4. Arabella

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I sit at the island opposite Asher. He's here today, Romans still asleep on the couch and we didn't want to wake him so we're just awkwardly staring at each other over the kitchen island.

"When are you going to give him action?" He asks, the first thing he says to me on a damn Friday morning.

"Really. You know i'm seventeen right?" I narrow my eyes at him.

He shrugs, "Roman doesn't care about that."

He cares enough to respect my wishes and wait.

I grow quiet again, staring at him silently like Roman does to me whenever i annoy him.

Alessia walks in from the backyard, her tits on display today. I envy her. Because i know that Roman finds her attractive and she is attractive. I would kill for a body like hers.

"What do you want prepared for your food today Mrs. Reign?" She asks, her voice loud.

I hate how she calls me that as well.

"Roman is taking me out." I lie. But now he will.

"Okay." She opens the fridge, "Fast food all the time is bad for you."

I roll my eyes at her, my eyes landing on Roman walking in through the archway that connects the living room and kitchen. He looks cute when he wakes up, has a puffy face and messy hair.

"I can't take you out tonight, bambina." He says, his voice making my insides melt again. "I have things to do."

Alessia smiles, "Chicken curry okay?"

"No. I'm going order takeout." I get off the island chair and walk past them, up into the bedroom i've claimed as my own, gave it a little makeover, and by that, i mean i changed his bedsheets so that they're pink.

Roman walks in, "You're cute when you're jealous." He closes the door, poking through his drawers.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"I have business to attend to, i can take you when you're eighteen." He looks at me, "You're acting weird recently."

"I don't like not being able to talk to my brother." I lie, Nicolas and I call almost everyday but he doesn't know that.

"Hm." He opens the door to the en-suite, "I'll take you out tomorrow."

"Don't bother. I just didn't want to eat her food."

"You have to eat, real food."

"Send her home so i can cook myself."

"You can cook?"

"Yes. My mom died when i was eleven, i had to learn."

"How'd she die?" He asks.

I look away from him to end the conversation and he understands, walking into the bathroom. I hear the shower run and then go downstairs to give him privacy.

Luca was here now too.

I was going to make a snarky comment but realized i'm the imposter here so i just sighed and started folding up the blanket Roman was sleeping with.

Then i slump on the couch, picking his phone up. I spam his camera roll with pictures of me doing ugly faces, hundreds of them, and then put it on the coffee table.

"Here." Luca hands me a drink.

"What is this?" I take it off him, looking at the ice and the pink.

"Açai something, i just asked for something pink." He sits beside me.

"Why are you getting me gifts?" I sip on it. I found my new favourite drink.

"It's a drink." He grabs the remote. "And you're acting weird."


"You're not snarky to Roman." He starts flipping through the channels, "He's wondering what happened. And so i am, it's funny watching you two argue."

"On my period." Not lying about that. It's fucking painful and when i'm in pain i'd rather try and be calm.

He nods, not getting all squeamish like most guys do and that intrigues me. "It's really painful, want to rip my uterus out."

He nods again, "Try ibuprofen."

I was surprised at that one, "And i bled through my panties the other day."

He side eyes me, "Hydrogen peroxide helps with stains, but you can usually just wash it with water and soap."

Shocked, i ask. "How do you know that?"

He smiles, "I kill people for a living, polpa."

Oh. Forgot about that.

I sip on the drink, "I thought you were going to say you had a wife or something."

"No no, single." He winks.

"Segailo." Roman walks in, slapping the back of Luca's head. "Don't chat my girl up like that." He just called him a Wanker haha.

I smile as i side eye Luca, sipping on the drink. "Luca bought me a drink, how come you don't buy me anything but food?" I look at Roman taking the seat on the other couch. His house is kind of small but i love it, it's cosy, it's actually a home.

He stares at me blankly. I've decided i'm in the mood to annoy somebody today. I tilt my head at him, waiting for an answer.

"You don't ask for anything." He says blankly, "And you." He looks to Luca, "Stop buying her shit."

"It's only one thing, and it's pink. He's already a better husband than you." I slurp loudly on the drink.

Luca laughs whereas Roman gives me his bored look. "You're no fun, blondie." I slump back in the seat, "What work do you have to do?"

"None of your business, your brother is coming round to keep you company while i'm away." He stands up, "Don't trash my place."

"Can you tell barbie to leave?"

He raises an eyebrow and disappears into the kitchen. Asher walks into the living room, "You like pink?"

"Favourite colour. What's your favourite?"

"Blue." He says, i shift my gaze to Luca. "Red."

"Roman what's your favourite colour?" I shout.

"Green." He walks in, "She's leaving." He slides his hands into his pocket and then pulls out a black card. "Your papa mentioned you like online shopping."

"Ohh, now that's making you move up my list." I grab it off him, "Can i use your laptop?"

He nods his head, grunts. "Call me if you need anything."

"A gift." I smile at him.

He blankly looks at me again, "Hm, okay. Goodbye." And he leaves, then Luca leaves, and Asher throws me a candy before leaving after them.

A couple minutes later, Nicolas walks in. "Hey." He smiles softly.

I practically throw myself on him, "I misssd you."

"It's been two weeks." He pats my back, "Sit down, i need to tell you something."

His tone serious, i switch off my snarky side and sit on the couch.

He looks away, looks back at me, looks down. "Papa got shot."


word count: 1091

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