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'' I put you on top, I put you on top
I claimed you so proud and openly
And when times were rough, when times were rough
I made sure I held you close to me ''

$$$ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

''Keisuke!'' Yume screamed loudly as she arrived their apartment, throwing the keys on the coffee table from their living room, closing the door.
''What?!'' He screams sharply, as he steps out of his room, a head peeking from the door.
''Why is Kazutora here? The hell?'' She asks, noticing the boy with blonde streaks peeking.
''We're discussin' the fight.'' He says, making the girl nod. ''I have some news regarding that! I'm such a great old sis, aren't I? God, I'm so cool.'' She says as she smiles, flicking her hand at Baji, acting as if he had just complimented her.
''Shut up. What is it?'' He asks, curious. Kazutora steps out too, curiously.
''Nee-san, your lipstick.'' Baji tells her as Kazutora steps out of the room, feeling embarrassed for her. It was all smeared. She wipes her lips with her hand, just making it look worse.
''I am going to watch your fight! Taiju talked to his connections so I could watch my little onii-chan fight!'' She says as she ruffles his hair, making Baji slap her hand off his head.
''Yume-san? Are you fucking Taiju?'' Kazutora asks with a smirk, laughing at the girl's lipstick.
''No comment!'' She says, smacking his head by the sudden question, a smirk planted on her face.
''I bet you got rejected, ugly old hag!'' He says, teasing her as he puts his tongue out at her.
''You're a shithead, all you know to do is fight! You're so ugly, you haven't even gotten a girlfriend yet!'' She says, arguing with him as Baji just watches the two, unfazed by it. It was a common behavior from them since they were younger.

''Can I ride with you tomorrow, Keisuke?'' Yume asks as Kazutora sits on the couch, tired from arguing with her for a good fifteen minutes.
''If you don't freak out when I drive, I'll give you a ride, Nee-san.'' Baji tells her, making her nod.
''Okay. I'll try to.'' She says, smiling sheepishly.
She was scared of bikes, and everytime she rode one, she either froze in fear or she would start screaming and curse whoever created motorbikes, to which Baji always responded with going even faster, so that she would shut up soon.
It was embarrassing for him whenever he had to give her a ride around Toman members.

Kazutora left late at night, Yume fell asleep on the couch, her head on his lap, as Baji sat on the floor, playing cards with Kazutora.
He tried to not wake her up, putting a pillow under her head and a blanket over her, while Baji went to his room, falling asleep soon after Kazutora left.

The next day soon came, and Baji woke up early, wanting to get ready and plan thoroughly how he was going to fight later on the day.
Yume's phone started ringing, waking her up, making her quickly stand up, half asleep.
She realized it was just her phone, so she laid back on the couch, picking the phone from the table.
''Who is it?...'' She asked, a raspy voice leaving her lips as she answered the phone.
''Bitch, you left us hanging yesterday. We were going to have dinner together, remember?'' Koko talked on the phone, making the girl groan.
''Shit, sorry.'' She says, feeling bad that she left her friends yesterday night. ''I'll make up to you tomorrow, I'm busy today...'' She said, closing her eyes as she held her phone against her ear.
''Taiju already told me about your brother's fight. Do you need a ride there?'' He asks her, making her smile due to his sweet offer.
''Keisuke is already going to give me a ride, thank you though.'' She says, her voice starting to sound less sleepy.
''Okay, I'll let you sleep now. Have fun, psycho.'' Koko says on the phone, hanging up, before letting her complain about the sudden nickname.
''Psycho?... Who does he think he is?'' She mumbles to herself, as Baji steps out of the room.
Mental note to slap Kokonoi as soon as she saw him again.
''Get up! We're gonna be late, old hag.'' He says, irritated by seeing his sister still laying on the couch.
''What's up with everyone disrespecting me today? Shit, I'm gonna kill someone at that shit fight if I get one more insult, GEEZ!'' She says, cursing Baji under her breath as she walked past him, slamming the bathroom's door after she walked in, making Baji laugh by his sister's mood swings. Definitely a scene worth watching.

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