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'' Do you hear me
Even if you're hurt you don't show it
I'm so scared of seeing the end
In your eyes I can see
the emptiness. ''

╭ ・ $$$  ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

Taiju placed the girl on his bed, as he changed her clothes for some tshirt and shorts from his closet, tucking her in the bed after.
He had seen the girl naked before, so it wasn't a big deal for him. It wasn't the time to be worrying about that.
He preferred to be the one to do it, instead of her mom, who must've been grieving heavily.
He brushed the hair out of her forehead, kissing her forehead as he left the room, closing the door behind him.
Hakkai came a bit later home, after he tried to find Yume too.
He wanted some time to think after that fight.
He saw Taiju sitting on the couch, as he watched TV, a frustrated expression on his face.
"Brother." Hakkai says out loud, slightly scared.
Taiju looks at him, keeping his mouth closed in silence.
"Is Yume-san alright?" Hakkai asks, as Taiju had texted everyone that Yume was with him, safe.
"I don't know, Hakkai. She was crying at an alley, with her dress ripped and she didn't have her phone or anything on her. I don't know if someone hurt her and took her stuff. I'll... kill them..." He said as he clenched his fists in anger.
"She has injuries... have you tended them?" Hakkai asked shyly, remembering she fought with Mikey.
"No... I didn't notice them. I need to go to a meeting. Tend her injuries" He said as he took his uniform's jacket and left, slamming the door behind him. Taiju was furious.
Hakkai sighed in relief, as Yuzuha was at a sleepover with her classmates.
He was alone at home with Yume.
It sounded like a dream. Though, this moment was rather like a nightmare. She had lost her little brother, and she was hurt.
He tried imagining how she must've felt, but it broke his heart just thinking of Yuzuha being injured.
He went to the bathroom, where he got a first aid kit Yuzuha kept for whenever Hakkai got hurt from Toman's fights or Taiju got angry and decided to take it out on them.
He grabbed a sponge that he held under running water, squeezing it so that the excess water would fall.
He walked into Taiju's room hesitantly, where Yume laid on his bed, sleeping calmly.
He grabbed the chair from Taiju's desk, placing it beside the bed as he sat on it.
He grabbed her hands, cleaning them with the sponge carefully to not wake her up.
He smiled sadly, feeling so bad for her. He was glad he could take care of her and help her a bit, as he knew she must be destroyed inside. It was the least he could do.
Hakkai was sure that if he lost Yuzuha, he would go insane. So all he could do is pray she would be fine after she woke up.
Yume groaned, regaining consciousness as she felt a stinging pain on her knuckles.
She opened her eyes slowly, noticing that Hakkai was wrapping a bandage around her knuckles as he held her hand.
He noticed the girl was awake as she flinched as the bandage touched her bruises, making him smile.
"Morning, sleepin' beauty." He said as he let go of her hand, putting the bandages back into the kit's box.
She sighed, realizing she was back to the worst reality she could live in.
"I was dreaming I was riding with Baji alongside Toman..." Yume spoke out with a weak voice, making Hakkai's heart shatter.
"Just go back to sleep, Yume. Baji is gonna look over you from now on, so don't even worry. Everytime you ride a bike Baji will be going along with you." Hakkai said, trying to comfort the girl as he smiled softly. The girl nodded with a sad smile. He was right.
He put his hand on her forehead, trying to brush her hair off.
Though, he noticed the girl was boiling hot. She had a fever.
"Yume, I think you have a fever... I'll go call Taiju so that he brings you some medicine, okay? I'll bring... ah... what the fuck do you do when people get a fever? Damn it..." He said as he mumbled the last words, making Yume giggle.
"Just call Taiju and stay by my side, Hakkai." She told the boy, who picked his phone up to text his brother.
The boy nodded as his cheeks stained pink, as he wrote slowly on his phone.
He left his phone on the bed, next to Yume as he untied her hair, thinking it would be uncomfortable for her to sleep in a ponytail.
She smiled at him as he looked at her in the eyes, brushing through her hair with his fingers.
"Can you play some music, maybe?" She asked as she looked at the radio in Taiju's room, sitting on top of his desk. Hakkai nodded as he stood up, turning the volume on the radio slightly up.
The music was softly playing, a calming song.
"Thank you." She says softly at the boy. He sat on the chair next to the bed, as he kept running his fingers through the girl's hair softly.
Yume hummed to the music as she closed her eyes slowly, calming down by Hakkai's soft fingers.
Her mind wandered through her memories, remembering the day she had met Inupi.

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