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'' Staring at the sunset, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
Even if it's just in your wildest dreams, ah-ha. ''

╭ ・ $$$ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

As everyone retreated back, Taiju rode his bike with Yume on the back of it, as he drived towards her apartment.
He parked in front of it, as he carried her in his arms, as Koko and Inui followed behind on their own bikes.
He left her on the bed, as he decided to go to his own house.
The girl needed to rest, without distractions.

The next day, Yume woke up at seven in the morning, all by herself on her bed.
She stretched her arms, as she felt the loneliness drowning her.
The house was silent, and she got out of the bed, her steps echoing through her apartment.
She remembered what had happened last night, making her sigh.
She had hurt Baji's friends.
She could imagine him screaming at her, as he got angry at her for bothering Mikey once again.
But somehow... she felt like Baji whispered into her ear.
'You did well, Yume.' She heard Baji's faint voice as she watched the snow fall through her apartment's windows, as she broke out in tears, kneeling on the floor.
She missed Baji so fucking bad.
She needed him by her side, scolding her for beating Mikey.
She didn't know what to do, anymore. She had lost herself completely.

Yume hopped on Baji's bike as she wore a white sundress with white tights and a white cardigan, white sneakers on her feet.
She sped up, driving through Tokyo's busy streets, as she headed to the juvie center.
She was going to visit Kazutora.
He could help her sorting out the darkness she felt inside her heart.

She hugged the boy in handcuffs as her eyes filled with tears, making him smile sadly.
Kazutora had been allowed normal visits, as he had been showing positive progress in the rehab project.
Except he had to wear handcuffs, just in case.
"Yume... you haven't visited me before, what happened?" Kazutora asked, as he worried over the girl, as she didn't wear makeup or her normal clothes.
She wasn't dolled up. She just looked pure, as if she was trying to be reborn.
"Kazutora... Toman and the Black Dragons fought. Mikey beat Taiju, and Draken took all of our hundred men by himself. But I defeated Mikey. But... Tora-kun... I felt sinking darkness in my chest that day, and I was filled with bloodlust. I was ready to kill Mikey in front of his friends. What is... wrong with me, Tora?" She asked the boy as she started sobbing, as she placed her forehead against the table, on top of her hands, making the boy hold her hand.
"Yume... just take a break from fighting. You have to stop caring about money and being Taiju's loyal dog. Step back, and just... help Baji. Didn't he leave a mission for you? Do it, Yume. I believe in you. And if they don't disappear, I promise you can come see me anytime you want. I'll always see you as my older sister, Yume-chan!" He said as he smiled softly at the girl, making her nod.
"How have you been, Tora?" She asks, as she felt bad for coming here just for help.
"It's been... tough, nee-san. But I'm feeling better. I'm getting better!" He said with a grin, as the girl ruffled his hair.
"I'm glad, Tora. I told you everything would get better." She said, making the boy nod in agreement.
"Would you like if I come every sunday, to visit you?" She asked the boy, who energetically nodded.
"No one visits me, Yume. You're welcome to visit me. I'll look forward for it every week!" He said, as the girl stands up.
"Okay. I have to go visit Baji, now. See you on sunday!" Yume said, as she waved at him, as the guards took him back to his room.

Yume hopped on her bike again, as she rode towards the graveyard.
She parked it, and she walked towards Baji's grave.
Though, a blonde haired boy stood in front of it, as he prayed.
"Mikey?..." The girl asked, making the boy flinch back in surprise. He looked up at her, as the girl had her lips down, in a sad expression.
"Hey, Yume-san..." He said, smiling sadly at her.
"Mikey... I'm sorry... for what happened at Christmas Eve... I lost control." She said as she kneeled next to the boy as she cried, making Mikey pat her back.
"No, Yume. You were right. I deserved that beating. You kicked sense into me, literally." He said as he chuckled, just making the girl sob louder.
"Stop crying! Baji will get mad!" He said, as the girl stopped crying and wiped her tears.
"Right... Baji hates crying." She mumbled as she looked at the grave, remembering how Baji would start screaming whenever someone cried.
"Yume... now that the Black Dragons are over... will you join Toman? I'll give you your own division if you want." He asked the girl, as he held a serious expression, hoping that she would say yes. He was sure Baji would've wanted this.
"No, Mikey. I'm gonna step back from gangs for some time. I have to... take care of my dark side..." She said as the boy looked at her, relating to her. He knew that feeling well.
"You know, Yume... I also have a dark side, and I can't help but... just let it take control over me. But... whenever my brother scolded me, it would make me stop. Maybe it helps you too." He told the girl as she looked back at him, shaking her head.
She stood up as she kissed her hand and placed it on her brother's grave.
"I'm the only one who can fix it." She said as she walked away, leaving Mikey staring at her hair dancing through the air as she left his sight.
She walked to her bike, and she hopped on it, driving back home, wanting to go already to sleep, even though it was only about two in the afternoon.

As she entered her house, a voice called for her, making her jump.
"Yume." Taiju said as he stood up from the girl's couch, walking towards her.
She put her hand on her chest as she closed her eyes and leaned against the door.
"Fuck, you scared the shit outta me." She said, calming down as she realized it was just him.
"Sit down. We have to talk." Taiju says, and his tone makes Yume notice something was wrong.
"What is it?" She asks curiously as she sits next to Taiju, looking at him in the eyes.
"I'm... I'm going to give up on the Black Dragons. Even though you won... I lost to Mikey. So I want to give the Black Dragons to Toman. I want your approval first, though." Taiju asked the girl, who just nodded sadly.
It hurt her to finally let go, but it was the right thing to do.
And she was glad Taiju had thought the same.
"Taiju... about your siblings..." Yume started saying, but Taiju already knew what she was going to say.
"I'm going to change, Yume. I want to become a good brother, and a better boyfriend to you. That's why... we have to breakup, Yume." Taiju said as he held the girl's hands tightly, a heartbreaking smile on his face.
"But... Taiju, I don't wanna break up! I need you!" Yume said as she got on her knees, surprising the boy.
She sobbed as she put her head against his legs, begging him to stay with her.
"Yume... you don't need me. I'm just a brutal boy, all I know to do is throw punches at people. I won't leave you, Yume. I just want you to be free while I reform." He told the girl as a tear escaped his eyes, as he patted the girl's head.
"Taiju... just stay around me, please. I don't wanna be lonely anymore." She said as she finally let her feelings out, making the boy realize she probably didn't love him.
She just didn't want to be lonely.
The boy cried as she helped her up, as she sat her on his lap, hugging her.
"Taiju... I love you so much, if you leave me my heart won't heal." She said, making all of the boy's bad thoughts disappear from his mind. Even if Yume wasn't in the right mindset right now, she wasn't the type to break someone's heart just because she was lonely. She had a pure heart.
"I won't leave you, Yume. I'll take you to the festival and show you off proudly, so that everyone can see how beautiful you are." He said as he looked at the girl, caressing her face with his big hands.
She nodded with a smile, as she hugged him tightly.

The two, now friends, spent the rest of the day together at Yume's apartment, as they played games on her console and watched a movie, laughing as they enjoyed each other's company, now without the gang between them.
They were two teenagers in love, happily enjoying a life together.
But Taiju knew he had to let her go.
The girl needed someone better, who could help her with her dark impulses.
Someone who could make her feel loved and free.
He could make her loved, but the girl would always see him as her boss, following his orders as he wished.
And he didn't want that. The thought of it broke his heart.

But Yume couldn't love anyone else.
Taiju was her first and last love, and nothing would change her mind.
She wanted to marry the boy and die by his side. She would let Taiju know it, and get him back.
But she wanted to allow him to grow without the pressure of being in a relationship, for now.

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