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" Now, open your eyes wide
From now on; the mystery will start. "

$$$ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

While Yume was down, everything went down.
Takemichi was getting beat by Mikey, Taiju had gotten slashed by Sanzu anyway, Chifuyu won against Hanma.
All of them regained consciousness at the same time, and they couldn't believe their eyes.
Takemichi was dodging Mikey's kicks.

Yume found herself leaning against Taiju's body, wrapped by his Toman uniform, as he sat against the train, blood staining her back.
She was sitting between his legs.
It was just a superficial cut across his chest, thankfully, but the bleeding had tired him out, along with all the fighting.
She didn't move, feeling dizzy from the concussion.

After a while, Takemichi landed a punch on Mikey, sending him back, but it wasn't enough.
He simply stood back up.
The next thing Yume knew was happening, Mikey took Sanzu's katana off the floor.
Wakasa, Mikey and Sanzu had resumed everything; Shinichiro was a time leaper that created a curse by killing an old man for the power, since Mikey had died in another timeline and he wanted to save him. He handed the power to Takemichi, and then he died. This was the cause of Mikey's dark impulses, along with all the chaos surrounding them.
Possibly the reason Yume's life had gone wrong too.

Before anyone could react, Takemichi had gotten stabbed in the gut by Mikey.
Everyone froze in shock, crying as they saw Takemichi fall to his knees and Mikey scream out in despair.
Their hero had lost.
Though, Mikey held Takemichi's hand in his last moment, and suddenly everything disappeared.

Takemichi woke up in his bed once again, and the clock said it was 1998 all over again.
He was a kid again.
He ran out all the way to Mikey's house, hoping that he had time leaped correctly to the past.

"OI. I don't recognize you, the hell are you doing at Mikey's house? I'll beat the shit out of you if I have to." A small Keisuke walked up to Takemichi, his fists clenched.
Yume was behind him, both wearing backpacks, reaching to get a hold of the neck of his shirt, stopping him.
"Hey! Keisuke, look at him, he's just a small shrimp. He's good!" She explained, and Takemichi looked confused.
"Are you searching for Mikey?" Yume asked kindly, holding Keisuke back, a smile on her lips.
She looked so different, despite being a kid.
She wasn't scary or threatening.
She was just like them.
"Yume-chan..." Takemichi said, tears filling his eyes.
"What the hell? Who are you to call her that? You're not tryna pick a fight, are you?!" Keisuke said, punching him on the face, making him fall on his bum.
"Hey, Keisuke! Don't fight in front of people's houses!" Emma exclaimed as she came out of the front door, pointing at him.
Shinichiro came out from behind her, placing his hand on her head as he held a cigarette between his lips.
"Oh, Keisuke. What's up this morning? You're a pain in the ass." He mumbled out, making Yume blush in embarrassment.
"Sorry for that, Shinichiro-kun. I'm distracted today." Yume tried to excuse, but Shinichiro just ruffled her hair.
"Don't worry about it, Yume. You have other things to worry about. If Haruchiyo wouldn't run off every chance he gets..." He said following with a sigh.
"Haruchiyo! If you were with this idiot, you should have stopped him." Shinichiro exclaimed as Haruchiyo walked up to them, a boring expression on his face.
"It's bothersome and it's none of my business. Yume should handle him. More importantly, where's Mikey?" He asked uninterested.
"Oi, Manjiro, how long have you been asleep?!" Shinichiro said loudly as he looked at the house, only to get no response.

"Anyways, who are you?" Keisuke asked as they all stared at Takemichi, curiously.
He nervously shifted, and Mikey appeared.
"Huh? Who are you?" He asked, not recognizing the boy, but his eyes filled with tears as he called out Mikey's name.
"You... Takemitchy?"
"You're... the Takemitchy?"
"You even called me that way... why..."
"Huh?!" "Don't tell me...!"
"We both time leaped!"
The two of them bickered, the rest of them confused, not knowing what they talked about.
The two of them ran away, laughing and screaming in joy, leaving their friends confused.
Yet Yume couldn't help but smile.

Since that day, Takemichi and Mikey were always together everywhere.
He quickly became friends with Senju, Haruchiyo, Yume, Baji, Emma and even Shinichiro.
Soon enough, Draken, Mitsuya, Pah and Kazutora joined.

In all of these years, Yume followed Shinichiro around like a lost puppy.
He realized he had no other choice than taking her with him, because she followed everywhere either way.
He teached her about bikes, took her to his gang meetings, and just mentored her overall.
They had a close relationship, like siblings.
Waka and Benkei joined quickly, taking a liking to the strong little girl.
Since Shinichiro wasn't a good fighter, he asked them to teach her street tricks, since she already attended martial art classes with Mikey.

"Any luck with ladies this year, Shin?" Waka asked, as white day was coming up soon.
"Why do you even ask? He's Shinichiro." Benkei added in, making Yume think.
They were riding their bikes side by side, Yume riding on the back of Shinichiro's.
"What do you mean?" She asked curiously, not knowing why they would think that of him.
"Well, Yume, when you get older and meet a guy like him, you'll know what we're talking about. Guys like him aren't liked by girls at all!" Waka explained, making Yume furrow her eyebrows.
"But... when I am older I want a boyfriend like Shinichiro!" She exclaimed, making the boys gasp.
"Why not like me?!" Waka questioned in disbelief, hurt by the girls words.
"Yeah, or me!" Benkei added, also surprised.
"That's the best compliment for a man's ego!" Shinichiro exclaimed proudly, smirking.

YEAR 2003
Toman was founded.
The reason why Takemichi and Mikey were always together was to fix everything that had gone wrong in the other timeline.
This time, Kisaki was a founding member and their friend.
Shinichiro hadn't allowed the Black Dragons to go corrupt, as Izana became like a family member too.
He had grown close to Yume.
Shinichiro, Izana and Yume were a chaotic but inseparable group.
After all, Shinichiro wanted Yume to take over two years after Izana. So she was learning all about leading the gang from him.
She became a member of the gang.
There was when she met Inui, quickly becoming fond of each other.
Koko joined right behind, yet this time he didn't involve Yume in his business.
Akane hadn't died.

One year later, Inui met Taiju.
Yume realized he was her classmate, so she introduced herself to him.
The year Toman was founded, Mitsuya introduced Hakkai to Yume under the orders of Mikey, so she already knew bits about Taiju from him.
Hakkai and Taiju had a normal relationship thanks to the changes in the timeline.

"My name is Baji Yume! I'm Inui Seishu's friend from the other class. You're Hakkai's brother, right?" She asked kindly, holding her backpack in her hand as she walked by his side. School had just finished and everyone was walking home.
He turned to his side to take a look at the girl, recognizing her. He had been waiting to meet her.
"Yeah. I've heard a lot from them about you. Nice to meet you. My name is Taiju." He said with a smile, holding out his hand for her to shake.

After Madarame retired, Taiju had already joined the Black Dragons and taken over.
Yume was his number one, with Inui following behind and Koko assisting them.
They were an allied gang with Toman since Izana led the Black Dragons, and all of them fought together.
None of the incidents had happened.

Taiju and Yume were slowly falling in love, correctly this time.
Baji got along with Taiju, the two of them sharing a lot of things in common.
He accepted him and had already given his approvation to Yume.

Takemichi managed to find Kuma before he and Yume were supposed to meet and introduced the two of them.
He wanted to do something good for Yume for once, knowing the two of them needed each other and mutually helped the other.

Yume hadn't gotten any tattoos. In fact, she didn't even paint her lips and her hair was always kept middle length.

Since Kisaki wasn't an enemy, Toman had no enemies.
Sometimes they'd fight against other gangs, but they all gave up or just wanted to join Toman.
The Haitani brothers, Mochi, Kakucho, Hanma were all members of Toman, never doing dangerous stuff, just enjoying their teenage years with their friends.

Everything was perfect.

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