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'' You're still my favorite girl
You better trust me when I tell you
There ain't no one else more beautiful in this damn world
In this damn world. ''

╭ ・ $$$ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

Taiju and Yume had spent the left days by theirselves, wanting to give each other space to move on. Though, tonight was the New Year festival, and they were attending with each other.
Yume was getting ready, and she had decided to cut her hair short, her white ends still there, as she dyed them red. It all had happened the day after Taiju broke up with her.
She tried to tie her hair in a low bun, while she let her fringe down. But her hair as at her chin length, too short to be tied. So she wore it down.
She was wearing a red kimono with white stripes and yellow flowers all over it, as it had a few details in a gold color.
She wore a golden hair clip, which held her hair back at the left side, as she put a clear gloss over her lips, not wearing any makeup for once.
She wore traditional sandals with socks, along with a white scarf covering her neck and chest area.
She wore her Baji necklace and the ring Taiju had gifted her, as she held a white purse in her right arm as she waited for Taiju outside of her apartment.
She quickly noticed his bike being parked, as he wore a blue kimono with pink and white details.
She ran down the stairs, careful to not to trip, as she ran to Taiju's bike, who smiled at her as he waved his hand at her.
"Ready to go, Yu-chan?" He asked, using his newly found nickname for the girl.
Yume blushed as she nodded, enjoying her new nickname.
She hopped on Taiju's bike, as he rode towards the shrine.

"Have I told you you look beautiful today?" Taiju asked the girl as they held hands, walking past groups of people. The girl shook her head as she blushed, making Taiju laugh. "Well, you're the most beautiful girl I've seen in my life, and today, you look breathtaking. I'm glad you'll be the last thing I'll see before the year ends." Taiju said as he kissed her hand, making the girl's heart skip a beat.
"I'm glad you'll be the first thing I see, Tai! You're the most handsome boy I'll ever see." She said back with a smile, making the boy scoff as he got flustered.
As they kept walking past the groups of people, a wooden piece fell against Yume's feet, which she picked up.
It was an ema.
She turned it around, and as she was about to read it, someone snatched it from her hands.
She turned around, as she held Taiju's hand.
She quickly noticed everyone from Toman staring at her and Taiju.
"Yume-chan! Sorry, that ema is mine!" Takemichi said as he held it tightly.
Mikey quickly came next to the girl, as he snatched her away from Taiju, holding her hand instead.
"Sorry, Taiju-kun. She's my date now!" He said as he sticked out his tongue at Taiju, who simply scoffed in annoyance.
"Everyone! Yume-chan and Taiju-kun are Toman's friends! So let's all spend New Year together!" Mikey said loudly, as to which Takemichi nodded with a big smile, as everyone quickly smiled at them as they all nodded, agreeing.
They didn't want to start the new year holding a grudge.
"Yeah!" Mitsuya said as he put his arms over Yume's shoulder, making everyone quickly join with them.
Taiju stood next to Yuzuha, who had forgiven him.
They were family, afterall.
"Let's all jump together, guys!" Mikey said as there were only ten seconds left for the new year.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" They all screamed together as they jumped, Takemichi screaming as his ema was thrown into the air.
'I hope to become a hero that can save everyone. Takemichi Hanagaki.' Was written on it.

And so, they all celebrated the new year as they all had fun together.
Yume and Taiju had felt happy with their new friends, as they teased each other by staring at each other, raising their eyebrows and sticking out their tongue every once in a while.
Mikey had made Yume felt welcome, and Taiju respected Mikey for taking the girl away and have her feel comfortable.
He didn't know whether Mikey would be the one for her, but he was happy for her.
Because he would always watch over her with a smile.

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