42. Roman

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I have to hold back anger, tears and keep a poker face as Aaron breaks the fingers on Arabella's hand. She screams, crying as the pain washes over her.

I look away from her for two seconds and then look back at the sadistic prick doing it to her.

I need to pretend i don't care. That's the only way he'll stop hurting her. The only reasons she's getting tortured is because Aaron has problems with me, and he thinks hurting her is going to break me.

It is breaking me. With every finger he's broken so far i've felt my heart pinch. Her cries make me breathless.

But i can't show that.

I didn't come in here without a plan, of course i know what i need to do.

Aaron looks to me for a reaction, i keep blankly looking at Arabella. Her face going red, eyes watering and full of tears.

I am never going to let Aaron die as long as i live. Every single fucking day i am going to make his life a living hell.

"You don't even care that i'm hurting her?" Aaron shakes his head.

"She's an inconvenience in my life, i wouldn't care if she died." I spit out the words. Hell would break loose if she died, i'd be the one to release it.

I could tell my words hurt her, they're not true.

"Arabella how could you leave me for such a horrible man? I would never do that to you." He falls to his knees again, holding her face in his hands, she was shaking, scared as he touched her.

"Answer me, darling. I would give you everything you want. Kids, money-"

"I would never marry anybody like you." She spits out, "Ever."

Aaron didn't like that and slapped her around the face. "I'm better than him!"

"You're fucking delusional." She cries. "I don't know what my papa promised you-"

"He promised me you, said you were mine. You were mine from the age of thirteen. He promised you to me." Aaron says, he's manic. "And you marry another man!"

"My papa made me marry him!" She shouts back, "If i had it my way i wouldn't marry any of you psychotic fucks."

Fair enough. I deserves that.

Aaron looks at me, i look back at him with a bored expression. "Just get rid of her man. She's not that good bed, too needy, cries an awful lot and spends a lot of money."

She looked offended at that. Yeah, she's a fucking goddess in bed.

Aaron has some mental problems, or he's just stupidly fucking gullible. He looks at me, "She's not good in bed?"

"No. She didn't even know how to ride me man. And she gets tired in five minutes." I keep my eyes on his. "And too jealous, i can't fuck other people without her nagging at me but she can fuck my friends?"

Aaron looked back at Arabella, "Whore."

She looked down, ashamed. I don't mean any of that. Especially not the friend part.

"Tell me about it." I scoff.

"What else is she like?" He sits on the floor in front of me.

"She's demanding, messy- her room is a shit hole. She talks too much. Have her if you want, you'd be doing me a favour."

He stands up again, looking at Arabella before leaving us both, slamming the door.

"Fuck. You." She croaks.

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