111. Roman

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Arabella smiles as she watches the kids, she really likes taking care of kids.

It's the twins first birthday but she invited literally everyone she knew around. I, personally, did a sweep of the house to make sure no one was here, and Romeo came with me. Kids eyesight is almost as impressive as his brain.

She invited her brothers daughters, Ashley, she invited Afra and Gia but didn't expect for Juliana to show up, she told her to stay the fuck away from all of her kids. It was the first time i've ever seen Juliana scared. Then, she invited some of the kids that the triplets have made friends with at school, and finally, when she was taking Ilaria into the doctors she bumped into Amanda and Tommy again, the little boy with a bad heart, so she invited them too.

So there's basically just a bunch of kids playing, followed by a bunch of adults watching. Luca is on barbecue duty, Asher is being a fucking kid and i'm watching them all from a distance, i need to be here if anyone makes a threat.

The twins are with Arabella, they're playing in the small sandpit Arabella bought for them, she's watching over them but also keeping her eye on everyone else.

Arabella's twin, Nico, walks over. "Five kids?" He smiles.

"She wants another one." I shake my head. I said no. Five is enough for now.

"She's crazy." He pats his daughter on the back. She's just been born, her names Bella for Arabella. "Why aren't you with everyone?"

"Keeping an eye on things, don't want a hit while there's a handful of kids around." My eyes fall on Romeo, voluntarily walking up to Juliana.

I look at Nico, "Did your mom ever hit you?"

He shakes his head no, "Papa was the abusive one, mom was more... emotionally abusive."

"She hit Romeo, hard enough to leave a scar." I look back at them. Romeo was just staring at her. I should probably interfere. "Excuse me-"

"Oh before you go, can i use the crib? One of the twins. It's time for her nap."

"Yeah." I call one of my men over, "Show him to the nursery." They both walk away and i call Alek over.

He stands with a smile, "Keep guard and tell if you see anything suspicious." I turn to look at my child but he had disappeared.

Oh for fucks sake.

I walk to where they were last and look in both directions, i could see little dents from Juliana's heels in the grass so i follow them to behind the stables.

Arabella won't kill Juliana and i know it's some sort of trauma response to why she won't, but my child is holding a gun to her right now and i know Arabella wouldn't ever hate Romeo for doing this type of stuff if he says his brain told him too.

I mean, he's 6 now, he's growing older and his feelings are just getting stronger.

"Put the gun down, Romeo." She raises her voice.

"You hurt me. Your hurt mommy too."

"You and your mother are a little bitch, put it down." She says.

Romeo makes a sound, his nostrils flaring. "Mommy should have did this."

"Put it down. If she finds out you killed me she's going to go crazy. She'll hate you. Forever. She'll think you're a bad boy like your fucking father, mommy hates your papa."

Romeo's hand shakes a little bit but he takes a deep breath. "I don't care. You made mommy cry."

He's doing this for Arabella.

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