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'' I look at you and I see myself
And I know you better
Than anyone else. ''

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"Oh yea, where's Draken?" Takemichi asked after he finished talking with Kuma.
"Outside, with some Brahman members." Inui said, making Yume stand up as she stumbled forward, her legs almost failing her.
"What?!" She screamed with an irk marking, running outside with trembling legs.
Takemichi followed behind, but Inui stopped him.
Kuma followed Yume, running after her.
"Hanagaki! I'm... worried about Draken." Inui said, making Takemichi look confused.
"Huh? Why so?" He asks Inui, making him look at the floor sadly.
"Rather than a plain motorcyclist gang, Brahman is more like a yakuza gang, governed by adults. They got bad rumours tailing them too. So be careful." Inui explained to Takemichi, who said 'got it' and walked outside, having in mind what Inui had told him.

Yume stood outside with her cane in her hand, leaning on it, Kuma standing next to her.
Draken was choking Akashi as he argued with him, telling him to not drag Takemichi into this.
Yume noticed Takemichi next to her, so she slammed her crane against the wall, making them move their heads to the side, where they noticed Takemichi standing outside.
"What is this about?! W-Wait, Draken-kun! What were you guys discussing? Please explain it to me." Takemichi asked with a concerned face, while Yume kept quiet.
She had found out about Draken being in Brahman. But it was none of her business, since Draken was able to make his own choices already. They weren't kids anymore.
"Draken intends to bring Mikey back." Senju started talking, making Takemichi surprised.
The boss herself was explaining the situation.
"And Brahman on the other hand, wants to defeat the gang that Mikey's leading which is the Kanto Manji Gang. Therefore, we decided to cooperate as we have similar objectives." Senju explained, while Akashi lighted up another cigarette.
"Hanagaki. I loved the ambition the Tokyo Manji Gang had. It wasn't about wanting to be Japan's number one gang... rather, it was about wanting to change the era of delinquents... that's very much like Mikey. But the Kanto Manji Gang isn't like that, they don't have an ambition. And at this point, it looks like Mikey is going to be the 'bad guy', and we're here to defeat those bad guys. That's Brahman's purpose!" Akashi exclaimed, blowing out the smoke from his lungs.
"Hanagaki Takemichi... two big gangs watched over you, as you boldly screamed 'I will defeat Sano Manjiro'. If you do have such ambitions... please join Brahman. Brahman welcomes you." Senju said with a serious expression, annoying Draken and Yume.
"No way! If you keep tryna get Takemitchy involved, then consider me Brahman's enemy!" Draken exclaimed as he blocked Takemichi from Senju, standing in front of her.
"Then, wanna start fighting here?" Senju asked with her eyes open widely, making Yume step forward too.
She pointed her cane against Senju's chest, lifting her eyebrow up as she tilted her head up, looking down on Senju.
"Takemitchy is a member of the Black Dragons. If you wanna take him, you gotta take me down first." She said with a threatening tone, making Senju scoff.
"Yume-chan... I'll join Brahman." Takemichi said with a serious expression, making her facepalm herself.
"What are you talkin' about?! Takemitchy... Brahman isn't a gang with good intentions!" She screamed at Takemichi, who sighed in response.
"Draken, Baji... as much as Brahman wants to stop the Kanto Manji Gang, there's no way we want to fight Mikey. That's why we need the both of you, the very people whom Mikey trusts. Facing him without getting in a fight would be for the best. Please understand that." Akashi said, making Yume shake her head.
"I'm not gonna join your shitty gang, you corrupted pieces of shit. Akashi, have you forgotten Shinichiro's ambitions? Why would you join Brahman? That's hypocrisy at it's finest. Fuck all of you, I don't need anyone on my side." Yume said, walking away as she left a shocked Akashi standing there, surprised by her words.
"Takemitchy. I can remember the future. You're just ruining our friend's future by coming back and acting without any idea about the current present. Mikey won't be saved from a bunch of gangsters who make people fight in a ring and make money through bets on them. Mikey needs his friends and love, not impure people like Brahman's members." She said as she looked over her shoulder, making Takemichi flinch.
"Yume! Wait!" Takemichi screamed, running after Yume.
"How?! How can you remember it?!" He asks in surprise, grabbing Yume's wrist as she walked inside with Kuma, going to take her uniform.
"I commited suicide with Mikey after he shot you. Mikey is my missing half. I'll save him no matter what." She said with a monotone voice, taking her wrist away from Takemichi.
"You don't know what you're doing, Takemichi. You're a shit friend, I'm tired of your actions." She said with an angry voice, walking away as Takemichi stood there, furrowing his eyebrows. Her words were hurtful like poison running through Takemichi's blood.
Yume was right. He was only taking the wrong choices regarding her.
Why couldn't he ever help her instead? Yume was the solution to everything, yet he kept ignoring it.
He had to save her too, but he kept ignoring it. Why?
He had to step up, and save Yume.
If he saved Yume, maybe he could save everyone too.
Without Yume, there's no Mikey. Without Mikey, there's no Yume.
That's right.

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