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'' You got a million reasons to hesitate
But darling, the future's better than yesterday
. ''

╭ ・ $$$ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―


Takemichi's letter was a simply 'wishing happiness to everyone'. 
So the both friends reminisced about the old days, before they parted ways.
But Takemichi noticed a videotape inside the box, which he took with himself.
It was a video from Mikey telling him about his dark impulses, and asking him to not search for him.
And so, Kazutora waited for Takemichi, telling him that he had some leads.
Because as soon as Chifuyu told Kazutora about Takemichi wanting to find Mikey to save him, Kazutora quickly offered his help to him.
However, Takemichi told him that it wasn't necessary anymore.
Mikey didn't want to be found, and so, he would respect his wish.

Takemichi, Hakkai, Chifuyu, Yuzuha, Yume, and Hina were all at Mitsuya's studio, who had made Hina's wedding dress, and he had finally finished it.
So he had called everyone to give their opinions and see Hina wearing it.
Yuzuha and Yume helped the peach haired girl get in the dress, as Yume fixed the dress and accomodated it around, since Yuzuha didn't know much about it.
"How are things going, Yume?" Mitsuya asked loudly.
"Just one second! It fits perfectly, she looks worth passing out gorgeous!" She said as she pulled a red velvet box from her bag, and opened it, offering it to Hina.
"Here's my apportation for your special day, Hina-chan. It's on me, since it's a once in a lifetime day. You've been my friend all these years and have been my assistant since I founded the company. Don't try to reject the gift or I'll kill you." Yume said the last words with a dark expression, as Hina's heart started beating faster at the sight of such beautiful jewelry.
They were a pair of platinum hanging earrings with crystals all over them, as a four-leaf emerald clovers hanged at the bottom, matching the couple's necklaces.
"They're beautiful, Yume-chan!" Hina said as she hugged the girl, who smiled widely, feeling accomplished that Hina loved them.
"Put them on! I also have the rings ready, if you'd like to see them!" She said with a wide grin, while Hina placed the earrings in her ears.
"Beautiful!" Yuzuha exclaimed with a smile, making Yume ruffle her hair.
"Now, now~ gentlemans! Get ready for... the beautiful... Tachibana Hinata!" Yume said as she dramatically slid the curtain, making the boys stare in awe at Hina.
She looked absolutely dazzling.
"How is it?" Hina asked as Yume held their hands above her head, making her spin around.
"Hina-chan is so pretty!" Hakkai exclaimed with a grin, as Yuzuha mumbled that it took him so many years to finally get used to Hina.
"Next is to get her hair styled, and it'll be perfect!" Draken said with a soft smile.
"Man, Takemitchy doesn't deserve someone this beautiful." Chifuyu said with a grin, making Hinata blush and giggle from all the compliments.
"The rings!" Yume said as she held two red velvet boxes, opening them as she handed them to Takemichi and Hina.
Hina's ring was a platinum round thin ring, with crystal bordered leaves, which held a round emerald on top of it.
Takemichi's was a platinum thicker ring, but instead of having an emerald stone on top, it had incrusted emeralds all over it, as the ring had carved leaves pattern all over it, matching Hina's.
Takemichi started crying as he saw them, making Hina concerned.
"Do you not like them?" She asked hesitantly, looking at Yume sadly.
Yume just smiled sadly as she mouthed 'it's alright', as Hakkair placed his arm over her shoulders and rubbed them, as if trying to comfort her.
"No... I love them, they're perfect... It's just that when I'm happy, Mikey-kun's smile appeared in my thoughts." As he said those words, his face suddenly changed to a concerned one.
He was reminded of the day Mikey asked him to scold him whenever he acts like he shouldn't, like an older brother do.
"I have to go." He said out of nowhere as his expression turned serious, and his tears disappeared.

Takemichi and Kazutora started working together once again, and Kazutora had told him about Bonten's four hanging spots, where he just got beaten for asking around for Bonten, as no one wanted anything to do with them.
Kazutora told him to stop it already, since there were only three days left for his wedding and he didn't want anything to happen to him.
But Takemichi wouldn't give up so easily.
Mikey had protected their future, and none of them were doing anything to help him.
It felt unfair and selfish to Takemichi.
But getting intel on Mikey was too hard, no one wanted to be related to Bonten in any way.
He went to the bowling area Bonten used to hang out to, since maybe it could help him think better about Mikey.
Though, as he sat on a chair there, remembering everything everyone had told him about Mikey... a gun was pointed to his head.
"Don't move, or I'll shoot." The voice said, making Takemichi instantly open his eyes widely, in surprise.
"Man! You stink like hell! You've smelled, even in the past. Slimly looking motherfucker!" The boy said, making Takemichi move his eyes towards the voice.
"Who are you?" He asked with a trembling voice, but the boy just placed his finger against his lips, telling him to keep quiet, as footsteps were heard.
The boy had two scars, one at each corner of his mouth, light pink hair and purple eyes.
He looked exotic, and dangerous.
He was no good news.
Takemichi started panting, was this the end for him?
His efforts would be wasted, just like that, because a psychopath approached him.
"Listen up, the boss will speak." He said as he didn't take the gun off Takemichi's head, and the boss sat behind Takemichi.
"It's the best future, isn't it? So, anything you wanna ask?" The 'boss' said, allowing Takemichi to hear his voice.
"Mikey-kun..." He mumbled as tears filled his eyes, a sinking feeling inside of his heart, as Mikey's voice sounded shallow and tired.
Though, he was relieved that Mikey had finally approached him.
This was Takemichi's only chance to talk to him.
If he messed up, he would die.
Takemichi pulled an envelope from his pocket, handing it to Mikey without turning around.
"Here, take this." "And that is?" "An invitation to my wedding. I want you to come, no matter what. Everyone... is doing well. Just like you promised twelve years ago. Everyone... including Hina, is living a happy life. Everyone except for you." Takemichi talked, as Sanzu tightened his grip around the gun, bothered that Takemichi was disrespecting Mikey in front of him.
"Hey man, shut your mouth or I'll kill you." He said, looking down on Takemichi, but Takemichi didn't really care. He was going to save Mikey no matter what, and he wouldn't die tonight.
"Could you leave us alone, Sanzu? I want to talk to him, just the two of us." Mikey said with a monotone voice, making Sanzu take the gun off Takemichi's head. 
"Got it, I'll be waiting downstairs." He replied as he walked away, leaving the two friends away.
"Mikey-kun... what on earth is this 'dark impulsivity'? I thought that the reason you snapped... was because of Kisaki, or your brother's death... but that doesn't seem to be the reason... what were you talking about, back in that video? I couldn't turn back the time with the usual handshake with Naoto... because I've fulfilled my goal of saving Hina. It was all thanks to you. It's okay, you don't have to say anything, I understand. This future is different... because you protected everyone... therefore now, it's my turn... to save you!" Takemichi rambled as he stood up, while Mikey kept quiet.
Though, a bang was heard, and Takemichi's body felt a piercing coldness fill his body.
He turned around, seeing Mikey holding a gun, as he felt to the floor in pain.
Mikey had shot Takemichi.
"I didn't wanna meet... because things would end up like this. Your long journey ends here." Mikey said as he turned around, with a dark tone.
Though, as soon as the bang was heard, a girl was on her way.

"Hello, Tora-kun, Chifu-kun! Have you guys finished cleaning for today?" Yume said as she took a step into the pet shop, where Kazutora and Chifuyu were organizing the shop and cleaning.
"You came at the right time, Nee-san." Chifuyu said with a warm smile, as the girl smiled back, grabbing a broom from the back of the store.
She tied her hair up and started swiping the floor, giving a hand to her best friends.
"How was your day?" She asked to the two boys as she held the broom in her hands, but Kazutora suddenly took it away from her grasp.
"Yume. I have to ask you a favor." Kazutora said in a low voice, as Chifuyu started telling Yume about her day, but she couldn't pay attention, as Kazutora's eyes trembled.
He looked worried.
"Takemichi has been trying to find Mikey nonstop, I'm scared... that he will end up dead today. His wedding is just three days away, and I can't let him get hurt... but I can't stop Mikey or convince Takemichi. You're the only one I can trust this with." He said as Yume gapped her mouth open at the boy, quickly closing it and nodding her head.
"Do you have any idea where he could be at?..." She asked as she went to the staff room, picking her purse that she had left there.
"Probably at any of Bonten's hanging out spots... but I have no clue. Please search for him, I'll take care of Chifuyu." He said as he smiled softly at the girl, his chest feeling cold out of nowhere.
It felt like their last moment together, after being inseparable their entire life.
"Okay, I'll get going now." She said as she opened the door with her hand.
"Chifu! I have an urgent meeting! I'll see you tomorrow for dinner!" She screamed as Chifuyu looked at the girl's silhouette leave, leaving him confused.

Heels clicking against the floor were heard, as Sanzu followed behind the running girl, trying to stop her.
But he was too afraid of touching the girl, all he could do was follow behind and try to keep her in touch.
"MIKEY!" She screamed as she saw Mikey holding a gun, and Takemichi laying on the floor.
Mikey stared at the girl, who was wearing a pair of black shorts with a sparkly belt, a white blouse with a pearls necklace and black high heel platforms, while she held a strapless black purse in her hand. Her hair was her usual black long hair, with a fringe and her white ends.
She had a purple wine lipstick color, with black winged eyeliner.
She looked stunning, she hadn't aged much after all these years, though she looked clearly way more mature, maintaining her usual characteristics, slightly changed to the actual trends.
It was an upgraded and more stable version of young Yume.
"Yume..." He mumbled as he saw the girl taking her heels off and running towards Takemichi, Mikey standing in front of them as his eyes were open in surprise.
Shame drowned his body, heart and brain as he stared at the girl, who was the last person he expected here.
"Mikey... why?" She asked, holding Takemichi on her lap, as he tried to get on his knees.
"I... save... I will save you... no matter what... for you... I'll do it as many times I can." He said as blood came out of his mouth and nose, holding his chest in pain, as the light from his eyes was about to vanish.
Mikey looked at him as he realized what he had done.
He had failed Baji and Yume once again, and he just kept hurting them more and more.
He felt like he was the cause of Yume's pain everytime.
"I will end everything here." He said with an horrifying voice, as he stepped up the stairs towards the rooftop, making Yume follow behind in silence.
She watched the boy stand at the edge of the roof, as she tried to think of what to do.
Everyone watched in horror from below, as they watched the boy about to jump off.
Yume was able to see Shinichiro and Baji standing next to Mikey, and she ran forward, as if it was a cue for her.
"EVERYONE, LET'S DO THIS!" Mikey said with a recognizable voice, as if he was the boy that had always led Toman.
She clinged onto Mikey as he was about to step off, making the boy step back, as he felt the warm embrace from the girl.
"If you're gonna leave... you'll have to take me with you." She said as tears came out of her eyes,  making Mikey tremble.
"All these years... you've been the reason why I have been living... working hard past my problems... overcoming all my problems... just so I could make Keisuke happy. You were... Keisuke's most treasured trophy... so if you're not here anymore... I have no reason to keep on fighting. Even though you've been struggling... and I wasn't able to help... it's time that I step in, Mikey. I'm sorry that I've pushed you to a side... Manjiro." She said as she turned the boy around, forcing him to face the girl who held a grin on her face, with her eyes closed.
Her nose was red from her tears, and her makeup smudged down her cheeks.
"Yume..." He mumbled as tears filled his eyes. His heart felt temporarily full, realizing Yume could vanish the darkness his heart felt.
"Do you think it's time we meet up with Baji? Because honestly... these years... I've been living on like a zombie, with no purpose other than looking over my friends. I'm... so tired of the darkness." She said, stepping next to the boy as she held his hand.
"We've been meant to be together since the first day we met... but we always keep on parting ways. Let's start a new future, shall we?" Mikey said as he smiled to the girl, who nodded at him with another smile.
And with these words... Yume realized what she had been missing her entire life.
Mikey belonged to Yume, and Yume belonged to Mikey.
They were each other's light, they both were the same type of person.
Hakkai, Taiju... none had apported anything to Yume but love and support. She appreciated them for always being with her and loving her, but they weren't her soulmates. However, it didn't mean that she didn't love them. She did love them the best she could, and the fact that Mikey and her were soulmates, did not meant that she should be with Mikey instead. 
But if she could go back to the past, she would definitely stick with him instead.
Because... Mikey was the only one who could save her from drowning.
And so, they both jumped off with smiles as they held hands, the darkness leaving their hearts as they felt the rush from jumping.
This was their gruesome yet extraordinary end.

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