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'' You're so golden
I'm out of my head
And I know that you're scared
Because hearts get broken
I don't wanna be alone. ''
$$$ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

As Mitsuya and Taiju started fighting, Chifuyu walked in.
Mitsuya's words brought tears to Yume's eyes, who fell to her knees and started sobbing, worrying Taiju, who couldn't comfort her in this moment as he was fighting the boy.
Mitsuya fell to his knees too, as he started to get tired.
"What's wrong, Mitsuya? I've only up using seventy percent of my power." Taiju said looking down on him, as he smirked.
"Ah? Don't talk like you've got the advantage. A strap on my boot came loose, that's all." Mitsuya said as he grinned.
"Don't do it, Taka-chan! You can't win!" Hakkai screamed, scared for his best friend.
"What's wrong with you, Taka-chan?! I thought you were smart! You don't fight pointless battles like this! He's bigger and older than you! You don't have anything that will help you win!" He kept screaming as he watched Mitsuya getting beaten by Taiju.
They all knew Mitsuya was being stubborn. He couldn't win this fight.
"You're a tough bastard. I'm gettin' tired... so it's time we finished this. Right, Yume?" He says as Yume jumps behind Mitsuya, as she swings a metal bar, while Inui stands behind her.
He had planned this with Taiju, as he knew the boy was loyal to him.
He was sure that Yume would protect him, but he needed a backup just in case.
He had come into the church, handing the metal bar to Yume, who just wanted to end the fight and go home with Taiju.
She would scold him for being a bad brother later.
Mitsuya fell to the floor, as Yume dropped the metal bar to the floor.
"Beatdown." Inui exclaimed, as he patted the girl's back.
Hakkai screamed as he ran towards Mitsuya.
Koko walked in, his heels clicking against the floor as he held a smirk on his face.
"Well? Did my info help? Was it worth one hundred thousand?" He asks Takemichi as he puts his tongue out, teasing them.
"Taka-chan! Taka-chan! Now what, Takemichi?! Taka-chan, he is..." Hakkai screamed in horror.
"Of course he is, Yume hit him with almost all her strength." Inui said as he kept a straight face.
"That's my Yume!" Taiju exclaimed as he started laughing, proudly.
"Now let's beat the rest of them to death!" He screams, as Inui grabs the metal bar this time instead.
"What the fuck did you just do... you son of a bitch?!" They screamed as Yume fell to the floor, next to Mitsuya, as she sobbed.
She didn't mean to hurt her friends.
But they had hurt her first.
"Bring it on, you little shits!" Taiju screamed once again as he laughed.
Takemichi and Chifuyu charged towards Taiju, wanting to kill him.
"Guys, wait!" Mitsuya screamed as he stood up, his head bleeding.
"I'm all right, so cool it, would ya?" He says as his eyes are almost closed, as he sits against a bench.
"Takemitchy, Chifuyu. Calm down and listen carefully. The situation looks hopeless. Taiju's a total beast, and the other two are probably insanely strong... not to mention, that Yume is losing it. I feel like... she is about to kill anyone if Taiju gives her the order. Compared to them... Chifuyu, you're beat up. And I can't move, to be honest. Takemitchy, you're the only one of us still in fighting shape. But if we lose here... something even worse will happen to Yuzuha. She might even get killed." Mitsuya explains to Takemichi and Chifuyu, who pay attention to his words.
"Don't worry! Mikey-kun and the others will come to help! So we just have to hold out 'til then. Once they're here, it'll all work out!" Takemichi says as he smiles, knowing Mikey would come to the rescue.
"... Takemitchy. Did you... call Mikey?" Mitsuya asks, confused.
"Huh?... You didn't call him, Mitsuya-kun?" Takemichi asks him back, confused too.
"I came here alone to help Hakkai. For personal reasons that had nothing to do with Toman. The three of us have to protect Yuzuha." Mitsuya tells Takemichi, who falls to his knees in despair.
They were done.

As they talked, Yume had completely lost her temper.
She wasn't even crying anymore, she was just kneeling on her floor as she stared at the puddle of blood Mitsuya had left.
Takemichi screamed, as he recomposed himself. He slapped his cheeks together, knowing he had no choice but fight to death.
Taiju, Inui and Koko waited for them to attack, as they looked in worry at Yume.
Then, just as they waited, Chifuyu and Takemichi charged towards Koko and Inui, as Hakkai and Mitsuya stood in front of Taiju, who was surprised by Hakkai.
As they all fought, Hakkai stood back with Yume, who stood up out of nowhere.
"I.. I have to end it... I have to end it... I have to end it..." She kept mumbling to herself as she opened her eyes widely once again, as Hakkai watched at her in horror.
As the girl was suffering, Hakkai grabbed the knife and charged forward once again.
He needed to free the girl from Taiju.
Takemichi headbutted Hakkai, as he grabbed the knife with his bare hands.
"I'm gonna show you... what it means to fight back!" He screamed to Hakkai as he pushed him back, taking the knife away.
"Still haven't learned your lesson, you little shit?" Taiju asked Takemichi as he faced him.
"That's my only redeeming quality." He says with a grin, as he positions himself to fight.
Mitsuya had been throw away.
"Let's go, Taiju!" He screams as he runs towards him, swinging his fist, but Taiju's hits him first, throwing him back.
But Takemichi keeps on running back to Taiju.
"... How many times do I have to punch you 'til you're satistied?" Taiju asks as he catches his breath, getting tired from continuously punching the boy, whose face is destroyed.
"Taiju... I'm gonna defeat you... and take control of the Black Dragons!" He exclaims, pissing Taiju off.
Takemichi kept charging trying to punch Taiju, and he somehow managed to land one on his face.
As Yume kepts walking in circles as she mumbles to herself, Taiju falls to his knees, as his legs fail him.
Takemichi says something to Hakkai, who asks him for help, as he falls to his knees, crying.
Koko and Inui rush towards Taiju, worried.
Everyone stares at Taiju in shock, not believing Takemichi had made him kneel with one punch, as his face was destroyed and bleeding everywhere.
"Yume!" Inui screams, as the girl keeps walking in circles.
"Yume! Yume! Yume, come on!" He says as he shakes the girl, taking her out of her trance.
"Right... I have to kill... Takemichi..." She says with a tired voice as she walks towards Takemichi, grabbing his hair and throwing him against a wall, using all her strength.
Bones are heard cracking, as Takemichi collapsed as he falls to the floor.
Everyone stares at Yume in horror and surprise, as she had just given the Black Dragons the upper hand.
"Sorry... Hakkai... Chifuyu... Takemichi... Yuzuha... Mitsuya... I have no choice here..." She says almost mumbling, even though everyone can hear her, as she slouches her back.
"I'm sorry... Baji-kun, if you're watching this... do forgive us." Hakkai said as he took his jacket off, as Mitsuya, Chifuyu and himself charged towards Yume, who stood there as they beat her, as she smiled with her eyes closed, tears falling off the corner of her eyes.
They had to beat her, or they would all die.
"YUME!" Taiju and Inui screamed, as they charged forward, fighting against them as Yume kept smiling.
"I'm sorry... everyone." She said as she fell to her knees once again.
"You're such an idiot... Hakkai. You'll end up losing everything now." Taiju said as he was angry, as his brother had beaten his girlfriend, as she simply gave up in front of them.
She didn't want to fight.
She was fighting her own self, as her two sides clashed against each other.
Her dark impulses were telling her to pulverize Toman, as Taiju was her boss, but her normal personality was telling her to protect Taiju from doing something bad, telling her to protect Toman.
"Shut the fuck up, you asshole. Learn your lesson in hell, shitbag. You won't see Yume there, that'll wake you up." Hakkai said as he grinned, finally standing up for himself, his friends and his family.
As Hakkai said that, Mikey's engine was heard.

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