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'' If I could paint the sky
Well all the stars would shine a bloody red. ''

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Takemichi sat in his room, where he talked about the Black Dragons, and the members from the first division, his childhood friends and Chifuyu were with him."If we get into a fight with the Black Dragons, it's not gonna be like anything else we've dealt with before. These are guys known for their active fighting faction, the killer squad. The Black Dragons have been the top delinquent gang in the Kanto region for generations. And the tenth generation are the most maniacal and evil one they've ever had. That's because of one reason alone! Their absolute ruler, Taiju Shiba!" Chifuyu explained, as they stared at him in shock, shivering by his words.
Takemichi paid attention to his words, as Kazutora had told him something important about Yume.
Yume was now the vice-president of Toman, where she ruled along with Kisaki Tetta.
Something must've happened to her in those twelve years, where she became corrupted and fell to Kisaki's feet.
Though, he remembers Kazutora's words.

''Yume-san... has always been a good kid. She never had bad intentions, until she met Taiju Shiba. She has always dreamed big, and she is the person Baji got his personality from. Their parents were always at work, even though their mom came at night after work, and they all had dinner like a normal family. Yume would take Baji to the park, where he would always fight with Mikey, and whenever he got defeated by him, Yume would pick him up and scold Mikey for going all out on her little brother. Yume was always like a mother around us, scolding us whenever we got into fights. Their dad was diagnosed with cancer, and it was so progressed that chemo wasn't gonna do anything for his illness. So he decided to die home, next to his wife and children. Yume had a troubled childhood, around when her dad got diagnosed, she met Hajime Kokonoi, who helped her in finding money so that her dad could live the restant days of his life in peace, surrounded by all the material things he always dreamed of. She quickly became obsessed with finding a way to bring an income to their house, but before she could make good amounts of money, her dad had died in his bed. She was devastated, but she recovered quickly. Baji said she had cried in her room for months, skipping school everyday. Their mother worried, and she quit her job so that she could take care of the eldest daughter, Yume. As soon as Yume found out, she offered Koko to use her strength in exchange for money. When she turned fifteen, she had joined the Black Dragons, where they used her to beat people for money.
Her personality changed quickly, becoming a brutal person. She had no mercy, and everytime she fought, she aimed for her opponent's death. She became a person addicted to seeing her enemy's blood, as she also became obsessed and addicted to money.
Due to her strength, she was able to make more money than her mother would make monthly.
Soon enough, Toman beat the ninth generation, and Yume regained her normal personality. She stopped thirsting for blood and death, even though she kept her unhealthy obsession for money. After that, Taiju Shiba took over the Black Dragons, and for some reason, Yume fell in love with him. Taiju corrupted Yume. I'm sure you must've heard the rumors about Yume killing someone, right? They are true. Someone had crossed Taiju at a club, where Yume was with him. Taiju and the boy started fighting at the outside alley of the club, where the boy stabbed Taiju in the side. Yume went totally berserk, and she ended up killing the boy with her bare hands.
Taiju helped her get rid of the body, and no one ever knew what really happened that night.
Yume denies it, but she had told Baji about it, as she cried over it for weeks. That's the night her life changed. She has never been the same after that day. Takemichi... I relate to Yume to a personal level, as she has gone through the same experiences as me. So please... help her heal! Don't let her fall into Kisaki's arms! This is what Baji was fighting against!" Kazutora had told Takemichi as he cried, driving his car. Yume was his only family.

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