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'' Tell me something that I'll forget
And you might have to tell me again
It's crazy what you'll do for a friend
. ''

$$$ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

Both gangs marched to where the battle was, the train racks.
Fifty Toman members versus five hundred Kanto members.
This sounded like a groupal suicide plan.
''Takemitchy, I'll beat up ten guys... and then I'll deal with Mocchi.'' Chifuyu said, with a decisive look on his face.
''I also got someone that I have to kill, Ran Haitani! The guy who hurt Yume-chan and Taka-chan!'' Hakkai exclaimed with a furious look on his face, making Mitsuya side eye him.
''Hey man, that should be my resentment, shouldn't it?'' He asked, with a poker face.

''Hey! Who are those people?!''
''Who invited the Black Dragons?!'' 

Mumbles started to be heard, as a huge group of Black Dragons approached them, flags in their hands waving, as someone was in the front of them, leading them with their arms behind their head, looking unbothered, along with the known brown haired boy.
''Yooho~!'' They waved, and everyone instantly recognized that voice.
''Yume-chan, Kuma-kun!'' Takemichi exclaimed, a grin appearing on his face.
''Nee-san!'' Chifuyu exclaimed too, running towards her along with everyone from Toman.
''I've come to rescue you guys!'' She exclaimed with a huge grin, placing her arms over their shoulders, bringing them closer into a hug.
''Does that mean you'll fight against Mikey?'' Hakkai asked, a big smile on his face, glad to see the girl after a long time.
''Of course. He's our friend. He needs us more than ever!'' She stated, walking forward to face Kanto's members.
''You're welcome, Takemitchy!'' Kuma said with a smug smile, making Takemichi give him a nod.
''Thank you so much, Kuma.'' He said as Kuma patted his shoulder, slightly pushing Takemichi.
Everytime Kuma patted someone, hugged or pushed, they'd get pushed away, because the poor boy couldn't control his strength fully. He wasn't even conscious of how strong he is.
''Hey there, Mikey! If you don't mind, I'd like to be enemies for a day.'' Yume said, sticking her tongue out, her hands being held behind her back.
''Whatever you want. Just know I won't spare you.'' He said with a bored voice, making her nod as she walked back to her friends.
''Black Dragons! Today we'll be fightin' Kanto Manji Gang! Beat up every member you see! The Tokyo Manji Gang is our forever ally! This is not the first time we fight by their side!'' She commanded, turning back around with furrowed eyebrows.
Suddenly, she turned back around, remembering something.
How could she dare forget such an important thing?
''Guys! Hold on! I've brought a friend!'' She screamed to her friends, making them all turn their attention towards her.
''Who is it, Yume-chan?'' Chifuyu asked, curiously.
She suddenly pulled someone among the Black Dragons, revealing a familiar face.
''Tora-chan! ♡'' She said with the sweetest voice ever, hugging his arm with a grin on her face.
''I know you might not trust him... but Tora-chan has changed a lot since he got into juvie. He has shown so much positive change that they allowed me to bail him out! Please forgive him for his actions, because I have done so! We can talk about it later! And now, let's fight side by side and bring Mikey back!'' She exclaimed, nodding her head decisively once again.
''Welcome back, Kazutora.'' Mitsuya and Pah said, nodding their heads, accepting the boy back.
''Thank you, boys.'' Kazutora said with a eyes closed smile, standing by their side.
''Have you guys noticed?'' Takemichi asked, looking at Kanto's members.
''Wanka, Benkei, Hanma, they all have joined Kanto.'' He commented, looking at Senju, looking for answers, but she looked as surprised as them.
''They were already strong to begin with but now they're reinforced their strength. Do we have any chance in winning?'' Peh said with a worried expression, making Yume slap the back of his head.
''Of course we do! It's only three hundred versus five hundred! Remember the junkyard fight?! I know this is harder... but believe in us!'' She exclaimed, slightly offended by his comment.
''Hey, you guys. Is there a need for two 'Toman'? There's no need for that, right?'' Mikey said with the same expression he always held, dark and thirsty for blood.
''Hey! You idiots! Didn't the Three Deities Battle decide who is the champion? Don't drag up the old team at this point. We're over with these kid fights! Plus, you're a team made out of losers, you guys are obviously no match for us. If you want to make memories, go somewhere else!'' Sanzu exclaimed with the most psychopath-like grin ever, finally exposing his mouth scars to everyone. Everyone started laughing, though, little did they know, they were lighting the fuse Yume had inside of her.
''Losers? The Black Dragons? The gang that has led Japan for generations? Who are you, Sanzu Haruchiyo? You're just a dog following your owner, Mikey! Where were you at all the past fights? You fight like a little girl, only with a weapon. Come fight me with your fists if you have balls, we'll see who is the champion.'' Yume said, stepping forward with an angry expression, getting held back by Kuma and Mitsuya.
''Bitch! I'll kill you and open those scars of yours!'' She screamed, allowing them to drag her back to the group.
'' 'You guys aren't Toman.' '' Takemichi quoted, furrowing his eyebrows.
''Ha? Your voice is too quiet, we can't hear ya!'' Sanzu exclaimed, leaning forward, mocking Takemichi.
''It's just wrong... 'Toman' isn't supposed to be like this! Today, we will defeat the Kanto Manji Gang and succeed to the Tokyo Manji Gang! Come and kill us if you can, Kanto Manji Gang! No matter what happens, we will never give in! WE WILL DEFEAT YOU, NO MATTER WHAT! LET'S GO, SANO MANJIRO!'' Takemichi screamed, starting the fight, readying his fists and running forward.
''COME ON!'' Mikey screamed back, giving the order to Kanto's members to go forward.
And so, everyone started clashing against each other.

Takemichi went first, screaming 'ora!' as he ran, facing Mikey.
''What an idiot... why would the weakest loser like you, charge first in a suicide attack like this? The team is done for if their leader falls, you know?'' Mikey commented with a bored voice.
''You idiot!'' Kakucho screamed, running towards Takemichi, an angry expression on his face.
''Get out of my way!'' Takemichi screamed, and as Kakucho was about to punch him, Yume ran in without Kuma, blocking the fist with her arm, getting pushed back, throwing Takemichi along with herself.
''Sorry, Takemichi. Are you okay? Don't worry, I'll clear the way for ya. Stand up, you have to be strong. You're leadin' my Black Dragons, we need you to keep fightin' till the end.'' She said, extending her hand, helping him up.
As she said that, Takemichi froze up.
''Takemitchy, he's gonna come runnin' again! You have to be brave! You're brave, you have power inside of you! No one can take Mikey's and Taiju's punches other than you! Think about it, Takemitchy!'' Yume screamed, making Takemichi blink, realizing she was right.
''Yume, leave Kakucho to me! Open up a path while I fight him! I got this!'' He screamed with confidence, as he stood up and threw his fist backwards, while Kakucho ran towards him.
He threw it forward, and successfully landing the punch on his face, throwing him back, stopping him.
Everyone around them watched in shock, realizing what had just happened.
''And now with this resolution, I'll get to Mikey.'' He said holding his fist out, a confident smile painted on his face.
''TAKEMICHI PUNCHED THE HELL OUT OF KAKUCHO!'' Someone screamed, bringing even more attention, especially from Kanto's members.
''That was so cool, Takemitchy!'' Chifuyu screamed, running towards him.
''He's the same guy who got Taiju to his knees.'' Mitsuya said with a proud smile.
''That's true!'' Hakkai said with another grin.
''He was the last one standing at the end of the Tenjiku conflict.'' Angry added to the list of achievements of Takemichi they were improvising all together.
''We can't lose to him, can we?'' Pah commented with a grin too.
''Alright then, everyone! LET'S FOLLOW UP TO OUR CAPTAIN!'' Chifuyu screamed, punching a guy close to him, boosting everyone's morale.
''Don't pull your punches, okay Angry?!'' Smiley commented, punching guys around him too.
''Got it, brother! Just for today I'll throw my punches!'' Angry replied, punching another guy.
''I got your back, Hakkai!'' ''There can be no one behind Taka-chan other than me!'' The second division duo exclaimed, fighting next to each other, guarding themselves.
''DIE!'' Pah screamed, throwing a bunch of guys around him, shocking everyone.
''What the?! That's some insane strength!''
''Pah-chin's like a gorilla okay?! A gorilla with brains!''
''That's a little too much, you idiot!''
Pah and Peh bickered, Kanto members around them commenting on Pah's strength.
Inui dashed forward, punching guys to the floor and stepping on them.
''Trash. Too easy.'' He said, kicking them at last.
''12!'' ''Eek!'' ''13!'' ''Kawaragi Senju, taking taking out one hundred all by herself!'' She screamed, running to her next victim.
''What's wrong with the Tokyo Manji Gang?!'' 
''They're insanely strong!''

''You're done for the day, Kakucho?'' Mikey asked, kneeling behind him.
''Isn't it about time we witness the feared brawler of Tenjiku? Seeing you beaten up like this... You think he died for this?'' Mikey said, riling Kakucho up.
Though, deep inside, Kakucho knew this wasn't the side he was supposed to fight on.
''I'm burning up. My body had to cool down.'' He replied, standing up and walking forward.
''Die, you bastard!'' Chifuyu screamed, punching a guy.
Before he could react, Kakucho was already running towards him, with his fist readied.
Knocked out.
Next, were Angry and Smiley.
''Takemichi!'' Kakucho screamed, now targeting him.
Takemichi somehow blocked it, only getting pushed backwards.
Yume, who was watching closely, sighed by Kuma's side.
''I knew we couldn't trust him with Kakucho...'' She said, pulling a guy's hair and crashing his face into another guy's.
''Should we head there?'' Kuma asked, casually throwing a guy over his head, crashing a group of five guys into the floor.
''We'll see. There's still bigger guys acting around us. They might need more help.'' She said, now kicking a running guy coming towards Kuma, just to impulse herself off him and kicking a guy behind her by doing a backwards flip.

''I remember it now. That's the face I used to look up to as a kid. You're back, Hero!'' Kakucho exclaimed, smirking at Takemichi who wiped the dirt off his face, a confident look in his eyes.
Chifuyu and the twins raised, still dazed by Kakucho's hit, staring at the fight in front of them.
Takemichi kept standing up after Kakucho's hits, and even attempted to hit him back.
They all were amazed at his resistance.
While that happened, the Mizo Middle boys had gotten beaten up by Madarame.
Chifuyu and Akkun tried to run towards him, only for Chifuyu to get pulled by Mocchi.
''Your opponent should be me, shouldn't it? Let's settle things here, Matsuno Chifuyu.'' He said, making Chifuyu stand up.
Yume, who ran past him with Kuma, tapped him on the shoulder.
''I got Akkun's back, beat this guy's ass!'' She said, nodding at him, reassuring him.
And so, they started fighting as the Black Dragons duo ran forward.
Sendo was standing in front of Shion Madarame himself.
''Oi, oi, yet more fodder?'' Madarame asked with a smirk, but as soon as he said that, Kuma and Yume appeared by Akkun's side.
''You seem cocky, Shion. My subordinate will join too, since you are so confident, huh?'' She teased with a smirk.
''Though, I would've loved to rip you to pieces instead. My skin has been itching for your blood since that night.'' She added, her expression turning dark.
''What blood are we talking about, sweetie?'' He said with a wink, only for Yume to walk towards him and punch him out cold.
''This one.'' She said as she kicked his nose once he fell to the floor, blood gushing out of it.
She looked back to her friends, shrugging.
''Fuck yeah, I have.'' She said with confidence, walking off.

''Get the fuck outta my way!'' Mitsuya screamed like crazy, charging forward, throwing guys who were in his way, an irk mark on his temples.
''ORAAA!'' He screamed, surprising everyone around.
''It's Toman's founding member, Mitsuya Takashi! He's impressive!''
''Hakkai, where are you?!'' He exclaimed, looking around him, only to spot Mikey sitting on some cargo boxes.
''Mikey! Spectating from high ground as if you're watching a show... I'm gonna drag your ass down!'' He said, making his way towards him.
''Hold it, Mitsuya!'' The Haitani brothers said, quickly blocking his way.
''You think you can get to the boss that easily?'' Ran said with a smirk, his hand resting on his hip.
''We've got your eyes specifically on you, you know?'' Rindo said, pointing to his own eyes, slouching over.
''Eeeh? You guys are rather straightforward this time around. I thought you were siblings who played dirty to win no matter what.'' Mitsuya said with a smirk, standing bravely in front of them even if he knew how they fought.
''Kaching!'' Rindo said, as if 'is it not obvious?'.
And so, they started beating him unfairly like they always do.
It didn't take long for Hakkai to come and step in, bashing Ran into the floor from his back, not giving him any time to react.
''You good, Taka-chan? Sure you haven't gone dull from making all those clothes?'' He asked cockily, making Mitsuya smile.
''You're damn late, Hakkai!'' ''Can I hear a 'help me' from Taka-chan? ''Hell no, you dumbass!''

After Mitsuya explaining that he used to look up to the brothers, since they were urban and stylish looking, the Haitanis ran off, in an attempt to bait them into their territory.
Hakkai ran off after them, but it didn't take long for Yume to notice their fight, as the Haitanis fighting took a lot of space and was quite a show to watch.
''HAKKAI, WAIT!'' She screamed, making the boy stop.
''Yume-chan?'' He said, turning around.
''Mitsuya, it's a trap, don't go! They want to get you somewhere where they have the upper hand!'' She explained, noticing that not all of Kanto's members were deployed on the train racks.
''Kuma and I will stick around, backing you guys. Sadly, no one dares to come fight us, they're picking all of you one by one. We're trying to help out everyone we find.'' She explained, making Mitsuya nod.
''Thank you, Yume. I'll try to outsmart them.'' He said, trying to run off too.
''No. Mitsuya, I know you'll fight until you can't stand rather than asking for my help. I'm gonna hide somewhere with Kuma, if stuff looks tough, we're stepping in.'' She said, pushing him forward, nodding at him.
''BEAT THEM HARD FOR ME, HAKKAI!'' She screamed, waving at him with a grin.
''YOU BETTER PAY ME BACK FOR IT AFTER!'' He screamed back, making her laugh.
''Let's go, Yume. Better find a place quick.'' Kuma told the girl, holding her hand and running after them, slightly sidewards so the Haitanis wouldn't see them.
Though, what they didn't know is the downfall that was about to happen due to this choice.
They should've been somewhere else.

Meanwhile, Inui had found Koko, and Sanzu had found Senju.
Inui wanted to talk with Koko, cornering him against a cargo box.
Sanzu, on the other hand, was beating Senju, who didn't want to fight her older brother.
However, before Inui could do anything, Waka stepped in.
''Stay back, Kokonoi Hajime! You're dealing with me, Seishu.'' He said, gracefully stepping off the cargo crate he stood on.
Yume should've been there.

Hakkai got ambushed, as there had been no time to warn him that they were running into a trap.
Mitsuya got there a bit too late, so Hakkai was out cold.
Kuma quickly stepped in, backing him up.
''Mitsuya-san! I'm here!'' He screamed, running to him, standing behind him with his guard up.
''I've heard only good stuff from you, Kuma-kun. Let's see what you're made of.'' Mitsuya said, patting his back.
''Is that Yume's puppy? What are you doing here?'' Ran asked, surprised by his appearance.
''Hey there, uglies!'' Yume exclaimed, sitting on top of cargo crates above them, with her legs crossed and her uniform top unbuttoned, resting as she waved to them.
''Well, hello there, Yume!'' Rindo said, waving back at her with a grin, earning a slap from Ran.
''Come on now, you know better!'' He complained, taking his baton out.
''Are you gonna gang up on me since I'm the only one without a partner? You might wanna take a good look around again before you do that!'' She said, making them turn around, only to notice that half of their men had gotten knocked down by Mitsuya and Kuma, while Hakkai had regained consciousness.
''Hmph! That rest healed me right up!'' He said, stretching his arms out, only to notice Kuma had taken his place.
''You're late, dumbass!'' Mitsuya complained, while Yume signaled Kuma to retreat back.
''No way...'' ''Just how tough are those guys?!'' The Haitani brothers exclaimed in disbelief.
''That's my Kuma's power! Don't underestimate Toman's second division either. They make a strong as fuck duo!'' Yume exclaimed, while Kuma jumped up the cargo, standing by her side, his uniform flying behind him as his top was open too, revealing his sarashi.
''Come down here, it's my turn to make a prediction. In five minutes you're gonna be all beaten up! We'll show you REAL charisma.'' Mitsuya said with a smirk, cracking his fingers while Hakkai stood behind him, requoting the words the Haitanis had told them when they fell into their trap.
And quickly, Hakkai came up with a plan; since the Haitanis only fought by each other's side, using dirty tricks, he carried Rindo away, separating them. They had a better chance on a one versus one.

Meanwhile, Yume and Kuma ran off, since they knew Mitsuya and Hakkai had this under control.
Chifuyu, on another part of the train racks, was getting beaten by Mocchi, but someone who would quickly become important to him, ran towards them.
''Chifuyu-kun! Leave this to me for a minute!'' Kazutora exclaimed, standing before Chifuyu, protecting him.
And so, Kazutora took his place, dodging Mocchi's lazy punches, exhausted from fighting Chifuyu already, allowing Kazutora to slide in casual hooks against his face.
Chifuyu rested behind them, but suddenly, he ran in and threw a punch, remembering all the reasons why he had to beat Kanto today.
People exclaimed around them, as Toman quickly had the upper hand of this fight.
This fight looked bright for Toman.

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