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'' For beauty is the terror we endure
While we stand and wonder, we're annihilated. "

╭ ・ $$$ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

While Mikey and Yume shared an emotional moment, finally giving each other to the other, Koko and Kuma ran through the door with shocking news.
"YUME! THEY GOT DRAKEN!" Kuma screamed with a worrying face as the girl and Mikey opened their eyes widely, running out of the room.
"Mikey, listen." Yume said, grabbing the boy by his shoulders, forcing him to look into the girl's bloodshot eyes.
"We have to fight right now, it's time to claim victory. But don't forget that Draken was fighting to save you and bring you back all this time. Don't lose yourself, please let me guide you tonight." She said, as Mikey hesitantly nodded.
"Koko, call Kanto's members, let's get going. Please give me and Kuma uniforms. We'll fight on your side tonight." Yume ordered everyone around, as she clapped her hands together with strength.
She was taking charge today.
Koko went out of the room to get uniforms for the Black Dragons, as he quickly came back to hand them.
Mikey walked out into his own office to wear his uniform, while Kuma and Yume changed in the same room.
The uniform fit perfectly on Kuma, but Yume's was a bit too big.
Though, she cuffed the pants and jacket's sleeves.
She wore her high heel boots under, while she had her jacket open, hanging over her shoulders while she wore a sarashi over her chest, while Kuma wore it the same way as her, but with his sarashi over his torso, like Mikey used to.
They walked outside with decisive faces, while Mikey waited outside on his bike.
"Kuma, I'll leave you with Koko. Koko, please take care of my bear." She said with a soft smile as she hopped on Mikey's CB250T.
Koko was set aback by the girl's nickname, but that just meant that Kuma was someone she loved.
He would make sure to protect him.
The boys nodded at her, with worrying looks over her.
The girl wasn't at top shape, and this was the biggest fight there would ever be.
They hoped she would be alright.

Brahman and Rokuhara's members stood there, surprised by Mikey's appearance.
But what surprised them the most... was Yume joining Kanto.
Though, Mikey didn't move, as everyone started fighting.
"Look at the situation now, Koko." He said with a monotone voice, making Koko surprised by the boy's empty voice.
"Not gonna make any moves, boss?" He asked Mikey, who looked at the sky.
"Yeah. I leave this to Haruchiyo and the rest." He replied, making Koko surprised once again.
"You... don't really care about it?" Koko asked, concerned for Mikey not caring about Draken's death. It was weird.
"About what?" Mikey asked, confused.
He was numb right now.
Yume sighed, proceeding to crack her knuckles, making Kuma laugh loudly.
"Let's go, Yume." He said with a chuckle, cracking his neck too.
They were ready to win.
She took her jacket off her shoulders, placing it over Mikey's head.
"Take care of Mikey, Koko. I'll help Sanzu tonight." She said with a smile, making Mikey's heart flutter.
"Be safe, Yume. Let's have dinner together later." Koko said with another smile, patting the girl's head, who nodded confidently.
"LET'S GO!" She screamed as she ran forward with Kuma, going straight into the fight.
The rain washed over their naked torsos, as Kuma threw his jacket off too, feeling that it was setting him back.
Having to worry over his jacket falling off his shoulders was something he didn't want.
They both felt great, ready to avenge their loved friend, Draken.
This fight was for him, they were going to take over Rokuhara by theirselves.
Because Kuma and Yume... were the totally brutal.

While Benkei and Wakasa fought South, Akashi was totally losing it between Brahman's members.
Draken's death had made him go crazy.
It felt unfair that a boy's life was taken away just because South wasn't able to control his minions.
The legendary duo, the white leopard and the redcliff, had already taken one hundred of Brahman's members by theirselves.
Meanwhile, Sanzu was trying to fight Kakucho with a metal crowbar, saying that fighting with weapons was way easier, which made Ran step in and hit Sanzu on his face with his baton.
So the Haitani Brothers took on Sanzu instead, as Kakucho ran away.
Meanwhile, Mochi was fighting Kanto Manji Gang's members, so Yume and Kuma ran towards him.
Kuma quickly kicked the guy on his back, making him stumble forward.
"It's been a while, big man!" Yume said with a grin, resting her hands on her hips.
"Baji-san. I'm glad we can fight today!" He said with another grin, as he offered his hand to the girl.
She quickly shook it, but took it away before the boy could pull a dirty trick against her.
"This is my junior, Nagata Kuma! A total beast!" She introduced him to Mochi, patting Kuma's back, who bowed respectfully.
"Enough chitchat, let's get started!" Mochi said, getting in a fighting position.
As soon as he did that, Kuma tackled him to the floor, pinning him with outstanding strength.
Kuma was especially good at two things: resistance and strength. Due to his big and muscly build, he could take a beating nonstop and be able to stand up anyways.
Thus, he often used his body to stop people from moving, while Yume destroyed them.
They were a fatal duo. No one ever wanted to mess with them.
Though, Kuma wasn't known, except at his school.
He had a great reputation at his school, every girl liked him and everyone respected him.
But no one knew about how good of a fighter he was.
Mochi tried to fight Kuma off, but Kuma was heavier than him. It was impossible.
"Yume!" Kuma screamed as he gritted his teeth, since Mochi was kneeling the boy between his legs.
The girl quickly walked behind Mochi's head, as she kneeled and started punching Mochi on his face nonstop, blood spluttering everywhere as everyone watched in horror.
Yume had found a great partner for herself.
She was scarier than ever.
Mochi quickly passed out, his nose and mouth bleeding, his face filled with blood and bruises.
Yume stood up, wiping the blood that had splattered over her face.
"That was quick. Great job, boss!" Kuma said, highfiving the girl as he got to her height.
"Do you think your kids are fine? They got a nice beating." She asked as she laughed, but someone screamed for her, interrupting her laughter.
"YUME! HELP! MIKEY!" Takemichi had screamed with all his strength, so Yume ran the best she could, but her knees were still wobbly.
Kuma lifted the girl up by his side, carrying her like a potato sack under his arm, as he ran towards Mikey, throwing her at him, making him stumble forward.
She coughed by the strong impact against the floor, which had practically taken the oxygen out of her lungs.
Mikey pushed the girl backwards, crouching in front of her.
"I'm gonna fight. Stand back." He said, allowing Yume to see the darkness inside of his eyes.
He was going to fight to kill.
She had to stop him, but she was too scared.
She wasn't the old strong Yume anymore, she couldn't par on Mikey regarding strength.
"Get out of the way, Mikey! South is my opponent!" Senju screamed, making Mikey turn towards her.
"You wanna die next?" He asked with a menacing voice, making Senju go silent as she gulped.
And so, Mikey and South started fighting, matching each other's strength.
Though, as they stopped hitting each other, Takemichi got in the space between them, panting.
"That's enough, Mikey!" Takemichi screamed, opening his arms widely between the two monsters.
"You gotta stop this... or else South will die!" Takemichi said with a shaky voice, making Yume clench her fists tightly.
He was right, and she had to step in, but South deserved getting beat first.
He couldn't get away from killing Draken, who hadn't done anything wrong.
"You can't stop destroying things, can you? I'm the same. That's why I'm here to destroy you." Mikey said, stepping forward as everyone watched in fear.
No one dared to step in or stop any of them.
They both were monsters who would kill anyone who dared to do so.
Though, Yume realized the solution.
Taking down South instead of allowing Mikey to do it.
"You are in my way." Mikey said as he grabbed Takemichi's arm, kneeling it, making it snap.
Takemichi screamed in pain, making Yume stand up.
"Now then, how would you like to die?" Mikey asked South with a scary expression.
"Don't do it, Mikey-kun!" Takemichi screamed while he sat on his knees, holding his arm in pain as he hyperventilated.
Kuma ran towards Takemichi, ripping his sarashi from his torso.
"This is gonna hurt, Takemitchy-kun." He warned before he proceeded to put Takemichi's elbow back in place, making Takemichi scream in pain once again.
He wrapped his elbow with his sarashi, tightly so that it wouldn't move again.
"There you go. Let's go, we will stop Mikey together." He said as he noticed Yume running towards South, making him bit his lip in frustration.
She ran the fastest she could behind South, jumping as high as she could and swinging her leg as she spinned.
Her iconic 360 kick.
And so, South who was getting tired from fighting Mikey, was sent flying to his left side, collapsing against Rokuhara members.
Yume had used all the strength she currently held.
Her legs were back in shape, since she had no other choice but make them work.
Otherwise, Mikey would get ruined once again.
And she wouldn't allow him to fall into the drowning darkness.
She got on top of South, punching him over and over again.
Though, she wasn't aiming to kill him.
She was just claiming a clear victory for Mikey.
South went unconscious, while his face was totally destroyed.
His breathing was shallow, but he was alive. He would overcome this.
She stood up, placing her feet on South's chest.
"LISTEN UP! Senju has lost to South! And South has lost to me! Therefore, the Kanto Manji Gang wins this fight! END OF IT!" She screamed loudly, while everyone watched in horror.
They couldn't tell if she had killed South or not, but she had managed to stop Mikey.
Mikey stood in front of her, staring with half closed eyes at South.
He was feeling bittersweet.
Though, the girl walked towards him, placing her hands on his shoulders with a tired smile.
As soon as the boy felt the girl's warm touch, under the cold rain, the bitterness went away.
"Let's go home, Mikey." She said with a honey-like voice, making Mikey nod hesitantly, but her voice managed to take rid of his thirst to kill.
"Thank you, Yume." He said, realizing the girl had saved him from killing South.
"Death is a gift for those who have sinned. The best thing you can do to give them what they deserve, humilliate them. He is my little bitch now." She said with a smirk, and Mikey instantly understood what she meant.
Izana had similar thoughts, even if Yume didn't want to take everything from them.
Just what they didn't deserve.
And it was clear South didn't deserve a whole gang following him. He was a beast who just used his strength for the wrong things.
A murderer.
"Everyone's dismissed! Clear everything up! Kanto Manji Gang too! Help those who can't get back on their feet! Retreat now!" Koko commanded to everyone, and they all started helping each other up, walking away or getting on their bikes.
"You did well, Mikey. We've won, and now it's time that we reconstruct our era. We can't let Draken down. So please come back." Yume said, holding her hand out for Mikey to hold, and he did so with a small smile.
"Yeah. Draken would hate this. He would hate me." He said, hoping that redemption was still achievable for him.
"Let's get going too, the cops are going to come." She said, dragging Mikey, snapping her fingers at Kuma to follow too.
And so, the new friend group left all together.
Yume had saved Mikey once again.

However, this wasn't the end.
Mikey still kept his dark impulses, and Yume couldn't join Kanto.
She had her own gang to look after, because she was going to help Takemichi, even if she hated him after everything he had done.
Because even if Takemichi swore to save her, he hadn't done anything at all.
He just came back and got Draken killed, when he wasn't supposed to.
Now Emma was all alone because of Takemichi.
He had acted without using his brain, and it made Yume angry.
So before they left the fight... Yume beated Takemichi up, having him put in the hospital for a week.
Everyone tried to stop Yume, but the rage she felt as she saw Takemichi stand there, unable to stop Mikey or save Draken, had made her blood boil. If she hadn't been there during the fight, Mikey would've fallen down and became a murderer.
No one was able to stop her, except for Kuma.
He had pulled the girl away, even if he had gotten punched doing so.
But it had been one week, and Takemichi had been discharged from the hospital.
Yume had visited him while he was unconscious, and apologized to Hina, who forgave her.
Though, they had argued.
Hina told her that Takemichi was trying his best, and that it was selfish of Yume to expect a boy to save a whole group of delinquents by himself.
But Yume argued back saying that if he couldn't do it, he shouldn't have sworn to do it.
Hina couldn't help but agree, but Takemichi had no bad intentions.
He just wanted to be a hero to everyone.

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