12 | collab

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i woke up as i heard my annoying alarm that i set last night. Well, i woke up a bit early today as i have practices for my upcoming performance for the opening of the new training field. My department seems to take part in it and the coach wants me to perform archery with horses. That means i'll be practicing with Angela, my horse. 

as i was about to prepared myself for the training, i got a phone call. It's from them;

"hey honey"

"hi Mrs. Kang" i answered politely. Mrs. Kang, the mother of my late best friend, Kang Eunji. She would call me sometimes for... something.

"are you aware that it's that time of the year?" she asked with that loving tone of hers. i smiled knowing what she meant.

"yes, i am. how is he?" i asked, excited.

"he's sleeping in his room right now, but i would like you to come to pick him up" she said.

"well, how about this evening? i have some training to do today so i might be late. I'm sorry" i said politely.

"no honey it's okay. Fortunately, i am free this evening so no need to worry. You should come for dinner too. It's been a while since we had dinner together." she said, with a sad tone in the end.

not wanting to disappoint her, i accepted the invitation. but of course, in a condition that i can bring the others too since they also miss the Kang family, especially Hyeri. 

Hyeri had a little crush on the Kang's second child, Kang Jaehyun since the first time they met each other and i could see that he also have that feelings too but seems like both of them are too coward to confess. pabo.

Kang Eunji, our belated best friend, who died 3 years ago in an accident. Me and our other bestie, Yoonseo, were in the accident too. But somehow both of us survived and she didn't. 

"Alya hold her! she's going crazy" Eunji shouted as Yoonseo getting more uncontrollably drunk. It all started when i got a phone call from Yoonseo, she was seriously drunk when she called me.

 But as i don't have a car, i asked Eunji to drive me there. And here we are, Eunji can hardly paying attention on the road and Yoonseo trying to jump in the car meanwhile me trying to grip on Yoonseo's arms.

I thought i hold her enough to not disturb Eunji who is driving but i guess was wrong when suddenly a flash blinded our eyes and everything went black, i could hear the window glass shattered. 

As i try opening my eyes, my head starts to hurt very hard and i couldn't hear anything else than a loud ringing on my ears.

I tried so hard to open my eyes and i could feel my hands move a little. as i tried grabbing anything near me so that i can balance my head that felt so heavy. i then feel some fabric in front of me and i guess that's the front seat. 

Finally, i can opened my eyes and that kind of make me happy but the happy quickly fade away as i saw a soulless body facing towards me in the front seat. Her eyes wide open but not blinking, looking straight to my soul. Her jaw is wide open and i could see some blood drop from her teeth. I could see a broken glass piece that is almost the size of my hand on her forehead, stabbing deep into her skull.

Even if the glass didn't end up on her forehead, she would be already dead as i noticed her neck completely twisted in an impossible position for an alive human. I felt numb as i completely realised what i am seeing and who am i seeing. 

She's gone. Eunji is gone. Kang Eunji, my dearest friend that i considered as my sister.

The image suddenly reappear in my mind that made me completely shivers. Calm down Alya, it's in the past. Life goes on and don't end up like Yoonseo. you can overcome this Alya, you have to.

i waste no time and start to drove off the basement car park and went to the training field, clearing my head by trying to pay attention on the DJ talking in the radio. 

i didn't realised what i was thinking and found myself shocked as i successfully drive to the training field without any accidents. As i park my car, i saw my coach waiting for me at the entrance.

i steal a glance on my watch and immediately knew why coach has that face on hers as she waits patiently. i'm 10 minutes late.

"you're late" she said with a stern voice and a straight face.

"only 10 mins late, coach. you're always 30 minutes late, why you're early today" i give her a smirk. huh, payback.

"don't get your nose up high, you have practice to do" she scoffed, defeatedly.

"so what's up?" i asked as we walk to the horse barn. 

Well, i didn't use formalities with Coach Yerim as we are very close and she also warn me to use formalities as she will felt old. Coach Yerim knows me since i was 14 when she figured about my talent in archery and that made her bring me to here, Korea. 

She's 10 years older than me but it felt like she is only a few minutes older than me as we are treating each other like sisters. 

"opening event will be held on 20 January and they want you to perform with Angela and also without Angela"

"huh is this event big or what" i asked

"yeah, sort of. i heard that some VIPs will come"

"such as?"

"The Kim Family"

"holy shit-"

"language!" she hit me with the file that she's been holding onto since at the entrance.

"ow ow ok sorry" i sigh in defeated and saw her smirk. 

"what is Kim Family doing here?"

"Their daughter seems to be interested on the investment of this training field since it's build by a famous group. And they want to talk with Park and Jin family." she stare at me and raise her eyebrows multiple times while smirking.

"you mean they want to meet Hyeri and Suni?"

"And you. Since the three of you manage the Aely Fashion Company, they wish to make a project with your company"

"oh hold up-" Before we continue, let me explain some things to the readers. I am also a CEO in Aely Fashion Company that were made back in 2019. 

it was actually Mr Park's company a.k.a Suni's father. But they almost went bankrupt and i helped them in one condition which is the company will be under my name. they agree to it but also with their own conditions. 

Suni also have to take part on managing the company, and i had no problems with that. since me and Suni also need a helping hand, we invite Hyeri in our group as she is interested in business. 

The other two aren't pretty much of a business women so the company is under the three of us only. 

Since Suni is a fashion design student in Yonsei University, she wants the Creative Director position. And since Hyeri is seriously interested in money, we put her in the Account Manager position. 

Meanwhile me, they put me as the Chief Executive Officer of the company. The founder of course it's Mr Park. so yeah..that's all from me

continue; "so they want to collaborate with us?"

"sort of" even though she's my coach, she's also my manager in this whole things so she handle my schedule and else, but she's not interested in business.

"i heard they already hired models for the new creation you guys made, so maybe consider about the collaboration." she continued. She then flipped through the files as we're almost near the horse barn.

"Angela miss you" she pointed towards the barn, reminding me about why am i here today as i began to space out.

"right, forgot about that" i chuckled and then ran to Angela.

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