79. Arabella

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I stare at Luca and Asher in the bed, arms wrapped around each other, Luca's head on Asher's chest.

I ended up on Asher's side, i don't know how that happened.

But they're literally cuddling. It's so cute.

I grab my phone, taking a few pictures of them before walking into the bathroom to wash my face. My skins breaking out so bad, i hate it. I usually find acne attractive on people but when i get acne i look disgusting.

I couldn't be bothered showering so i just change and then walk out, Asher's nose was now muzzled i'm Luca's hair.

I couldn't help but smile, that's so fucking cute.

The door handle catches my eye and it turns, then the door open and Roman walks in. The smile that took over his face when he seen his two friends cuddling was massive.

"How long have they been like that for?" He pulls his phone out of his pocket, the same idea i had.

"Since night." I pull a pair of socks on, still looking at them.

"I'll take you to your doctors appointment." Roman looks at me.

"Doctors appointment?"

"I booked one for you. You don't get a say in the matter, you're coming." He claps loudly, the two guys eyes opening.

Asher pushes Luca off him immediately, "What the fuck bro." He freaks out. Luca slipping and falling off the bed

Luca groans, "Fucking hell." He groans.

"Hate to break your little cuddle session but Arabella's appointments in an hour."

"Why were you hugging me?" Asher says to Luca, completely ignoring Roman.

"You were wrapped around me dude!" Luca says form the floor.

"You we're both wrapped around each other." I input.

Luca looks at me from the floor, "You're evil, princess."

"It was cute." I shrug.

"Very cute and cuddley. We're leaving in twenty minutes." Roman grabs my hand, dragging me out of the bedroom. "How are you feeling?" He asks, the faint sound of Asher and Luca arguing in the background.


"My love, don't lie." He walks me into the kitchen. "Tell me how you are."

I don't even know. Ever since Asher got fucking kidnapped i've been on edge. Worried sick. Especially about them. Every time one of them leaves i get this sick feeling in my stomach that they're not going to come back.

"It... Just... i don't know, it's just anxiety or something." I push myself up onto a stool.

He places a bowl in front of me, "About what?" He starts pouring me some cereal, then tops it with milk and adds a spoon.

I stir the cereal around in the milk, "You guys. When you leave, or don't come back for a while, i get scared you're never going to come back."

He nods his head, sitting beside me, taking the spoon off me. "I'll always come back."

"You're not invincible, blondie."

"I am." He jokes.

But it's not funny. It's not something he should be joking about. It makes me so sad.

He holds the spoon to my lips but i move my head away. "Arabella." He clears his throat.

"It's not funny. Don't make jokes about that stuff." I feel my tears start to gloss my eyes. "You guys always make jokes and i hate it."

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