48. Arabella

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I forgot how much im into girls because i'm around guys that often. The girls in this club are so pretty. Like gorgeous.

I dance against Rosa, a margarita in my hand. Not even old enough to get in this club but Roman owns it and Roman told all his workers beforehand to not disrespect me.

Rosa's hand sneaks around my waist and she grinds her front into my ass, i hear her screaming the song from the back of me and i laugh, throwing my hands in the air as i sway my hips.

I look up at the VIP section, some pretty blonde girl looking down at me with a childish grin. I ignore her, dancing away to the music to forget about the world for a minute.

Rosa and I are still dancing against each other, slightly drunk and not allowed any more drinks, a young man approached us, his skin dark and a clean shaved beard which makes Rosa groan. "Hm, you're fucking hot." She shouts to him.

He laughs a little but focuses his gaze on me, "You single, beautiful?"

I hold up my hand, the ring that Roman got me sitting on my finger. I wave it in his face. "She is though." I nod my head to Rosa.

He smiles, "Intersted in you though."

I shake my head no, "My husband will kill you if you talk to me again."

He nods his head, not giving up but giving his attention to Rosa, dancing with her but only for the excuse that he can touch me.

I spot Marcello in the corner and his eyes on me, he was about to walk up but i shook my head no, stepping away from Rosa and the guy. I whisper to Rosa, "I'm gonna get a drink.' And she nods.

Marcellos eyes burn into me as i push through the crowd and make my way to the bar. I sit on the barstool, the bartender walks over to me. "What can i get you, Mrs. Reign?"

"The respect to call me by my own name." I smile sarcastically, "Shots, three."

He nods his head, throwing a towel over his shoulder as he turns his back to start making the shots.

They all call me Mrs. Reign, it's annoying, the nightclub is literally called Reign and half the men working here have that same crown tattoo that Asher and Luca have, they all refuse to call me Arabella.

The bartender turns around and places the three shot glasses on the counter. I take them down one by one, the entire time the bartender stared at me.

I squint my face on the last one and he gathers the shot glasses with one hand, "No more."

"Why? Roman said to get me anything i want." I'm taking advantage of that, i don't know the next time he'll let me go out.

"Because, i can make the rules when i think someone's had too much to drink." He uses the towel to wipe up the stuff that i spilt and then walks away.

I roll my eyes, turning to lean against the bar as i watch everyone dance. God i love doing normal teenage things, like watching people kill other people is cool and all but normal things is better.

The alcohol starts to kick in after i take the shots, the room spins for a minute and i have to close me eyes to steady myself, even though i'm sitting.

Hands wrap around my waist and when i open my eyes again, the same guy back dancing with us was touching me, "Hello." He smiles.

"Do you not take no for an answer?" I pull his arms away from me, "My husband will kill you if you do that again."

"Your husband isn't here, is he?" He smirks.

"It will take him two seconds to get here." I smile falsely, "Now go, before i get one of my bodyguards to whoop your ass."

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