41. Arabella

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This is the final straw. I do really hate men. Like genuinely, actually. There's no coming back from this.

I can't trust any man in my life.

I went to the ducks, i sat there and one sat beside me. Then someone sits the other side of me and i see it's Aaron, a rough looking but still, Aaron.

We talk for a while, and then when he walks me to his car, he smashes a gun off my head and i get knocked out.

Then i wake up in this shit hole of a basement. It's actually quite nicer than most basements like this, cleaner and newer which makes me think it's a new building.

But still.

Men are literally the problem.

I thought he was my friend.

The technology in this room is crazy, the handcuffs electrocute me if i tug on them three times in a row. So i'm sitting still. There's a rich medical smell which is strange as well, because usually capo's just dump them in a basement and leave them to rot.

I have no idea where they got this technology from, or why they're using it on me. Or why Aaron is a little pig.

I guess the more scary thing is that i don't even want Roman to find me. If im just a weakness to him, then i'll be better off dead anyway.

The door opens and Aaron walks in, "Hello."

"Go to hell." I look him in the eye.

"Not nice." He crouches down on the floor in front of me, "Where did you hide that night my men were searching for you?"

That was him?

This was who Salvatore works for?

"Under my bed, pity you didn't get the underwear your men were sniffing."

"I wanted you, not the underwear." He trails his finger down my leg. "It really was a shame when i seen you marry Roman." He lifts my chin up, "Your papa gave you to me. I intend on having my share."

"So you were fake the entire time?"

He smiles, "Yes, i'm also not gay if that's what you're wondering. I just needed you to trust me."

"I did." I should have listened to Roman on that one.

"I know you did. None of this would have happened if you just... stayed with me. Instead you followed your husband."

"Because he would have killed you if i didn't."

Aaron smiles, "Oh, darling. He did try and kill me. He shot me, in my shoulder. He missed my heart, lousy shot."

I've seen Roman shoot. He doesn't miss. He did it on purpose, and i bet that purpose was for me.

There was a knock on the door and it opens to Vincent standing there, "Boss they've arrived."

Oh Roman is going to have a fun time killing him.

"Boss?" I look at Vincent.

"Yes." Aaron stands up, "And your three boyfriends have just arrived. Isn't this fun?"

"Vincent, Roman's going to disect you, and i'm going to have a fun time watching." I swallow, "Rat."

I should have known there something up, people only targeted whenever there was the least amount of men in the house, which meant there needed to be someone in the inside.

"Oh, darling." Aaron looks at me, amused. "Your boys are good but i'm better. You'll see them soon, i promise, but for now. Hang tight."

Egoistical prick.

And then he leaves, along with Vincent. Darkness fills the room again and i have no option but to just sit there in my sports bra and bicycle shorts.

I could hear commotion outside and then finally, for what seemed like an hour later, the door opens and Aaron returns, guiding in a beat up Roman.

Four men all holding Roman.

He searches the room and when his eyes land on mine, they looked relieved.

He tries to fight again but four onto one was not easy, even in the condition he was in. He was thrown to the floor, handcuffed like i was.

And i had to sit back and watch as they all took turns hitting him. And he did nothing but accept it.

It hurt me, seeing blood fly around his face, splatter on the walls, his soft grunts.

I try to look away but i couldn't.

They finally stop, Romans body slouched against the wall, his hair dropping over his face. His hair had blood in it. Those pretty blonde curls damp and clotted with red.

One of the men then turn to me, "She's pretty."

"She is. No one touches her until i send in the word. Dispose of the other two, we don't need them." Aaron says, walking away. And the four guys follow after him closing the door.

I pull my arms once, "Roman."

Again. "Ro, are you awake?"

I don't pull again. I don't need to be shocked again.

He makes a soft grunt, "Did they hurt you?"

"No... No Roman what are you doing here?"

"You, love." He slowly raises his head, "They got me good." His voice was raspy, like he's been drinking, broken too.

"Where's Luca and Ash?"

"They... They know what to do." He leans back, eyes opening just a bit, i could see the blue shine a little.

"You're gonna get yourself killed."

"I..." He takes a breath, "Need you."

I wipe my eyes with my shoulder. Now they have two of us. And Asher and Luca could still be with them. Aaron talked about disposing of someone, it could be them.

Panic starts to rise in me, i try and keep cool, but looking at the state of Roman and how he can hardly keep his eyes open. It's scary.

"Roman you need to stay awake." I choke on my words, bile rising in my throat.

"If you didn't run we wouldn't be here, love. Why'd you run?" He asks, he sounded hurt.

He knows why i ran.

"Are people coming?" I change the subject.


"Roman how did you know it was Aaron?"

"Cus i didn't kill him. You would hate me forever if i killed him. I just shot him, it was a guess and i was right." He closes his eyes, "I'll get us out of here, love."

"You can't even keep your eyes open."

"Trust me, Arabella." He scoffs a little. "When we get out of here. We're going to have a real long talk about our relationship-"


"When." He corrects me, adamant. "You seem to be forgetting who i am, my love."

I close my eyes, "With every three moves you make, the handcuffs will shock you."

"Can you be strong for me, love?"

I look at him, "What?"

"I need you to be strong for me. The things i'm gonna say... please don't listen to them. I need to... I'm sorry, love. I'll explain when we're home but... be strong."

"What are you gonna do, Ro?"

"I'm gonna take care of you, Arabella."

oh no anyway expect a drunk roman chapter soon bc yes

word count: 1176

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