14. Arabella

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when i was your man—
-should have gave you all my hours when i had the chance-

"We should get a dog." I jump over the couch, slumping beside Luca. "While Romans away."

He left me. Everyday he gets higher on my list of people i hate most.

He's been gone three days and i don't even know what for. Asher and Luca won't tell me, i don't think there's much that they know either.

"Ronan's allergic." Asher walks in, "But what about a kitten?"

"What? I'm allergic." Luca speaks up.

"Men are literally the problem." I stand up, "You." I point to Luca, "And Roman."

"Hey." He holds his hands up in defense, "That is not my fault."

"Yes it is." I look at Asher, "What are you allergic to?"

"Nothing." He bows, a smile plastered over his face.

"See." I look at Luca, "A smaller problem."

They both laugh and Luca pulls me down onto the couch, keeping his arm around me. "I have to go to my hotel, wanna come?"

"You have a hotel?"

"I have thirteen hotels, i'm opening a new one."

"Yes i do!" I slap his thigh excitedly. "You have to take me."

"We will, can't leave you here alone." He smiles, "It's not fully done yet so don't be making fun of it."

"Never. I wish i could have a hotel one day. Free stays." I get up, "Is this appropriate clothing?" I'm wearing a blue summer dress, my tits pushed up.

"Very appropriate." Asher pulls me into his chest, "Come on."

I stick my tongue out at Luca, skipping to the foyer i'm met by Katrina and Wallace, Wallace is the housekeeper, a very funny guy. He's an old white guy who Roman seems to trust. And Obviously, my lovely Katrina.

"Hi." I grip the handrail.

"Hello." Wallace smiles, continuing his conversation with Katrina. I jog up the stairs, grab my baby blue platform heels and quickly slide on a pair of white socks before sliding down the banister.

Asher and Luca stare at me, "Heels?"

"A girl has to look prepared." I sit on the bottom step, putting my heels on.

Luca holds his hand out and i grip onto it, we leave and an hour later, after the guys let me jam to Taylor Swift the entire drive, we arrive at a modern building.

"Armani Hotel." I look at Luca, "Your surname is Armani?"

"Yes." He smiles.

The doors slide open, a ruby red carpet bright and soft, "Woah, this carpets soft." I bend down, feeling it through my fingers.

"Up." Luca stands behind me.

I stand up, looking around at the large front desk, waiting area, bar. All gold, the ruby red and gold contrasted so well.

"Are they all this colour theme?" I look at Luca. This is fascinating.

"No, different colours, all correlate with gold though." He lets me do another spin as i look at the giant golden and crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

"What other colours?" I look at the pure white couches with golden legs and a mix between red and gold cushions.

"Mainly colous that compliment the gold accents, like dark colours. Purple, blue and Green. But then i have some with white or grey— even black."

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