33. Arabella

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Arms wrap around me while i lay in bed. If i was getting kidnapped, i wouldn't even fight.

"Go back to sleep, princess." Luca kisses my shoulder.

"How did you get in here?" I open my eyes, the dresser was still in front of the door.

"I climbed in through your window." He says.

"That's creepy." I close my eyes again.

"I needed to get to you. Haven't left here in three days, what have you been eating?"

"Snacks." I shuffle so i'm more comfortable.

"What happened?" He mumbles.

"Roman let out how he felt about me."

"Which was...?"

"A needy bitch."

He sighs, feeling his chest raise and drop behind me. "He's lying."

"No, i don't think he is."

"He is."

"It doesn't matter anyway." I pull his hand up so it's in front of my face.

"Yes it does, princess." He strokes my cheek with his thumb. "I'll try talking to him but-"

"Don't. It'll only make things worse." I close my eyes again, "Is Asher's mom still here?"

"Yeah, they're staying for a while. You'll meet his dad soon too." He kisses my cheek, "I can bring Rosa round if you'd like."

"I would like that." I turn around, cuddling up to his chest. "I wish i could have married you."

He kisses my head, "I'll be here all night."

I drift off in his arms, and true to his word, i wake up in them too.

"You're a pretty sleeper." He wipes something from the corner of my eye, "Come on, you need to eat real food."

I sit up, taking a second for my head to stop spinning and getting out of bed. I shower while he moves my drawers back into the normal place.

I walk into my closet.

I hate that i would do anything to appeal to Roman.

I pull a pair of yoga pants on, followed by a large sweater and fluffy socks. Now Asher's mom won't make a comment either.

When i walk out, Luca's gaze shifts over me and he slumps, "That's what you're gonna wear?"

I nod my head.

He sighs, opening my door.

We walk downstairs, Asher was cooking something with Ashley on his back. Roman was sitting at the breakfast bar, his eyes locked on his laptop screen, and Asher's mother sitting opposite him beside a man.

"That's Asher's dad, his names Nicolas." Luca let's go of my wrist.

As if he heard us, Nicolas turns around. Asher looks a lot like him. "Ciao, you must be Arabella?" He asks, getting off the stool.

Roman looks up, but then looks down.

"Hi, my brothers called Nicolas." I shake his hand. I don't know why i said that.

"Is he older or younger?"

"Older, by three minutes... Twins." I smile, shifting my gaze to his wife, who was still giving me a dirty look.

"Lovely. Did Asher ever tell you he was a twin, well... he ate the other but-"

"Papa i don't think that's the way to say it." Asher shakes his head, "In the womb, tián xīn. I consumed it."

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