14 | kiss

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"it's hard for me to hold back from kissing you"



holy shit.

my eyes widened and i could feel myself turning into a tomato, the blush on my face is already visible enough for anyone to notice.

"i-" his eyes were widened when he realised what he just said, he was in a pure shock. he then suddenly stand up and look away. he must feel embarrassed now. he really should be embarrassed.

"i um" i tried to ease the awkwardness between us while he just stands there and his eyes didn't even land on me. i heard he muttered something and i was just about to ask what it's about when my found suddenly rings.

as i took my phone out from my bag, i could feel he sits back down and heard him clearing his throat.

i answered the phone, didn't even look at the contact name as i was trying to get out from this awkwardness.


i immediately realised who i am talking to. "baby!" i answered the boy with an excited tone. i could feel the guy who is sitting beside me is staring at me.

"i miss you"

i chuckled before answered; "i miss you too"

"when are you coming?"

right. forgot about that. i hate you seungmin. 

i then steal a glance on my watch on my right wrist, ah it's almost time for me to pick him up.

"soon. wait for me okay? maybe in 30 minutes" i answered with a loving tone.

"30 minutes? that's sooo longggg" i heard him whine and laughed as he's so cuteee.

"i'll give you free kisses and cuddles if you wait for me patiently" i said, earning a cough from the guy beside me.

"okay eomma, i'll wait"

"good. now i have to drive. i'll see you later okay? i love you" 

"okay, i love you too"

i then end the call and face towards Seungmin who looks really really mad right now.

"are you okay?' i asked, confused.

"i know it's not inappropriate to ask you this but.. who called you just now?" he didn't answer my question but instead ask me back about who i just called. huh, weird.

"he's a special person to me" i said.

"he wants to meet you?" i hummed to his question while nodding. 

"right now?" he asked as he saw me getting ready to go now.


"does he really have to interrupt us?" he rolled his eyes and fold his arms together. i stare at him in disbelief.

"are you jealous-" 

"yes i am" i was just teasing him, did he.. take it serious? i could feel blush starts to reappear on my cheeks.

"uh i-i need to go now" i stand up and about to walk away, suddenly i felt a hand on my wrist.

"s-seungmin?" i asked as he keeps quiet and just hold my hand.

"nevermind.. enjoy your um date with your special person" he said, letting go of my hand slowly, looking annoyed.

i dunno why but i felt my heart stops for a moment. i then sit beside him again and called his name. he just hummed in response and looked at me, with a mad face.

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