20 | Yuri

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Car keys jingling through the hallway as i walked to my door with left hand holding brown paper bag and a white see-through plastic that contains some medicine and Kool Fever while my right hand holding my purse with car keys that go with a cute puppy keychain.

i then just scanned the card in my purse on the door to access the door. the sound of the lock opened and i opened the door, seeing Hyeri facing me with her laptop on the counter top and Suni pausing the tv and turned to look at me. 

there was a moment of silence before they shoot me bullets of question. ( a/n Hyeri italic, Suni bold, Alya normal )

"where tf are you"


"what took you so long"


"did you buy medicine"


"have you eat dinner"

"nope, just ice cream" i answered them while taking off my shoes and putting the paper bag and plastic on the counter top before making my way to the couch.

"what did you buy"

"books and medicine"

"where did you go"

"a date-" i covered my mouth almost immediately as i realised i was talking to Hyeri and turned to her just to receive a gasped from Suni.

"a date?!" she almost yelled before Suni let out a "shh! The boy is sleeping!" 

"look, Hyeri i can explain-" i said dramatically, afraid that she will hit me with that laptop of hers.

"how dare you ruined my ship" she said, making her way to me while folding her sleeves and eyebrows furrowed.

"but i dont have feelings for your brother!" i whispered-yell, trying my best to not wake Rokkie up while Suni tried to protect me from being Hyeri's victim.

"since when do you have this relationship with this some guy?!"

"a few weeks before you came to Seoul" Suni said with a duh tone.

"it's been weeks already and you don't even care to spill a word to me?!" she stomp her feet and hit me with her oh god strong arms.

"this is exactly why Alya didn't tell you about him" Suni said while pulling Hyeri off me. the living room is now a mess with cushions been thrown at me and the couch not in its position.

"i like somebody else okay? you can't force my feelings! it's not my fault your brother is a-"

"A WHAT" i immediately slap my mouth and shook my head.

"ya stop! let's just sit down and talk! no. need. to. fight." we both now stare at Suni who is now in a scary mode and almost immediately sit down on the couch. i then stare at Hyeri and gave an apologetic smile and she let out a "explain." while staring deep into my soul.

"look, Yeonjun have been trying to make my heart fluttered for years already but my heart can't open up for him, okay? it's just.. i can't control my feelings okay? you can't force me to love someone that i dont love" i explained and Hyeri just stare at me with a serious hurtful face.

i was about to explain when i was cut off by Suni;

"and lately, she met someone who really made her heart melts and feel safe. He knows his limit in case if Alya felt uncomfortable, he teases her everyday cause he loves seeing her pout, he's willing to be there for Alya even though it is so risky. He acts like he doesn't care but actually he does. it was obvious for him that he likes Alya so much" 

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