world.
Koko started laughing along the female, who stood up as she threw her cigarette on the floor and stepped on it with her heel, turning it off.
The boy opened his arms widely, walking towards the black haired girl, who hugged him as she notices his arms open. Koko kisses the top of her head, thanking the gods for giving him a partner that had the same visions as him. They were the perfect duo when it came to making money. The girl laughed as she closed her eyes, feeling the boy's embrace.
''Shit, Koko. We're the fucking best! We have to tell Inupi and Taiju!'' She said, letting go of the boy as she stepped back and looked up at him.
''Yeah, let's go out and have dinner all together.'' Koko said as he patted her head, smiling at her.
The girl nodded, as she got on her knees and started picking up all the money, scared it would disappear if they left it on the floor for one more minute.
A boy stepped in the room, wearing the same white uniform as Koko and Yume, ''Boss, young master is--'' he said before he looked at the teenagers who were inside the room. He misinterpreted the situation, seeing the girl on her knees in front of Koko. ''Sorry! My bad!'' The boy said before he left the room, closing the door swiftly after himself. ''Huh?'' Yume asked as she placed the money inside a bag. ''Yume... you're on your knees in front of me... he thought that--'' Koko started explaining, as the girl threw the bag full of money at him, interrupting him. ''I don't want to hear the end. It's disgusting.'' Yume said with a straight face as she stood up, as she grabbed her knife from the table. Yume always carried a combat knife in her belt, just in case. ''I'm gonna go now. I'll go search for Taiju, since he probably won't answer his phone. You go call Inupi, see you at Taiju's house at seven. Love ya!'' She said, blowing a kiss at the boy as she closed the door after herself as she walked out, her jacket's bottom bouncing behind her as she walked past the group of gang members. ''Wait, Boss! Young master was searching for you!'' The boy that had entered before said, as he ran towards the girl, making her turn around. ''Where is he?'' She asked, raising her eyebrow at the boy. ''He was going home just now, he said he will wait you there.'' The boy finished telling the black haired girl, who resumed her walk as the boy had nothing else to say to her.
The girl searched for a taxi around the streets, as she tied her hair up in a high ponytail, her front strands framing her face. She raised the black mask she held under her chin, covering the lower half of her face now.

She walked up to Taiju's door, taking her mask off as she knocked on it. ''Open up! I'm freezing!'' She said, as Christmas was not too far away. It was already winter.
She closed her jacket as she hugged herself, pounding on the door harder.
Hakkai, Taiju's little brother, opened the door instead.
''Hakkai-kun? Is Taiju-san home?'' She asked at him with a sweet look. She liked Hakkai, he was extremely cute to her eyes and he had a good personality, even if he struggled at home with Taiju and hid himself after Yuzuha. She didn't like cowards, but she knew Hakkai had no bad intentions. 'We're all fucked up in our own ways.' Is what she used to think about the siblings' situation. ''Y-Yeah, please come in.'' He said as his cheeks turned rosy pink. The truth is, Hakkai had a crush on Yume. He loved her boldness, the fact that she was fucked up and wasn't perfect, just like him. He loved seeing her red lips move as she talked, her fangs showing through her lips whenever she smiled, the way her nails were always painted red. He liked her every little detail, everyday. He didn't have the courage to tell her, as he was too shy with girls. He was surprised that he didn't freeze up whenever she approached him, he was glad it was this way instead.
Yume stepped into the house, hanging her jacket on their coat hanger at the entrance of the house. ''Taiju!'' She said loudly, making Yuzuha step out of her room. ''Yume-chan!'' She said as she ran to the girl, hugging her tightly. ''It's been a while, Yuzuha.'' Yume said as she ruffled the girl's hair. Yume had gotten close to Taiju's family, as she was often over at his house, discussing Black Dragons' stuff. Taiju liked talking this stuff at his home, as he was an overthinker and he kept thinking that people were spying on them whenever they had meetings outside. Yume didn't argue about it with him, and simply accepted. She wasn't gonna deny that he could be right about it. The Black Dragons were a powerhouse back in the days, and they could quickly back up to their old glory anytime, becoming a target for other gangs.
''Why haven't you passed by in so long, Yume-chan? I've been lonely!'' Yuzuha said as she looked up at the girl without letting go from the hug, pouting her lips.
''Ah... I've been so busy with business, ya know...'' Yume said as she smiled sadly at Yuzuha, feeling bad that she had been neglecting her friends due to her duties in the Black Dragons. She had been in this business with Koko, they had made a deal with a famous politician, who had asked Koko to wipe out a whole gang that was sabotaging him. It was about two hundred guys, and he had given them one thousand in exchange for making them not bother him ever again. They obviously accepted, even though Yume had complained that one grand was too little, but then again, they were just teenagers. They had planned on how Yume would take ten guys per day, slowly making them leave the main gang secretly until a hundred were left, then, she would fight them all at once, while they were at a meeting. She did it quietly and swiftly, with Koko and Inupi helping her. They were able to take out a hundred guys with weapons by theirselves. Pretty amazing, if they could say so theirselves.
Hakkai noticed Yume zoning out as she smiled sadly while caressing Yuzuha's face. He leaned against the door's frame, crossing his arms at his chest. Yuzuha quickly excused herself, saying she had to continue to do some homework.
''What happened, Yume?'' Hakkai asked quietly, suspecting Yume had to do something tough.
''We had to take out two hundred guys in exchange for a grand... it took us like two weeks to find them and they were able to beat my ass until Koko noticed me on the floor.'' Yume explained to Hakkai, as she held the bridge of her nose. It was right, she was able to successfully take them all down, but one of them had managed to stab her on her thigh. Thankfully, it didn't go through any of her muscles or injured her too much.
Yume pulled her pants down out of nowhere, wanting to show Hakkai her scar, who just looked at her sadly, as her words made his heart ache. He quickly noticed the girl's bottoms off, making him instantly turn red. ''YUME!'' Taiju said as he had just left his room, noticing the girl's pants at her ankles. ''What the fuck, Hakkai?! What did you do to her?!'' Taiju said, as he ran towards Hakkai and grabbed the neck of the boy's t-shirt, threatening as their foreheads touched. ''I pulled them down myself, look.'' Yume calmly stated, as she pointed towards her thigh, pulling the bandages off her leg. Her thigh had six stitches on it, looking absolutely awful. ''Who... did this to you?'' Taiju asked the girl, as he let go of his younge brother, leaving him panting. He cupped the girl's face, his face holding a sad expression. ''Myself. I just followed your command.'' Yume said as she smiled at the boy, feeling proud of herself. Yume loved Taiju, she looked up to him like crazy. She admired his strength, and his willpower. The way he had made the Black Dragons reborn, drove Yume crazy for him. She was stronger, but she would never be able to do something so big. She didn't have the power to redesign a whole gang, and make them submit to her like dogs just like Taiju did. He had connections with the higher ups all over Tokyo, and even though she was a charming individual, she would be never able to approach famous politicians and the people controlling Japan just like Taiju did. He was amazing in her eyes, even if he was fucked up in some things.
The way he didn't know the real meaning of family, and the way he treated them, did make Yume sick, who loved her family the most in this whole world. But she didn't say anything, as she had her own sick and fucked up visions towards other stuff.
''Yume, what have I told you? Don't do the dirty stuff in the gang... leave that to Inupi and his unit... you're the most important thing I have, and the Black Dragons wouldn't be the same without you, Yume.'' Taiju said, smiling sadly at her. Hakkai stood there, feeling sick to his stomach. His brother didn't deserve to love Yume, or say all these meaningless words to her. He was just going to hurt her. He should've been the one saying those words to her instead, is what he thought everyday.
''Taiju, I'll do anything you ask me to. Even if I go through hell, I'll always achieve what you dream of, just to give it to you. Here's the money you asked me for.'' Yume said with a grin, as she pulled her pants up and took a stack of money from her pocket, held together with a rubber band. Taiju had been researching about the gang Yume took down, as he suspected they had been blackmailing the politician for money all this time. He was right. They had another grand hidden at their meeting spot, inside an old couch. Yume had succesfully stolen it, and Koko and herself decided to give that grand to Taiju, as he was the one that found out about that little secret.
Taiju grabbed the money from the girl's hand, hesitantly.
''Can I smoke inside?'' Yume asked as she took out a pack of cigarettes from her jacket, along with a lighter.
''Yeah. Don't worry 'bout it.'' Taiju said as he walked towards his room, making Yume follow behind, though she turned around before entering in the boy's room.
''Hakkai?'' Yume called out for the boy, who was staring at the floor, zoned out.
''Y-Yeah, senpai?'' He asked as she noticed the girl standing away from him.
''Would you like to have dinner together tomorrow?" She asked with a grin, knowing the boy was worried about her.
''Yes! O-Of course!'' He said as his body tensed up, his cheeks being a coral color now.
" 'Kay, see you later.'' She said as she held a peace sign with her fingers, entering the oldest brother's room, closing the door after herself.
Taiju sat on his bed, his t-shirt off and the TV on, as he held his arms behind his head.
''Let me tie your hair.'' Yume said, as the boy smiled as he noticed the girl climbing on the bed, her jacket neatly folded on the boy's desk.
She sat with her legs around the boy, as he rested his hands on the girl's hips, as she took a hairtie from her wrist and carefully brushed the boy's hair with her hands. She loved styling Taiju's hairs, as she kept telling him that she looked way more handsome with it tied up or in other hairdos.
''Do you know what space is, Yume?'' Taiju asked, as he noticed the girl's face one inch away from his. ''It's a word for people who are afraid to get close.'' She replied with a smirk, as she tied the boy's hair in a high ponytail, a few strands falling in front of his face.
''You look so fucking hot, let me say.'' Yume commented, giggling. Taiju smirked at the girl's words, tempted to kiss her.
''Do you know why I always call you to meet up here? Have you never wondered why the others never come?'' Taiju asked as he brushed the girl's front strands of her hair behind her ears.
''Tell me why. I don't like guessing.'' Yume said, cupping the boy's face with her hands.
''Because for me there's only us. You're heaven sent, Yume. God sent you to me, knowing you'd be good for me. I only need and want you, nothing else. Don't you want me?'' Taiju asked, caressing the girl's face with his fingers.
Yume shaked her head, smirking. Taiju laughed at her action, knowing she lied.
''If you didn't want me, you wouldn't keep coming to our meetings knowing all we do is kiss each other.'' Taiju said as he leaned forward, to which the girl leaned backwards, teasing him.
''We actually have to discuss something today, Taiju.'' She said as she got off the boy, sitting by his side as she lighted up her cigarette.
She inhales the smoke, holding it inside her lungs as she talks.
''What is it, then?'' Taiju says as he moves his head to the side, taking a look at her.
She looked gorgeous, as the smoke dances around her, her bronze eyes shining, her messy hair from the wind earlier. She looked like a deadly sin he was ready to commit.
''Toman.'' She says, looking to the side too, making eye contact with him as she blows the smoke directly towards him, making him blow it off with his hand.
''Ah... I heard they were gonna have a fight with this new gang, Valhalla.'' He says, catching up on Yume's thoughts.
''This new guy... Kisaki Tetta, he doesn't give me good vibes. He makes my skin itch. My brother left Toman, and joined Valhalla instead so that he can beat him. I have a bad feeling about this, Taiju. If Toman and Valhalla mix together, we're gonna have a problem.'' She says, with a serious voice as her face looked worrying.
''We'll be fine, Yume. We have money, and us together, we're unstoppable. Koko and you will sort it out quickly if that happens, I'm sure of it, love.'' He says, trying to relieve her worries.
''Okay... I'll trust you on this one.'' She said as she took the last smoke, turning it off on Taiju's ashtray. He had gotten so used to the girl being over often, that he bought an ashtray so that she could smoke inside his room.
''Come here.'' He said softly as he opened his arms, making Yume hug his naked torso as she got on his legs again.
She sighed, feeling the warmness from his body, being able to let her worries go.
''You're scared for Baji, aren't you?'' He asks the girl, almost whispering in her ear.
His heart softened for her, able to let go of his brutal face when Yume was around him.
She was his only weakness. She broke down every wall he held up.
She nodded as she rested her head on his shoulder. He rubbed her back, trying to comfort her.
''If you find out who the overseer will be, I'll use my connections so that you can attend to watch the fight. Would you like that?'' He asks as he holds her shoulders, pulling her away from himself.
She nods her head, smiling softly at him.
''Taiju, you're the best." She says with a soft voice, almost mumbling. "I know." He says, scoffing at her words.
''Can I have a kiss now?'' He asks, smirking. The girl giggles, as she nods her head and leans in, making the boy wrap his arms around her waist.

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